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Aimbot automatically moves your crosshair towards a targeted entity. Not to be confused with BowAimbot.

Setting Options Description
Walls on/off Targets entities through walls
Safe on/off Targets aura when you respawn
Teammates on/off Targets teammates
Invisible on/off Targets invisible players
Sleeping on/off Targets sleeping players
Friends on/off Targets players on your friends list
Player on/off Targets players
Hostile on/off Targets hostile mobs
Passive on/off Targets passive mobs
Range 2.0-6.0 Maximum distance from an entity to the player for ignite to target it (default: 4.25)
FOV 10-360.0 How close an entity has to be to the crosshair to be targeted (default 360)
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind key The key to toggle Aimbot

Auto Armor

Auto Armor will automatically equip armor in your inventory.

Setting Options Description
Delay 0-1000 Armor equip delay (in ticks, seconds??) Default: 0
Auto Replace on/off Whether or not to replace current armor with better armor
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> The key to toggle Auto Armor

Anti Bot

Prevents targeting bots

Setting Options Description
Mode AAC/Hypixel/Packet The Anti-Cheat type
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> The key to toggle Anti Bot

Auto Clicker

Automatically clicks for you

Setting Options Description
Sword on/off Only Auto-click while holding a sword
Jitter on/off Simulates jitter-clicking
Hold on/off Mouse must be held down for auto-clicking to happen
Item Use on/off Allows Auto-Click to work while using an item
Hit Delay on/off Use 1.9 style attack delay
TPS Sync on/off Sync the hit delay with the server TPS
TriggerBot on/off AutoClick when looking at enemies
Keybind <key> The key to toggle Autoclicker

Auto Totem

Automatically put T.O.U.s in your offhand

Setting Options Description
Counter on/off Show number of totems in your module list
Smart on/off Equip totem when at risk of death (buggy)
Visible on/off Show in HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> Key to activate Auto Totem

Auto Weapon

Automatically sets the best weapon to your hand when you attack an entity

Setting Options Description
Visible on/off Show in HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> Key to activate Auto Totem

Bow Aimbot

Aims at target entity with a bow

Setting Options Description
Teammates on/off Targets teammates
Invisible on/off Targets invisible players
Sleeping on/off Targets sleeping players
Friends on/off Targets players on your friends list
Player ``on/off` Targets players
Hostile on/off Targets hostile mobs
Passive on/off Targets passive mobs
FOV 10-360.0 How close an entity has to be to the crosshair to be targeted (default: 360)
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> The key to toggle Aimbot


Increases the chance of critical hits

Setting Options Description
mode Packet/Jump/mini Jump Packet sends the critical packet to the server to trick it into believing you, Jump makes you jump whenever you attack to naturally get a critical and Mini jump makes you only jump part of a block to get the same effect (default: Packet)
Particles on/off toggles if it renders the critical particles or not
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> The key to toggle Aimbot

Crystal Aura

Automatically destroys (and/or places them before) End Crystals next to the player (crystal PvP).

Setting Options Description
APS 5-20 Amount of attacks inflicted each second (default: 12)
Placement on/off Enables switching to, placing and subsequently destroying Crystals automatically when a target is in range
Range 2-6 Distance targets will be attacked from (default: 4.5)
FOV 10-360 'Field of View' (angle) that entities must be in to be targeted. (eg. 180 and entities behind the player will not be targeted) (def: 360)
Suicide Avoid/Place/Commit How Crystals that could kill you will be handled, Avoid will not do anything that could kill you, Place will place dangerous Crystals but not explode them, Commit will place and destroy Crystals that can kill you.
Draw Outline colors Place color determines the color shown as wireframe around block a Crystal will be placed on. Trigger color determines color of Crystals that will be set off.
Anti Weakness on/off Uses sword to set off Crystals if the player has the "weakness" debuff
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> The key to toggle Crystal Aura


HitBox increases the size of the hitbox of all entities

Setting Options Description
Debug Boxes on/off Shows the expanded hitboxes with the F3 + B debug command
Size Increase -1-+1 The amount to increase the size of the hitbox by (seperate toggle/slider for passives, hostiles and players)
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> The key to toggle HitBox


Uses baritone pathing to track and follow entities automatically, best with Killaura.

