Install OMPL (tested with 1.6)
Install Crocodyll
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/robotpkg.list << EOF deb [arch=amd64] http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/packages/debian/pub $(lsb_release -sc) robotpkg EOF curl http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/packages/debian/robotpkg.key | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt update sudo apt install robotpkg-py310-crocoddyl -y
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/openrobots/"
make -j
cd examples/2cfs_pointmass
mkdir stats/
touch ompl_stats.yaml
cd ../../build
./nUavsPayloadPlanner --input ../examples/2cfs_pointmass/2cfs_pointmass.yaml --output output.yaml --stats ../examples/2cfs_pointmass/stats/ompl_stats.yaml
- you can run it using the commands above or for maze, forest and empty:
cd tests/
./maze 0 3
./forest 3 4
./empty 5 8
- The first argument is the experiment number (you can have multiple experiments to compare).
- The second argument is the number of uavs. Now we support from 3 uavs to 8.
- If you want to run any of the other tests you do not need any arguments (i.e., it is only needed for the scenarios):
cd tests/ ./2cfs_payload ./3cfs_payload ./3cfs_pointmass
python3 ../scripts/visualize.py output.yaml pointmass
- For different payloads: currently we support: rod, cuboid, triangle and pointmass.
cd tests/
python3 ../scripts/plot.py output.yaml
cd scripts/
python3 compute_stats.py
- To change configuration, check
. Three scenarios (the configs are in examples folder) are provided: empty, maze and forest. All of them have the same config parameters (i.e., runs, rangeofRobots: which number of robots to include) except forest, has some extra ones like the number of Obstacles, [min_env, max_env]: the minimum and maximum space where the random obstacles can be. - The stats for the latest run is found inside
- The output of each run to visualize can be found inside examples/forest/stats/run3
- The script generates a dict output:
. - For the forest example, we provide a random generation obstacles script `compute_obs.py, that generates and visualizes obstacles.yaml.
- In case the obstacles.yaml is a good example rename the file to obstacles_final.yaml.
cp -a obstacles.yaml obstacles_final.yaml
- Otherwise, the compute_stats.py will complain about not finding the
- To visualize any result, choose scenario and which run and which number of robots (i.e., output6.yaml means for 6 robots, output3.yaml, 3 robots and so on):
cd scripts
python3 visualize.py ../examples/maze/run4/output6.yaml triangle
deps/dynoplan/main_optimization --env_file ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/envs/unicycle2_v0/parallelpark_0.yaml --models_base_path ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/models/ --init_file ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/data/unicycle2_0_parallelark_guess_0.yaml --results_file opt.yaml
python3 ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/utils/viewer/viewer_cli.py --robot unicycle1 --env ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/envs/unicycle2_v0/parallelpark_0.yaml --result opt.yaml.trajopt.yaml -i
python3 ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/utils/viewer/viewer_cli.py --robot acrobot --env ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/envs/acrobot_v0/swing_up_empty.yaml --result ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/envs/acrobot_v0/trajectories/swing_up_empty_init_guess.yaml -i
deps/dynoplan/main_optimization --env_file ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/envs/quad2dpole_v0/test.yaml --models_base_path ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/models/ --init_file ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/envs/quad2dpole_v0/down/idbastar_v0_db_solution_v0.yaml --results_file opt.yaml
python3 ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/utils/viewer/viewer_cli.py --robot quad2dpole --env ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/envs/quad2dpole_v0/test.yaml --result opt.yaml.trajopt.yaml -i
python3 ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/utils/viewer/viewer_cli.py --robot quad2dpole --env ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/envs/quad2dpole_v0/test.yaml --result ../deps/dynoplan/dynobench/envs/quad2dpole_v0/down/idbastar_v0_db_solution_v0.yaml -i