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Setup dependencies that match the GCC ABI of the compiler (#604)
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* Add `shards` as keyword argument to the runners

* Add functions to query preferred ABIs for the given compiler shard

* Setup dependencies that match the GCC ABI of the compiler

* Move here definition of Pkg.BinaryPlatforms.gcc_versions

* Define custom structs for compilers builds

* Simplify logic of selection of GCC builds

* Changes suggested by Elliot

* Make sure the compiler wrappers have the requested C++ string ABI
  • Loading branch information
giordano authored and staticfloat committed Jan 18, 2020
1 parent f4ba291 commit c12e784
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Showing 9 changed files with 307 additions and 33 deletions.
20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions src/AutoBuild.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -629,25 +629,41 @@ function autobuild(dir::AbstractString,
build_path = joinpath(dir, "build", triplet(platform))

shards = choose_shards(platform; extract_kwargs(kwargs, (:preferred_gcc_version,:preferred_llvm_version,:bootstrap_list,:compilers))...)
# We want to get dependencies that have exactly the same GCC ABI as the
# choosen compiler, otherwise we risk, e.g., to build in an environment
# with libgfortran3 a dependency built with libgfortran5.
# `concrete_platform` is needed only to setup the dependencies and the
# runner. We _don't_ want the platform passed to `audit()` or
# `package()` to be more specific than it is.
concrete_platform = platform
gccboostrap_shard_idx = findfirst(x -> == "GCCBootstrap" && == platform.arch && == platform.libc, shards)
if !isnothing(gccboostrap_shard_idx)
libgfortran_version = preferred_libgfortran_version(platform, shards[gccboostrap_shard_idx])
cxxstring_abi = preferred_cxxstring_abi(platform, shards[gccboostrap_shard_idx])
concrete_platform = replace_cxxstring_abi(replace_libgfortran_version(platform, libgfortran_version), cxxstring_abi)

prefix = setup_workspace(
artifact_paths = setup_dependencies(prefix, dependencies, platform)
artifact_paths = setup_dependencies(prefix, dependencies, concrete_platform)

# Create a runner to work inside this workspace with the nonce built-in
ur = preferred_runner()(
cwd = "/workspace/srcdir",
platform = platform,
platform = concrete_platform,
verbose = verbose,
workspaces = [
joinpath(prefix, "metadir") => "/meta",
compiler_wrapper_dir = joinpath(prefix, "compiler_wrappers"),
src_name = src_name,
shards = shards,
extract_kwargs(kwargs, (:preferred_gcc_version,:preferred_llvm_version,:compilers,:allow_unsafe_flags))...,

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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/DockerRunner.jl
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Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ function DockerRunner(workspace_root::String;
verbose::Bool = false,
compiler_wrapper_path::String = mktempdir(),
src_name::AbstractString = "",
shards = nothing,
global use_ccache

Expand All @@ -97,8 +98,10 @@ function DockerRunner(workspace_root::String;
push!(workspaces, "binarybuilder_ccache" => "/root/.ccache")

# Choose the shards we're going to mount
shards = choose_shards(platform; extract_kwargs(kwargs, (:preferred_gcc_version,:preferred_llvm_version,:bootstrap_list,:compilers))...)
if isnothing(shards)
# Choose the shards we're going to mount
shards = choose_shards(platform; extract_kwargs(kwargs, (:preferred_gcc_version,:preferred_llvm_version,:bootstrap_list,:compilers))...)

# Import docker image
import_docker_image(shards[1], workspace_root; verbose=verbose)
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140 changes: 129 additions & 11 deletions src/Rootfs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -319,15 +319,78 @@ function select_closest_version(preferred::VersionNumber, versions::Vector{Versi
return versions[closest_idx]

const available_gcc_builds = [v"4.8.5", v"5.2.0", v"6.1.0", v"7.1.0", v"8.1.0", v"9.1.0"]
const available_llvm_builds = [v"6.0.1", v"7.1.0", v"8.0.1", v"9.0.1"]
abstract type CompilerBuild end

struct GCCBuild <: CompilerBuild
GCCBuild(v::VersionNumber) = GCCBuild(v, CompilerABI())

struct LLVMBuild <: CompilerBuild
LLVMBuild(v::VersionNumber) = LLVMBuild(v, CompilerABI())

