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Input Group Specification

IvayloG edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 5 revisions

Input Group Specification


  1. Overview
  2. User Stories
  3. Functionality
  4. ARIA support
  5. Assumptions and Limitations
  6. References


Provides implementation of a simple common case, yet customisable input fields.


  • As a citizen developer, I want to add an input of different HTML input types(date, datetime-local, email, month, number, password, search, tel, text, time, url, week) so that the user can enter different information in the app.
  • As a developer, I want to add a single-line input, so that the user has an example of the input needed.
  • As a developer, I want to add a label (floating-animated, fixed), so that the user would know what to enter.
  • As a developer, I want to add a placeholder, so that the user has an example of the input needed. A placeholder can be used without or with a fixed label.
  • As a developer, I want to add a hint (left or/and right aligned), so that the user would have more details and updates (hints/errors) about this field. The hint text can contain text or/and icons.
  • As a developer, I want to add a line input or/and text-field box, so that the user would know where to enter the text.
  • As a developer, I want to add a required* input, so that the user wouldn’t miss those fields.
  • As a developer, I want to add a prefix and suffix, so that I can make a compound input.
  • As a developer, I want to have states and corresponding material design styles (enabled: idle & empty, hover, press, focus, idle & filled, error, disabled, read-only, valid/invalid, empty/filled )applied the entire input’s elements (divider, label, placeholder, hint text, line, field-box) so that the user would know the state they are in.
  • As a developer, I want to timely inform the user about the input state through the hint text.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to make the prefix and suffix actionable, so that the user can further interact with it.
  • As a developer, I want to implement a multi-line input(textarea), so that the user can enter multiple lines of text.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to add more properties and customize the input in terms of: max-min (length) values, read-only, add patterns so that I can adjust it to my needs.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set the Input Group type globally using an InputGroupToken, so that components that use it internally use the globally set one.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to override a globally set Input Group type value on a component level, setting the type input property in the component explicitly.

End user:

  • As an end user, I want enter characters in field, so that I can have custom values in the application.
  • As an end user, I want to have visual indicator such as bottom-line, box outline, or border outline, so that I will know where I can enter the characters.
  • As an end user, I want to have states, so that I know how to interact with the input group.
  • As an end user, I want to have a label, so that I can specify a label for the input. I want the label to have the corresponding properties to my needs(floating or fixed).
  • As an end user, I want to have a hint area, so that I get updates about my input such as counters, error/success messages, etc. I want the hint content to be aligned to the left and/or to the right accordingly.
  • As an end user, I want to have an asterisk glyph in the label, so that I would know that the input is required.
  • As an end user, I want to have prefix and/or suffix in the input, so that I would have more context.
  • As an end user, I want to have the prefix and/or suffix actionable in the input, so that I can perform quick action on the input (example: clear input suffix icon).
  • As an end user, I want to be able to add multiple lines of text in the input. I want to be able to resize my input so that I can reveal the entire text or hide parts of it.

Acceptance criteria

  1. Have input that is focus-able.
  2. Handle events like blur and focus.
  3. Have input that provides a way to type characters.
  4. Have prefix**/-input/**-suffix options.
  5. Provide label, hint text, placeholder.
  6. Corresponding styles, animations and interactions (as per the material design guidelines). ...

An input is a text field where users enter specific information of different types. The inputs can be validated. Hints, placeholders, and visual states can be updated accordingly upon string input/interaction and data can be submitted.

Always include visual mock-up**

3.1. End User Experience

3.2. Developer Experience

3.3. Globalization/Localization

Describe any special localization requirements such as the number of localizable strings, regional formats

3.4. User Interface

Include a diagram linking the elements with the visual representation of the feature

3.5. Navigation

3.6. API


Name Description Type Default value
defaultClass Gets/Sets the autogenerated class of the IgxInputGroupComponent boolean false
disabled Gets/Sets if the input is disabled boolean false
element An ElementRef property of the IgxInputGroupComponent ElementRef -
id Gets/Sets the value of id attribute string igx-input-group-0
type Gets/Sets how the input will be styled string line
supressInputAutofocus Gets/Sets if input element will not automatically focus on click string line


Name Description Type Default value
displayDensity Returns the theme of the component DisplayDensity string
hasBorder Returns whether the component has border boolean -
hasHints Returns whether the component has hints boolean -
isTypeBorder Returns whether the component type is border boolean false
isTypeBootstrap Returns whether the component type is bootstrap boolean false
isTypeBox Returns whether the component type is box boolean false
isTypeFluent Returns whether the component type is fluent boolean false
isTypeFluentSearch Returns whether the component type is fluentSearch boolean false
isTypeLine Returns whether the component type is line boolean true
isTypeSearch Returns whether the component type is search boolean false

Specify only if applicable

Assumptions Limitation Notes

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