We will use React, Next.js and our library to create a simple video annotation web like this:
If you’re new to React or Next.js, check out React and Next.js.
First of all, you need to install Node.js (>=19.0.0).
Then clone this repo.
Then outside of the repo dir, run
npx create-next-app@13.2.4 # The version used to create the page
Answer the popup questions. For my test, I used these settings. You can also customize your own.
This step will be replaced by npm install ourLib
after we release this library
Copy package.json, components, utils and styles folders from the repo dir to the root dir of the project you just created.
In the root dir of your project, install the dependencies.
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
For the web in the image above, the index.js file should look like this
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import Head from 'next/head';
import Workspace from '../components/Workspace.js';
import Canvas from '../components/Canvas.js';
import VideoUploader from '../components/VideoUploader.js';
import BtnContainer from '../components/BtnContainer.js';
import AnnotationTable from '../components/AnnotationTable.js';
import DownloadBtn from '../components/DownloadBtn.js';
import ProjectManager from '../components/ProjectManager.js';
import ModalJsonUploader from '../components/ModalJsonUploader.js';
import VideoManager from '../components/VideoManager.js';
import CanvasAdditionalDataController from '../components/CanvasAdditionalDataController.js';
import DropdownMenu from '../components/DropdownMenu.js';
import ProjectList from '../components/ProjectList.js';
import SaveAnnotationBtn from '../components/SaveAnnotationBtn.js';
import InfoBar from '../components/InfoBar.js';
import {Row, Col} from 'react-bootstrap'; // Third party components. Refer to the tutorial on https://react-bootstrap.netlify.app/docs/layout/grid
import { Menu, Modal } from 'antd'; // Third party components. Refer to the tutorial on https://ant.design/components/menu, and https://ant.design/components/modal
import { drawCircle, drawLine } from '../utils/canvasUtils.js'; // canvasUtils.js is a wrapper of fabric.js. It provides functions to operate on canvas easily. Currently, only these two functions are provided.
// Client side components. They cannot be rendered on the server side, thus need to be explicitly marked as client side comp.
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const AdditionalDataChart = dynamic(() => import('../components/AdditionalDataChart.js'), { ssr: false });
const AnnotationChart = dynamic(() => import('../components/AnnotationChart.js'), { ssr: false });
export default function Home() {
// The ..open/set..Open states are to allow the child modal components to control the visibility of themselves inside.
const [newProjectManagerOpen, setNewProjectManagerOpen] = useState(false);
const [editProjectManagerOpen, setEditProjectManagerOpen] = useState(false);
const [configUploaderOpen, setConfigUploaderOpen] = useState(false);
const [projectListOpen, setProjectListOpen] = useState(false);
const [videoManagerOpen, setVideoManagerOpen] = useState(false);
const [annotationUploaderOpen, setAnnotationUploaderOpen] = useState(false);
const [canvasAdditionalDataControllerOpen, setCanvasAdditionalDataControllerOpen] = useState(false);
const [info, setInfo] = useState(''); // To display feedback info
const projectDropdownItems = [
label: 'Exisiting Projects',
compName: 'ProjectList', // When pass a component, it is required to have a compName prop whose value should be equivalent to the name of the component, e.g. <ProjectList>'s compName is 'ProjectList'.
component: <ProjectList
key='0' // When pass a component to a child, it is required to have a unique key prop.
// preventDefault: true, // when use some built-in components as the children of DropdownMenu, there may be some pre-defined behaviors, such as opening a modal window. To prevent the default behavior, set this to true.
label: 'New Project',
compName: 'ProjectManager',
component: <ProjectManager
status='new' // ProjectManager has two status: 'new' and 'edit'. 'new' mode is for creating a new project, and 'edit' mode is for editing an existing project.
// defaultGroupType='category'
// defaultBtnType='category'
// disableGroupTypeSelect
// disableBtnTypeSelect
// hidePlusBtn
label: 'Upload Project',
compName: 'ModalJsonUploader',
component: <ModalJsonUploader
type='configuration' // ModalJsonUploader has two types: 'configuration' and 'annotation'. 'configuration' is for uploading a configuration file, and 'annotation' is for uploading an annotation file.
label: 'Edit Project',
compName: 'ProjectManager',
component: <ProjectManager
// defaultGroupType='category'
// defaultBtnType='category'
// disableGroupTypeSelect
// disableBtnTypeSelect
// hidePlusBtn
label: 'Download Configuration',
compName: 'DownloadBtn',
component: <DownloadBtn
type='configuration' // DownloadBtn has two types: 'configuration' and 'annotation'. 'configuration' is for saving the configuration data, and 'annotation' is for saving the annotation data.
mode='inMenu' // DownloadBtn has two modes: 'inMenu' and 'solely'. 'inMenu' is used when the DownloadBtn is used in a dropdown menu, and 'solely' is used when the DownloadBtn is used as a standalone button. This prop affects the UI of the DownloadBtn.
function projectDropdownClickHandler(e) {
* Click event handler for DropdownMenu. Will be called after the default behavior of each child.
