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WIP/RFC: Separate AbstractString interface from iteration protocol
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Up until now, the basic interface new AbstractStrings had to implement was:

struct MyString; ...; end
next(::MyString, i::Int64)::Tuple{Char, Int64}
isvalid(::MyString, i::Int64)::Bool

In this interface, the iteration state (i.e. the second tuple element returned
from `next`) always had to be the next valid string index. This is inconvenient
for several reasons:
1. The iteration protocol will change, breaking every use of this API
2. Some strings may want iteration states other than linear indicies for efficiency
   reasons (e.g. RopeStrings)
3. Strings implementors can no longer assume that the second argument they receive
   was necessarily produced by them, so may need to do various validation of the
   iteration sate on every iteration.

This PR attempts to remidy this, by introducing a new generic `LeadIndPairs` iterator.
This iterator behaves similarly to `Pairs`, except that instead of the index of an
element, it gives the index of the next element (in other words, the indicies lead
the values by one element). The astute reader will note that the elements of this
iterator are precisely the elements of the tuple currently returned by next.
Thus, this PR changes, the requisite method to implement from:

next(::MyString, i::Int64)::Tuple{Char, Int64}


next(::StringLIPairs{MyString}, state::Any)::Tuple{Pair{Int, Char}, Int64}

where `StringLIPairs{T} = LeadIndPairs{Char, Int, EachIndexString{T}, T}`

Efficient implementations of iteration over strings, the indicies as well as `Pairs`
can be derived from this iterator. The reason this iterator is useful is perhaps best
understood by considering strings to be variable-length encodings of character arrays.
In a variable-length encoding, one generally decodes the value and the length (i.e. the
index of the next element) at the same time, so it makes sense to base the API
on the implementation of an iterator with these semantics.

To demonstrate the use and test the new abstract implementations based on this iterator,
there are three string types in the test suite:
- CharString, as before, which simply wraps an array of `Chars` with direct indexing. The
  only change to this iterator is to change the signature of the `next` method.
- RopeString, which strings together several Strings, and more importantly does not have
  efficient linear iteration state.
- DecodeString, which decodes escape sequences on the fly as part of iteration. This string
  type demonstrates one string type wrapping another string type to test the interface from
  both sides
  • Loading branch information
Keno committed Feb 23, 2018
1 parent f82e845 commit 74961ab
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Showing 11 changed files with 345 additions and 68 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions base/iterators.jl
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Expand Up @@ -247,6 +247,39 @@ setindex!(v::Pairs, value, key) = ([key] = value; v)
get(v::Pairs, key, default) = get(, key, default)
get(f::Base.Callable, collection::Pairs, key) = get(f,, key)

Iterators.LeadIndPairs(values, keys=eachindex(values))
Like `Pairs`, but rather than returning the index corresponding to the current element,
return the index corresponding to the next value. In other words, the index leads the
value by one element. The index corresponding to the last element will be `lastindex(keys)+1`.
struct LeadIndPairs{K, V, I, A}
LeadIndPairs(data::A, itr::I) where {A, I} = new{eltype(I), eltype(A), I, A}(data, itr)
LeadIndPairs(data) = LeadIndPairs(data, eachindex(data))

start(lip::LeadIndPairs) = start(lip.itr)
done(lip::LeadIndPairs, state) = done(lip.itr, state)
function next(lip::LeadIndPairs, state)
nidx = ns = next(lip.itr, state)
# A bit awkward now, done for consistency with the new iteration protocol
done(lip.itr, ns) && (nidx = lastindex(lip.itr)+1)
Pair(nidx,[ns]), ns

leadindpairs(data) = LeadIndPairs(data)
leadindpairs(data, idx) = Rest(LeadIndPairs(data), idx)

length(lip::LeadIndPairs) = length(lip.itr)
eltype(::Type{LeadIndPairs{K, V}}) where {K, V} = Pair{K, V}

IteratorSize(::Type{LeadIndPairs{<:Any, <:Any, I}}) where {I} = IteratorSize(I)
IteratorEltype(::Type{LeadIndPairs{<:Any, <:Any, I}}) where {I} = IteratorEltype(I)

