Bioinformatic pipline utiliced in: Pennance, T., Calvelo, J., Tennessen, J.A. et al. The genome and transcriptome of the snail Biomphalaria sudanica s.l.: immune gene diversification and highly polymorphic genomic regions in an important African vector of Schistosoma mansoni. BMC Genomics 25, 192 (2024).
The script is subdevided into several blocks of analysis and/or file preparation in order to facilitate re-runs. Which blocks are ran at a time can be controlled by setting to true variables located from lines 7 to 52 (all written in all caps). Other important variables for the run are located betwee lines 59 to 113. Some will be discussed now while others more specific will be mentioned as they become relevant. Input files that are not third party databeses are included in: Other_Input_Files
- species_name: Name for the species being annotated
- genome_file: Full path to the genome assembly in fasta format. Data available on Bioproject: PRJNA1041389
- work_dir: Full path to the working directory (needs to exists
- threads: Number of computer cores available for the analysis. Used whenever possible.
Setting this variable to TRUE will remove all previous runs. Use only to start from a clean state:
- NA
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will run the earlGrey pipeline for repeat annotation
- earlgrey_instalation: Full path to EarlGrey
Generates a custom summary of EarlGrey results
- NA
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will run will retrieve full sequenced isoforms from the PACBIO CSS reads based on the presence of 5' and 3' isoforms Setting CLEAN_PACBIO_READS_RM_TM to TRUE will also remove intermediary files.
- lima (
- isoseq3 (
- bam2fastq (
- seqkit (
- raw_pacbio_reads: Full path to the PACBIO CCS reads file (BAM Format). Data available on the Bioproject: PRJNA1041389
- pacbio_primers: Full path to a file with the adapter sequences of the PACBIO CCS readss in FASTA Format. File: Pacbio_adapters.fasta
Setting this variable to TRUE will remove adapter sequences and low quality bases from the paired end Illumina reads using trimmomatic (SLIDINGWINDOW:5:20 MINLEN:25)
- trimmomatic (
- seqkit (
- raw_illumina_reads_dir: Full path to the folder with the Illumina read files. Data available on the Bioproject: PRJNA1041389
- raw_illumina_1: Identifier for the Left reads, located at the end of the file
- raw_illumina_2: Identifier for the Left reads, located at the end of the file
- Illumina_adapters: Full path to a fasta file with Illumina adapters. File TruSeq3-PE-2.fa, included as trimmomatic's installation. Note: Sample names are identified running the comand: ls $raw_illumina_reads_dir"/"$raw_illumina_1 | sed "s/.///" | sed "s/$raw_illumina_1//"
Setting this variable to TRUE will map the PACBIO reads to the genome
- minimap2 (
- samtools (
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will map the Illuimina reads to the genome
- star_index_num: Value recomended for the genome assembly size for --genomeChrBinNbits and --genomeSAindexNbases
Setting this variable to TRUE will combine the read mappings of Illumina and PACBIO reads to annotate the genome using Stringtie v2.2 Earlier versions of stringtie will not work
- stringtie (
- gffread (
- NA
Note: This block has the function kill_fai that will remove any index file of the genome that could cause problems with gffread Command: rm $genome_file".fai"
Setting this variable to TRUE will try to identify the mitochondrial genome in the genome assembly based on blast searches against known mitochondrial gene sequences of other biomphalaria. Setting FIND_MITOCHONDRIA_RM_TM to TRUE will also remove intermediary files.
- mito_genes: Full path to a fasta file with known mitochondrial genes. File: Mitochondria_Coding_genes.fa
Note: Other blocks working with the mitochondria will assume that it's sequence was retrieved and annotated by means not included on this pipeline.
Setting this variable to TRUE will map PACBIO reads to the mitochondrial genome and count reads asigned to the different features.
- minimap2 (
- samtools (
- htseq-count (
- mito_genome: Full path to a fasta file with the conting/scaffold with the mitochondrial genome. File: Mitocondrial_genome.fa
- mito_gff: Full path to a GFF file with annotated mitochondrial genome. File: Mitocondrial_htseq.gff
Setting this variable to TRUE will map paired Illumina reads to the mitochondrial genome and count reads asigned to the different features.
- STAR (
- samtools (
- htseq-count (
- mito_genome: Full path to a fasta file with the conting/scaffold with the mitochondrial genome. File: Mitocondrial_genome.fa
- mito_htseq_illumina_gff: Full path to a GFF file with annotated mitochondrial genome (modified for convinience). File: Mitocondrial_htseq_Illumina.gff
Note: For convininence mito_htseq_illumina_gff has every feature identidied as a "gene" (third column of the gff) to better identify reads that overlap different features.
