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Appendix III) Fact View Rename Submissions
Randy Yee edited this page Aug 24, 2020
1 revision
- OLAF (OnLine Analytical Frozen dataset)
- Variance - We're collecting a pelthora of data on a wide range of HIV related areas, from testing and prevalence to expenditures and site quality. A number, on its own, is a meaningless point on a graph. The only way to determine whether is good or bad, high or low, in line or an anomaly is to compare it to other data point. Only when we compare this data point against its cluster can we make any inferences about that singular point, whether it be a trend in an indicator, a result against its target, or expenditure across partners. In short, we need to understand the variance between the point and it's comparisons to make any decisions. To help countries, TWGs, agencies and analyst analyze their data, we have created the ICPI Variance Dataset.
- The Silent C Dataset [PRIME inspired]
- Data McDataface (DMD for short) - It's a global phenomenon
- FRAME (FRozen Analytic Mess for Exploration)- The factview provides the frame for which we build our analysis. It is the foundation and the structure around which tool are built.
- HUPQ (Harmonizing Understanding for Performance and Quality)- it makes me laugh, and considering the amount of time we spend with the data I think it should have a human quality
- PATH (Performance Accountability Through Harmonization)- I think it sounds mostly pleasant
- DEFY - Data made Easy For You
- Insight - These optimally structured data sets allow us to access an incredible amount of information. With them, we discern patterns and variation, and check our progress with our partners. With them, we make informed decisions to stay or change the course. Without them, we'd be living in the dark.
- MIVA – MER Indicator Variance Analysis
- Elsa Dataset – Because it’s FROZEN….get it?
- DFAD – DATIM Frozen Analytic Dataset
- Pi (Program Improvement) datasets
- Standard Analytic Dataset for Programs (SAD-P, sadpee)
- CDAP: Country driven analytics for Program Improvement
- General Analytic Datasets (GAD)
- SCAdR: Systemized Country Analytic Datasets for Review
- Data for Epidemic Control DEC pronounced deck
- Data for Epidemic Control File DECly pronounced deck-ify
- PEPFAR Data for Epidemic Control PDEC pronounced P-deck
- PEPFAR Data for Epidemic Control File PDEC pronounced P-deck-ify
- IMaGE (Implementing Mechanism and GEography) datasets. This one describes the basic structure of the datasets like PSNU x IM, site x IM. “Image” also has triple meaning here: in informatics, an “image” of a machine or system is a frozen backup of the total data at a given point in time. “Image” also alludes to the visual nature of the outputs that ICPI tools aim to create.
- PANDA (PEPFAR ANalytic DAtasets) or PANDA-CUB (PEPFAR analytic datasets Configured/Calculated [to be] UnBreakable). Generic name for PEPFAR data that doesn’t imply a specific format or content. It’s snappy, and cartoon Pandas would make an adorable ICPI mascot. DIV branding team?
- LEFT (Long-except-for-time), or the slightly snappier but less accurate “LEFT HAND” (long-except-for-time Headquarters ANalytic Datasets). Short and to-the-point description of the data format. The data are “left” in DATIM by country teams, then after the DAQ processing and calculation steps we are “left” with QC’ed standardized datasets, which are then “left” on the ICPI data store on PEPFAR sharepoint for users to create tools and analyses. Right?
- D3: Disaggregated Data for Decision-making
- REACH: REsults and ACHievements
- TRIPs: Targets and Results for Improved ProgramS