# zip

abstract type AbstractZipIterator end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1070,6 +1103,7 @@ end
function fixpoint_iter_type(itrT::Type, valT::Type, stateT::Type)
nextvalstate = Base._return_type(next, Tuple{itrT, stateT})
nextvalstate <: Tuple{Any, Any} || return Any
nextvalstate === Union{} && return Union{}
nextvalstate = Tuple{
typejoin(valT, fieldtype(nextvalstate, 1)),
typejoin(stateT, fieldtype(nextvalstate, 2))}
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion base/regex.jl
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Expand Up @@ -288,7 +288,9 @@ ncodeunits(s::SubstitutionString) = ncodeunits(s.string)
codeunit(s::SubstitutionString) = codeunit(s.string)
codeunit(s::SubstitutionString, i::Integer) = codeunit(s.string, i)
isvalid(s::SubstitutionString, i::Integer) = isvalid(s.string, i)
next(s::SubstitutionString, i::Integer) = next(s.string, i)
start(s::StringLIPairs{<:SubstitutionString}) = start(StringLIPairs(
next(s::StringLIPairs{<:SubstitutionString}, state) = next(StringLIPairs(, state)
done(s::StringLIPairs{<:SubstitutionString}, state) = done(StringLIPairs(, state)

function show(io::IO, s::SubstitutionString)
print(io, "s")
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51 changes: 5 additions & 46 deletions base/strings/basic.jl
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ See also: [`codeunit`](@ref), [`ncodeunits`](@ref), [`thisind`](@ref),


## required string functions ##

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,6 +123,7 @@ Stacktrace:
@propagate_inbounds isvalid(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = typeof(i) === Int ?
throw(MethodError(isvalid, (s, i))) : isvalid(s, Int(i))

next(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) -> Tuple{Char, Int}
Expand All @@ -135,37 +138,7 @@ See also: [`getindex`](@ref), [`start`](@ref), [`done`](@ref),
@propagate_inbounds next(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = typeof(i) === Int ?
throw(MethodError(next, (s, i))) : next(s, Int(i))

## basic generic definitions ##

start(s::AbstractString) = 1
done(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = i > ncodeunits(s)
eltype(::Type{<:AbstractString}) = Char
sizeof(s::AbstractString) = ncodeunits(s) * sizeof(codeunit(s))
firstindex(s::AbstractString) = 1
lastindex(s::AbstractString) = thisind(s, ncodeunits(s))

function getindex(s::AbstractString, i::Integer)
@boundscheck checkbounds(s, i)
@inbounds return isvalid(s, i) ? next(s, i)[1] : string_index_err(s, i)

getindex(s::AbstractString, i::Colon) = s
# TODO: handle other ranges with stride ±1 specially?
# TODO: add more @propagate_inbounds annotations?
getindex(s::AbstractString, v::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) =
sprint(io->(for i in v; write(io, s[i]) end), sizehint=length(v))
getindex(s::AbstractString, v::AbstractVector{Bool}) =
throw(ArgumentError("logical indexing not supported for strings"))

function get(s::AbstractString, i::Integer, default)
# TODO: use ternary once @inbounds is expression-like
if checkbounds(Bool, s, i)
@inbounds return s[i]
return default

## bounds checking ##

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,6 +352,7 @@ julia> thisind("αβγdef", 10)
julia> thisind("αβγdef", 20)
thisind(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = thisind(s, Int(i))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,21 +444,6 @@ function nextind(s::AbstractString, i::Int, n::Int)
return i + n

## string index iteration type ##

struct EachStringIndex{T<:AbstractString}
keys(s::AbstractString) = EachStringIndex(s)

length(e::EachStringIndex) = length(e.s)
first(::EachStringIndex) = 1
last(e::EachStringIndex) = lastindex(e.s)
start(e::EachStringIndex) = start(e.s)
next(e::EachStringIndex, state) = (state, nextind(e.s, state))
done(e::EachStringIndex, state) = done(e.s, state)
eltype(::Type{<:EachStringIndex}) = Int

isascii(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
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97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions base/strings/iteration.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
struct EachStringIndex{T<:AbstractString}
keys(s::AbstractString) = EachStringIndex(s)

length(e::EachStringIndex) = length(e.s)
first(::EachStringIndex) = 1
last(e::EachStringIndex) = lastindex(e.s)
eltype(::Type{<:EachStringIndex}) = Int

const StringLIPairs{T<:AbstractString} = Iterators.LeadIndPairs{Int, Char, EachStringIndex{T}, T}
const StringPairs{T<:AbstractString} = Iterators.Pairs{Int, Char, EachStringIndex{T}, T}
StringLIPairs{T}(x::T) where {T<:AbstractString} = Iterators.LeadIndPairs(x, eachindex(x))
StringLIPairs(x::T) where {T<:AbstractString} = StringLIPairs{T}(x)
StringPairs{T}(x::T) where {T<:AbstractString} = Iterators.Pairs(x, eachindex(x))
StringPairs(x::T) where {T<:AbstractString} = StringPairs{T}(x)