Setting this variable to TRUE will run the same analysis than MAP_MITOCHONDRIA_PACBIO but over a genome file with a different origin coordinate
- minimap2 (
- samtools (
- htseq-count (
- new_ori_genome: Full path to a fasta file with the conting/scaffold with the mitochondrial genome. File: Mitocondrial_New_Origin_genome.fasta
- new_ori_gff: Full path to a GFF file with annotated mitochondrial genome. File: Mitocondrial_Mito_New_Origin_Htseq.gff
Note: This was done for quality control
Setting this variable to TRUE will run the same analysis than MAP_MITOCHONDRIA_ILLUMINA but over a genome file with a different origin coordinate
- STAR (
- samtools (
- htseq-count (
- new_ori_genome: Full path to a fasta file with the conting/scaffold with the mitochondrial genome. File: Mitocondrial_New_Origin_genome.fasta
- new_ori_htseq_illumina_gff: Full path to a GFF file with annotated mitochondrial genome. File: Mitocondrial_Mito_New_Origin_Htseq.gff
Note: This was done for quality control
Setting this variable to TRUE will run the first half of Transdecoder pipeline for the identification of ORFs in the transcriptome predicted with STRINGTIE_TRANS
- Transdecoder (
- BLAST+ (
- hmmer (
- uniprot: Full path to a fasta file to reference proteins from Uniprot's Swiss-Prot database. Check main manuscript for details.
- transdecoder_evalue: Cut-off evalue used on the blastp search between the predicted proteins by TransDecoder.LongOrfs and the Uniprot reference
- pfam: Full path to hmmer frofiles from Pfam-A. Check manuscript for details.
- exclude_mitochondria: ID of the contig or scaffold that contains the mitochondrial genome. Any transcript assigned to it will not be analysed by trans-decoder
Setting this variable to TRUE will run the second half of Transdecoder pipeline for the identification of ORFs in the transcriptome predicted with STRINGTIE_TRANS
- Transdecoder (
- gffread (
- NA Note: This block has the function kill_fai that will remove any index file of the genome that could cause problems with gffread Command: rm $genome_file".fai" In addition it will remove temporary files in the working directory generated by TransDecoder.Predict and move the output with the commands: rm pipeliner.* mv PolyA_Transcripts_work* $work_dir"/TransDecoder/Predict"
Setting this variable to TRUE will evaluate how complete are the genome assembly and the predicted transcriptome and proteome using BUSCO (-l mollusca). Which of the three is to be run can be adjusted with variables: BUSCO_GENOME, BUSCO_RNA and BUSCO_PROT_ALL
- Busco (
Setting this variable to TRUE will annotate the predicted proteins by identifying protein domain signatures
- interproscan (
- interprot_path: Full path to the folder of the Interpro installation
Setting this variable to TRUE will assign GO terms to the predicted proteins using eggnog mapper
- eggnog_data: Full path to the folder with eggnog-mapper reference data
Setting this variable to TRUE will identify tRNA loci in the genome
- tRNAscan-SE (
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will identify rRNA loci in the genome
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will identify signal peptides and mitochondrial taegeting peptides among the predicted proteins
- signalp6 (
- targetP (
- targetp_file. Full path to the TargetP installation folder
Setting this variable to TRUE will search for additional secreted proteins using SecretomeP
- seqkit (
- secretomeP (
- secretomep: full path for the secretomep folder instalation.
Setting this variable to TRUE will reformat SecretomeP output in line with the rest of the pipeline
- NA
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will run DeepTMHMM and identify transmembrane domains on the predicted proteins.
- DeepTMHMM (
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will reformat DeepTMHMM results, combine them with SEARCH_SIGNALS and SEARCH_SECRETOMEP and do a tentative clasification on the protein based on the presense/absence of signal peptides and transmembrane results.
- DeepTMHMM (
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will identify IgSF domains based on custom hmmer profiles.
- seqkit (
- hmmer (
- igsf_hmmer_profile: Full path to a file with custom IgsF domains (IgSF1 and IgSF2). Originally designed in: File Bg_IgSF.hmm
Setting this variable to TRUE will prepare the input files to run Orthofinder. It requires the specification of several folders with input data. The longest reported isoform of each nuclear gene will be selected.
- Emboss (
- BLAST+ (
- seqkit (
- orthofinder_folder: Full path of the folder where the Orthofinder is going to be run
- other_species_orthofinder: Full path to a folder with the cDNA where the Orthofinder is going to be run. Files inside must contain their cDNA and end in ".cds"
- other_species_mitochondria: Full path to a file with mitochondrial sequences of the target species. File Other_Species_Mitochondria.fasta
- dash_ids: List separated by white species where Isoforms IDs fields are separated by "-" instead of "."