* e is the event object which has a key property corresponding to the index(integer) of each child in the 'menu' prop. This may be different with the 'key' prop of the component passed to each child.
* */
// console.log(e);
// TODO: customize click handler
// const label = projectDropdownItems[e.key].label;
// switch (label) {
// case 'Exisiting Projects':
// setInfo('Exisiting Projects');
// break;
// case 'New Project':
// setInfo('New Project');
// break;
// case 'Upload Project':
// setInfo('Upload Project');
// break;
// case 'Save Annotation':
// setInfo('Save Annotation');
// break;
// case 'Edit Project':
// setInfo('Edit Project');
// break;
// case 'Download Configuration':
// setInfo('Download Configuration');
// break;
// }
const projectDropdown = <DropdownMenu name='Project' menu={projectDropdownItems} onClick={projectDropdownClickHandler}/>;
const videoDropdownItems = [
label: 'Video Manager',
compName: 'VideoManager',
component: <Modal
title='Video Manager'
onCancel={() => setVideoManagerOpen(false)}
style={{overflowX: 'auto'}}
setModalOpen={setVideoManagerOpen} // To allow the child to contorl the visibility of the modal window, e.g. when the user clicks the 'load' or 'add and load' button.
* name: str, // required and unique, used as var name, no white space allowed.
* label: str, // required, label shown to the user, allow white space
* required: boolean, // false by default
* loadIn: 'canvas'/'chart'/null, // whether to draw the data on canvas/chart with each frame. If yes, will fetch the data from backend and ask canvas/chart to draw it
* onLoad: event handler. Can be used to draw shapes on canvas and so on. required when loadin='canvas'
// additionalFields={[
// {name: 'canvas1', label: 'canvas1', required: true, loadIn: 'canvas', onLoad: drawDataAsCircle},
// {name: 'canvas2', label: 'canvas2', required: true, loadIn: 'canvas', onLoad: drawDataAsLine},
// {name: 'chart1', label: 'chart1', required: true, loadIn: 'chart'},
// {name: 'chart2', label: 'chart2', required: true, loadIn: 'chart'}
// ]}
label: 'Additional Data For Canvas',
compName: 'CanvasAdditionalDataController',
component: <Modal
title='Canvas Additional Data Controller'
onCancel={() => setCanvasAdditionalDataControllerOpen(false)}
style={{overflowX: 'auto'}}
// hideRange //Hide the range input.
// halfRange={2} //Allow developer to set half range value when hideRange is true. Required and only useful when hideRange is true.
defaultHalfRange={1} // Default value for half range input. Should only be used when hideRange is false.
function drawDataAsCircle(params) {
* OnLoad event handler for the additional data for canvas.
* params: {
* target: fabric obj needed for the drawing. Just pass it to the imported func from canvasUtils.js
* data: [additional data in needed range]
* }
for (let c of params.data) {
c.push(3); // add radius
drawCircle(params.target, c, 'red');
function drawDataAsLine(params) {
for (let l of params.data) {
drawLine(params.target, l, 'white');
function videoDropdownClickHandler(e) {
// TODO: customize click handler
const videoDropdown = <DropdownMenu name='Video' menu={videoDropdownItems} onClick={videoDropdownClickHandler}/>
const annotationDropdownItems = [
label: 'Save Annotation',
compName: 'SaveAnnotationBtn',
component: <SaveAnnotationBtn
label: 'Download Annotation',
compName: 'DownloadBtn',
component: <DownloadBtn
label: 'Upload Annotation',
compName: 'ModalJsonUploader',
component: <ModalJsonUploader
function annotationDropdownClickHandler(e) {
// TODO: customize click handler
const annotationDropdown = <DropdownMenu name='Annotation' menu={annotationDropdownItems} onClick={annotationDropdownClickHandler}/>
const menubarItems = [
label: projectDropdown,
key: '0',
label: videoDropdown,
key: '1',
label: annotationDropdown,
key: '2',
return (
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<Workspace >
<Menu items={menubarItems} mode="horizontal"/>
<div className='py-2'>
{/* If state info is null, InfoBar will only display predefined information for events. Otherwise, will display both predefined and contents of the info state */}
<InfoBar info={info} />
<Row >
<Col lg='auto'>
<canvas width={350} height={250} style={{border: 'solid'}}/>
<AnnotationTable width={350} height={250} scrollY={230} ellipsis />
<BtnContainer />
<Canvas width={550} height={350}/>
<div className='py-2' style={{height: '100px', width: '670px', border: 'solid 1px black'}} >
labels = {['chase', 'no-chase']}
// omitXLables
<div className='py-2' style={{height: '150px', width: '670px', border: 'solid 1px black'}} >
// hideRange //Hide the range input.
// halfRange={5} //Allow developer to set half range value when hideRange is true. Required and only useful when hideRange is true.
defaultHalfRange={50} // Default value for half range input. Should only be used when hideRange is false.
In order to process the video, you need to set up a backend server. We will cover this in another repo.
Here we used react-bootstrap for the layout. Check out the tutorial, and also Ant Design's components.