Releases: IvanaEscobar/ihop
Releases · IvanaEscobar/ihop
ihop v0.4
- separated
components between fixed and variable parameters
for compiling hybrid code
ihop v0.3
- New option for running with eigenrays AND arrival information as output
- Reduce output of ray paths to only store eigenrays
Can now set ihop_runopt= 'e'
for reduced output sizes in data.ihop
ihop v0.2
ihop can now:
- generate an evolving time series of ihop acoustics within a single gcm run
- provide iterations where user wants acoustics, and the output will be writing in user's run directory
ihop v0.1
ihop works for:
- baroclinic_gyre with and without MPI
- llc540 regional model with and without MPI
- on Mac OSX 13.6 with gfortran
- on Linux with ifort and gfortran