Setting this variable to TRUE will run Orthofinder with default parameters
- Orthofinder (
- orthofinder_folder: Full path of the folder where the Orthofinder is going to be run
Setting this variable to TRUE will run EGGNOG for all sequences anlaysed by Orthofinder
- eggnog-mapper (
- seqkit (
- orthofinder_folder: Full path of the folder where the Orthofinder is going to be run
- eggnog_data: Full path to the folder with eggnog-mapper reference data
Setting this variable to TRUE will reformat ORTHOFINDER_EGGNOG and asign go terms to each HOG by assuming that if a GO term was assigned to one member it applies to the entire group.
- NA
- orthofinder_folder: Full path of the folder where the Orthofinder is going to be run
Setting this variable to TRUE will identify candidates members of the CREP, FREP, GREP and other related proteins based on the absence or presence of protein domains. And BLAST hits to known members these protein families.
- seqkit (
- BLAST+ (
- crep_frep_grep_blast_ident: Identity cutoff for the BLAST search against known members of these families.
- FBD_signatures: List separated by white spaces of interpro signatures associated with FBD domains
- C_lectin_signatures: List separated by white spaces of interpro signatures associated with c-lectin domains
- Galectin_signatures: List separated by white spaces of interpro signatures associated with galectin domains
- EGF_signatures_signatures: List separated by white spaces of interpro signatures associated with EGF domains
- Inmunoglobulin_signatures: List separated by white spaces of interpro signatures associated with Inmunoglobulin domains
- Dheilly_CREP_prot: Fasta file with reference CREP sequences taken from (doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2014.10.009). File: Dheilly_etal_2015_CREP.fa
- Dheilly_FREP_prot: Fasta file with reference FREP sequences taken from (doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2014.10.009). File: Dheilly_etal_2015_FREP.fa
- Dheilly_GREP_prot: Fasta file with reference GREP sequences taken from (doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2014.10.009). File:Dheilly_etal_2015_GREP.fa
- Lu_FREP_prot: Fasta file with reference FREP sequences taken from (
Note1: See main manuscript for the full description of the selecction procedure. Some of the sources of evidence were carried out as diagnostics. Note2: The initial classification was then revised manually in a case by case.
Setting this variable to TRUE will align CREP and FREP sequences, trim them automatically and callculate their phylogenetic relationships with iqtree. All sequences identified as Full will be included, with the exclusion of ones specified on a file (exclude_seq_manual)
- seqkit (
- Trimal (
- iqtree (
- exclude_seq_manual: Full path to a file with protein ids manually removed. File Exclude_CREP_FREP_GREP.txt
Setting this variable to TRUE will summirize the results in a table
- NA
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will generate all input files for CAFE, from Orthofinder's results
- (one of orthofinde's utility scripts
- orthofinder_folder: Full path of the folder where the Orthofinder is going to be run
- mini_ortho_min_Nspe: Minimun number of genes in the HOG to be considered.
- ultrametic_tree_root_age: Age of the tree's root in Million years
Setting this variable to TRUE will conduct test runs for CAFE within a range of parameters and repetitions, or until one of them fails to compute.
- orthofinder_folder: Full path of the folder where the Orthofinder is going to be run
- end_kvalue: maximun number of K to test
- max_cafe_runs_perK: Maximun number of repetitions per K to conduct
- max_number_iterations: Makimun number of itterations done by CAFE5
Setting this variable to TRUE will conduct one final run of CAFE5 that will be taken as definitive.
- cafe5 (
- seqkit (
- orthofinder_folder: Full path of the folder where the Orthofinder is going to be run
- max_number_iterations: Makimun number of itterations done by CAFE5
- Def_Kvalue: The best K-value identified in the test runs
- interest_nodes_file: Full path to a file with the node names separated by tabs: "Biomphalaria_glabrata_IM_GCA_025434175.1 <0>". File Interest_nodes_CAFE.txt
Setting this variable to TRUE will run EGGNOG for all sequences anlaysed by CAFE5.
- orthofinder_folder: Full path of the folder where the Orthofinder is going to be run
- eggnog_data: Full path to the folder with eggnog-mapper reference data
Setting this variable to TRUE will identify genes that overlap with repeated elements
- NA
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will copy and move some result files for easier access
- NA
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will compine the results of SignalP, TargetP, SecretomeP DeepTMHMM and InterproScan in a single table
- NA
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will combine the resulting GFFs of Stringtie, Transdecoder, barrnap and tRNAscan-SE in a single GFF file. Also adding the InterproScan annotation to each gene.
- NA
Setting this variable to TRUE will sort the resulting combined GFF.
- NA Note: It is slower than gffread and hardcodded to work with this pipeline of analysis, but it preserves the UTR predictions.
Thuis script takes the annootations obtained with module ORTHOFINDER_EGGNOG_FOR_PHO and the lists of expanded/contracted proteins identified by CAFE5 and estimates enriched GO Terms.