Setting Options Description
Teammates on/off Targets teammates
Invisible on/off Targets invisible entities
Sleeping on/off Targets sleeping entities
Friends on/off Targets players tagged as friends
Player on/off Targets players
Hostile on/off Targets hostile entities
Passive on/off Targets passive entities
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> Set a key to toggle Hunt


Auto-attacks entities withing melee range.

Setting Options Description
Mode Single/Switch/Multi/Tick/Delay Mode the KA operates in. Single just spams fast, single attacks to a single close entity (APS). Switch will switch between mutliple entities, if there is more than one in range(also APS, has extra drop down menu option Switch Timer to change frequency of target switching). Multi will attack multiple entities in range at the same time (still APS). Tick synchronizes hits with the tickrate. Delay uses 1.9+ combat functionality and swings at the perfect time for maximum damage.
Priority Distance/Smart/Health/Crosshair` Decides how targets are prioritized when within range (four choices). Distance will prioritize the closest target. Health will prioritize the target with the lowest HP. Crosshair prioritizes the entity closest to the crosshair. Smart picks the most practical target.
Walls on/off Enables attacking entities through walls
RayTrace on/off Ray Traces to the entity to see if they collide
Immune on/off Checks if the target is immune to damage
TPS Sync on/off Synchronizes hit delay with TPS of the server
Block on/off Automatically blocks between swings to reduce damage taken
Safe on/off Automatically disables KA when you respawn
NoSwing on/off Disables hand/sword swing-animation client side
Lock View on/off Syncs client-side view angle to the server angle. Can help with certain anticheat.
Teammates on/off Targets teammates
Invisible on/off Targets invisible entities
Sleeping on/off Targets sleeping entities
Friends on/off Targets friend tagged entities
Player on/off Targets players
Hostile on/off Targets hostile entities
Passive on/off Targets passive entities
APS 1-20 Attacks inflicted each second in APS modes (default: 12)
APS Deviation 0.0-5.0 Adds deviation to the base APS (default: 0)
Range 2-6 Distance targets will be attacked from (default: 4.5)
FOV 10-360 'Field of View' (angle) that entities must be in to be targeted. (eg. 180 and entities behind the player will not be targeted;default: 360)
Random Yaw 0.0-30.0 Random yaw value added onto the regular angles (default: 0)
Random Pitch 0.0-30.0 Random pitch value added onto the regular angles (default: 0)
Alive Ticks 0-180 Sets value for how many ticks an entity has to be alive for ( after spawning, not being in melee-range) until it gets targetable by KA. (default: 0)
Hit Chance 0-1 Sets the chance of swings being successfully hit (as a decimal) (default: 1)
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> Set a key to toggle KA


Swaps to a potion in your hotbar and throws it.

Setting Options Description
Speed 30-100 The speed at which items are swapped (default: 50)
Random 0-40 Random value added to switch delay (default: 0)
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> Set a key to toggle Pot


More "legit" form of Aimbot, making crosshair travel to target less snappy and instant.

Setting Options Description
Teammates on/off Whether or not to target teammates
Safe on/off Automatically disables SA when you respawn
Invisible on/off Targets invisible entities
Sleeping on/off Targets sleeping entities
Friends on/off Targets friend tagged entities
Player on/off Targets players
Hostile on/off Targets hostile entities
Passive on/off Targets passive entities
SideButton on/off Only activates when mouse's side button is held down
Range 2-8 Range at which SA starts aiming at (default: 5)
FOV 0-360 "Field of view" in which SA will start aiming at entities (default: 125)
Random speed 0-1000 slider
Width Random 0.1-2 Values >1 will aim outside the hitbox, the higher the value the less legit it looks. (default: 1.25)
Height Random 0.1-2 Values >1 will aim outside the hitbox, the higher the value the less legit it looks. (default: 2.0 )
Speed 0.75-1.75 Speed at which the crosshair moves onto targets (default: 1.5)
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> Set a key to toggle SA


Swaps to a Soup in the hotbar and drinks it.

Setting Options Description
Health 1-10 Health required for soup to be enableable (default: 8)
Speed 30-100 The speed at which items are swapped (default: 60)
Random 0-40 Random value added to switch delay (default: 20)
Visible on/off Show in the HUD array list when enabled
Keybind <key> Key

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