Package ''ihop'' is a ray-trace code, for calculating acoustics. The package should interact with the MITgcm kernel on various levels (initialisation, time-stepping, post-processing).
Development is up to date with MITgcm checkpoint68s
It starts with taking hydrography at a single time-step along a track and calculates arrival times. Lastly, it outputs the travel time and ray angle as diagnostics.
ADD useIHOP to PARAMS.h in the code modifications to use this package
Package is dependent on the following packages:
- cal for storing times of sound transmissions
- cost for aggregation of acoustic cost function contributions
For input, you will be asked to generate range points along a 2D plane between
a source and receiver. The number of range points can vary from 2 to N. The
position of a receiver must be contained within the ranges specified, e.g.
ihop_rr < ihop_ranges(N) - <step size>
. In general, the step size is 10% the
maximum ocean depth defined in your .bty
file. It's recommended to place an
point at the recevier lat, lon position.
- PYTHON: add simple input file generation
- FORTRAN77: add simple verification problem
- PYTHON: add synthetic observation data file generation