getversion(c::CompilerBuild) = c.version
getabi(c::CompilerBuild) = c.abi

const available_gcc_builds = [GCCBuild(v"4.8.5", CompilerABI(libgfortran_version = v"3", libstdcxx_version = v"3.4.19", cxxstring_abi = :cxx03)),
GCCBuild(v"5.2.0", CompilerABI(libgfortran_version = v"3", libstdcxx_version = v"3.4.21", cxxstring_abi = :cxx11)),
GCCBuild(v"6.1.0", CompilerABI(libgfortran_version = v"3", libstdcxx_version = v"3.4.22", cxxstring_abi = :cxx11)),
GCCBuild(v"7.1.0", CompilerABI(libgfortran_version = v"4", libstdcxx_version = v"3.4.23", cxxstring_abi = :cxx11)),
GCCBuild(v"8.1.0", CompilerABI(libgfortran_version = v"5", libstdcxx_version = v"3.4.25", cxxstring_abi = :cxx11)),
GCCBuild(v"9.1.0", CompilerABI(libgfortran_version = v"5", libstdcxx_version = v"3.4.26", cxxstring_abi = :cxx11))]
const available_llvm_builds = [LLVMBuild(v"6.0.1"),

gcc_version(cabi::CompilerABI, GCC_builds::Vector{GCCBuild})
Returns the closest matching GCC version number for the given CompilerABI
representing a particular platofrm, from the given set of options. If no match
is found, returns an empty list. This method assumes that `cabi` represents a
platform that binaries will be run on, and thus versions are always rounded
down; e.g. if the platform supports a `libstdc++` version that corresponds to
`GCC 5.1.0`, but the only GCC versions available to be picked from are `4.8.5`
and `5.2.0`, it will return `4.8.5`, as binaries compiled with that version
will run on this platform, whereas binaries compiled with `5.2.0` may not.
function gcc_version(cabi::CompilerABI, GCC_builds::Vector{GCCBuild})
# First, filter by libgfortran version.
if cabi.libgfortran_version !== nothing
GCC_builds = filter(b -> getabi(b).libgfortran_version == cabi.libgfortran_version, GCC_builds)

# Next, filter by libstdc++ GLIBCXX symbol version. Note that this
# mapping is conservative; it is often the case that we return a
# version that is slightly lower than what is actually installed on
# a system. See
# for the whole list, as well as many other interesting factoids.
if cabi.libstdcxx_version !== nothing
GCC_builds = filter(b -> getabi(b).libstdcxx_version <= cabi.libstdcxx_version, GCC_builds)

# Finally, enforce cxxstring_abi guidelines. It is possible to build
# :cxx03 binaries on GCC 5+, (although increasingly rare) so the only
# filtering we do is that if the platform is explicitly :cxx11, we
# disallow running on < GCC 5.
if cabi.cxxstring_abi !== nothing && cabi.cxxstring_abi === :cxx11
GCC_builds = filter(b -> getversion(b) >= v"5", GCC_builds)

return getversion.(GCC_builds)

function select_gcc_version(p::Platform,
GCC_builds::Vector{VersionNumber} = available_gcc_builds,
preferred_gcc_version::VersionNumber = GCC_builds[1],
GCC_builds::Vector{GCCBuild} = available_gcc_builds,
preferred_gcc_version::VersionNumber = getversion(GCC_builds[1]),
# Determine which GCC build we're going to match with this CompilerABI:
GCC_builds = Pkg.BinaryPlatforms.gcc_version(compiler_abi(p), GCC_builds)
GCC_builds = gcc_version(compiler_abi(p), GCC_builds)

if isempty(GCC_builds)
error("Impossible CompilerABI constraints $(cabi)!")
Expand All @@ -350,19 +413,22 @@ function choose_shards(p::Platform;
compilers::Vector{Symbol} = [:c],
archive_type::Symbol = (use_squashfs ? :squashfs : :unpacked),
bootstrap_list::Vector{Symbol} = bootstrap_list,
# We prefer the oldest GCC version by default
preferred_gcc_version::VersionNumber = GCC_builds[1],
preferred_llvm_version::VersionNumber = LLVM_builds[end],
# Because GCC has lots of compatibility issues, we always default to
# the earliest version possible.
preferred_gcc_version::VersionNumber = getversion(GCC_builds[1]),
# Because LLVM doesn't have compatibilty issues, we always default
# to the newest version possible.
preferred_llvm_version::VersionNumber = getversion(LLVM_builds[end]),