Iterators.pairs(s::AbstractString) = StringPairs(s)
Iterators.reverse(s::StringPairs) = Iterators.Reverse(s)

start(sp::StringLIPairs) = 1
function done(s::StringLIPairs, i)
if isa(i, Integer)
return i > ncodeunits(
throw(MethodError(done, (s, i)))
function next(s::StringLIPairs, i)
if isa(i, Integer) && !isa(i, Int64)
return next(s, Int64(i))
throw(MethodError(next, (s, i)))

# Reverse pair iteration
start(e::Iterators.Reverse{<:StringPairs}) = ncodeunits(
done(e::Iterators.Reverse{<:StringPairs}, idx) = idx == firstindex(
function next(s::Iterators.Reverse{<:StringPairs}, idx)
tidx = thisind(, idx-1)
(nidx, c) = first(leadindpairs(, tidx))
Pair(tidx, c), tidx

function prev(s::AbstractString, idx)
(i, c), _ = next(Iterators.Reverse(StringPairs(s)), idx)
(c, i)

start(e::StringPairs) = (firstindex(, start(StringLIPairs(
done(e::StringPairs, (idx, state)) = done(StringLIPairs(, state)
function next(s::StringPairs, (idx, state))
((nidx, c), state) = next(StringLIPairs(, state)
Pair(idx, c), (nidx, state)

start(s::AbstractString) = start(StringLIPairs(s))
done(s::AbstractString, state) = done(StringLIPairs(s), state)
function next(s::AbstractString, state)
((idx, c), state) = next(StringLIPairs(s), state)
(c, state)

start(e::EachStringIndex) = start(StringPairs(e.s))
done(e::EachStringIndex, state) = done(StringPairs(e.s), state)
function next(e::EachStringIndex, state)
((idx, c), state) = next(StringPairs(e.s), state)
(idx, state)

eltype(::Type{<:AbstractString}) = Char
sizeof(s::AbstractString) = ncodeunits(s) * sizeof(codeunit(s))
firstindex(s::AbstractString) = 1
lastindex(s::AbstractString) = thisind(s, ncodeunits(s))

function getindex(s::AbstractString, i::Integer)
@boundscheck checkbounds(s, i)
@inbounds return isvalid(s, i) ? first(leadindpairs(s, i)).second : string_index_err(s, i)

getindex(s::AbstractString, i::Colon) = s
# TODO: handle other ranges with stride ±1 specially?
# TODO: add more @propagate_inbounds annotations?
getindex(s::AbstractString, v::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) =
sprint(io->(for i in v; write(io, s[i]) end), sizehint=length(v))
getindex(s::AbstractString, v::AbstractVector{Bool}) =
throw(ArgumentError("logical indexing not supported for strings"))

function get(s::AbstractString, i::Integer, default)
# TODO: use ternary once @inbounds is expression-like
if checkbounds(Bool, s, i)
@inbounds return s[i]
return default
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions base/strings/string.jl
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Expand Up @@ -167,10 +167,11 @@ is_valid_continuation(c) = c & 0xc0 == 0x80

## required core functionality ##

@propagate_inbounds function next(s::String, i::Int)
@propagate_inbounds function next(sp::StringLIPairs{String}, i::Int)
s =
b = codeunit(s, i)
u = UInt32(b) << 24
between(b, 0x80, 0xf7) || return reinterpret(Char, u), i+1
between(b, 0x80, 0xf7) || return (Pair(i + 1, reinterpret(Char, u)), i+1)
return next_continued(s, i, u)

Expand All @@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ function next_continued(s::String, i::Int, u::UInt32)
b & 0xc0 == 0x80 || @goto ret
u |= UInt32(b); i += 1
@label ret
return reinterpret(Char, u), i
return Pair(i, reinterpret(Char, u)), i

@propagate_inbounds function getindex(s::String, i::Int)
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions base/strings/substring.jl
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Expand Up @@ -62,10 +62,11 @@ function codeunit(s::SubString, i::Integer)
@inbounds return codeunit(s.string, s.offset + i)

function next(s::SubString, i::Integer)
function next(sp::StringLIPairs{<:SubString}, i::Int64)
s =
@boundscheck checkbounds(s, i)
@inbounds c, i = next(s.string, s.offset + i)
return c, i - s.offset
@inbounds (idx, c), i = next(StringLIPairs(s.string), s.offset + i)
return Pair(idx - s.offset, c), i - s.offset

function getindex(s::SubString, i::Integer)
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions base/strings/util.jl
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Expand Up @@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ julia> lstrip(a)
function lstrip(s::AbstractString, chars::Chars=_default_delims)
e = lastindex(s)
for (i, c) in pairs(s)
!(c in chars) && return SubString(s, i, e)
!(c in chars) && return @inbounds SubString(s, i, e)
SubString(s, e+1, e)
@inbounds SubString(s, e+1, e)

Expand All @@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ julia> rstrip(a)
function rstrip(s::AbstractString, chars::Chars=_default_delims)
for (i, c) in Iterators.reverse(pairs(s))
c in chars || return SubString(s, 1, i)
c in chars || return @inbounds SubString(s, 1, i)
SubString(s, 1, 0)
@inbounds SubString(s, 1, 0)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/sysimg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Array{T}(::Missing, d...) where {T} = fill!(Array{T}(uninitialized, d...), missi

using .Iterators: zip, enumerate
using .Iterators: zip, enumerate, leadindpairs
using .Iterators: Flatten, product # for generators

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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion stdlib/Test/src/Test.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1429,7 +1429,9 @@ Base.ncodeunits(s::GenericString) = ncodeunits(s.string)
Base.codeunit(s::GenericString) = codeunit(s.string)
Base.codeunit(s::GenericString, i::Integer) = codeunit(s.string, i)
Base.isvalid(s::GenericString, i::Integer) = isvalid(s.string, i), i::Integer) = next(s.string, i)
Base.start(s::Base.StringLIPairs{GenericString}) = start(Base.StringLIPairs(
Base.done(s::Base.StringLIPairs{GenericString}, state) = done(Base.StringLIPairs(, state){GenericString}, state) = next(Base.StringLIPairs(, state)
Base.reverse(s::GenericString) = GenericString(reverse(s.string))
Base.reverse(s::SubString{GenericString}) =
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30 changes: 21 additions & 9 deletions test/strings/basic.jl
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Expand Up @@ -238,7 +238,6 @@ end
@test first(eachindex("foobar")) === 1
@test first(eachindex("")) === 1
@test last(eachindex("foobar")) === lastindex("foobar")
@test done(eachindex("foobar"),7)
@test Int == eltype(Base.EachStringIndex) ==
eltype(Base.EachStringIndex{String}) ==
eltype(Base.EachStringIndex{GenericString}) ==
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -480,17 +479,11 @@ end
@test nextind(s, lastindex(s)) > sizeof(s)

# Test cmp with AbstractStrings that don't index the same as UTF-8, which would include
# (LegacyString.)UTF16String and (LegacyString.)UTF32String, among others.

mutable struct CharStr <: AbstractString
CharStr(x) = new(collect(x))
Base.start(x::CharStr) = start(x.chars), i::Int) = next(x.chars, i)
Base.done(x::CharStr, i::Int) = done(x.chars, i)
Base.lastindex(x::CharStr) = lastindex(x.chars)
@testset "cmp without UTF-8 indexing" begin
# Simple case, with just ANSI Latin 1 characters
@test "áB" != CharStr("áá") # returns false with bug
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -866,3 +859,22 @@ let x = SubString("ab", 1, 1)
@test y === x
chop("ab") === chop.(["ab"])[1]

@testset "Generic String APIs" begin
cs = CharString([' ', 'a', 'b', 'c', ' '])
@test cs == " abc "
@test lstrip(cs) == SubString(cs, 2) == "abc "
@test rstrip(cs) == " abc"
rs = RopeString([" ", "abc", " "])
@test rs == cs
@test lstrip(rs) == lstrip(cs) == "abc "
@test rstrip(rs) == rstrip(cs) == " abc"
ds = DecodeString(raw" \x61b\u0063 ")
@test ds == cs
@test lstrip(ds) == lstrip(cs) == "abc "
@test rstrip(ds) == rstrip(cs) == " abc"
ds2 = DecodeString(RopeString([" ", raw"\x61b\u00", "63 "]))
@test ds2 == cs
@test lstrip(ds2) == lstrip(cs) == "abc "
@test rstrip(ds2) == rstrip(cs) == " abc"

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