GCC_build = select_gcc_version(p, GCC_builds, preferred_gcc_version)
LLVM_build = select_closest_version(preferred_llvm_version, LLVM_builds)
LLVM_build = select_closest_version(preferred_llvm_version, getversion.(LLVM_builds))
# Our host platform is x86_64-linux-musl
host_platform = Linux(:x86_64; libc=:musl)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,6 +597,58 @@ function expand_cxxstring_abis(ps::Vector{<:Platform})
return Platform[p for p in Iterators.flatten(expand_cxxstring_abis.(ps))]

preferred_libgfortran_version(platform::Platform, shard::CompilerShard)
Return the libgfortran version preferred by the given platform or GCCBootstrap shard.
function preferred_libgfortran_version(platform::Platform, shard::CompilerShard)
# Some input validation
if != "GCCBootstrap"
error("Shard must be `GCCBootstrap`")
if != platform.arch || != platform.libc
error("Incompatible platform and shard target")

if compiler_abi(platform).libgfortran_version != nothing
# Here we can't use `` because the shard always has the
# target as ABI-agnostic, thus we have also to ask for the platform.
return compiler_abi(platform).libgfortran_version
elseif shard.version < v"7"
return v"3"
elseif v"7" <= shard.version < v"8"
return v"4"
return v"5"

preferred_cxxstring_abi(platform::Platform, shard::CompilerShard)
Return the C++ string ABI preferred by the given platform or GCCBootstrap shard.
function preferred_cxxstring_abi(platform::Platform, shard::CompilerShard)
# Some input validation
if != "GCCBootstrap"
error("Shard must be `GCCBootstrap`")
if != platform.arch || != platform.libc
error("Incompatible platform and shard target")

if compiler_abi(platform).cxxstring_abi != nothing
# Here we can't use `` because the shard always has the
# target as ABI-agnostic, thus we have also to ask for the platform.
return compiler_abi(platform).cxxstring_abi
elseif shard.version < v"5"
return :cxx03
return :cxx11

download_all_shards(; verbose::Bool=false)
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41 changes: 37 additions & 4 deletions src/Runner.jl
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ exeext(p::Union{Linux,FreeBSD,MacOS}) = ""
exeext(p::Platform) = error("Unknown exeext for platform $(p)")

generate_compiler_wrappers(p::Platform, bin_path::AbstractString)
generate_compiler_wrappers!(platform::Platform; bin_path::AbstractString,
host_platform::Platform = Linux(:x86_64; libc=:musl),
rust_platform::Platform = Linux(:x86_64; libc=:glibc),
compilers::Vector{Symbol} = [:c],
allow_unsafe_flags::Bool = false)
We generate a set of compiler wrapper scripts within our build environment to force all
build systems to honor the necessary sets of compiler flags to build for our systems.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +65,32 @@ function generate_compiler_wrappers!(platform::Platform; bin_path::AbstractStrin
host_target = aatriplet(host_platform)
rust_target = aatriplet(rust_platform)

# If the ABI-agnostic triplets of the target and the host platform are the
# same, then we have to be very careful: we can't have distinct wrappers, so
# we have to be sure that their ABIs are consistent, in particular that
# we're correctly writing the wrappers for the target platform. In
# particular, what we care about with regard to the wrappers is the C++
# string ABI. We have the following situations:
# * they are equal: this is fine
# * they're different and the host has a prefernce for the C++ string ABI:
# we can't deal with this situation as the host wrappers will be always
# overwritten, then error out
# * in all other cases we don't do anything here but later below we'll let
# the host wrappers to be overwritten by the wrappers for the target
if target == host_target
target_cxxabi = compiler_abi(platform).cxxstring_abi
host_cxxabi = compiler_abi(host_platform).cxxstring_abi
if target_cxxabi !== host_cxxabi
if host_cxxabi !== nothing
# This is a very unlikely situation as ideally the host
# shouldn't have particular preferences for the ABI, thus in
# practice we shouldn't never reach this.
error("Incompatible C++ string ABIs between the host and target platforms")

# If we should use ccache, prepend this to every compiler invocation
ccache = use_ccache ? "ccache" : ""

Expand All @@ -73,7 +103,7 @@ function generate_compiler_wrappers!(platform::Platform; bin_path::AbstractStrin
unsafe_flags = String[])
write(io, """
# This compiler wrapper script brought into existence by `generate_compiler_wrappers()`
# This compiler wrapper script brought into existence by `generate_compiler_wrappers!()`
if [ "x\${SUPER_VERBOSE}" = "x" ]; then
vrun() { "\$@"; }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,8 +338,11 @@ function generate_compiler_wrappers!(platform::Platform; bin_path::AbstractStrin
chmod(joinpath(bin_path, fname), 0o775)

## Generate compiler wrappers for both our target and our host
for p in unique((platform, host_platform))
## Generate compiler wrappers for both our host and our target. In
## particular, we write the wrapper for the target after those for the host,
## to override host-specific ABI in case this is incompatible with that of
## the target
for p in unique((host_platform, platform))
t = aatriplet(p)

# Generate `:c` compilers
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/UserNSRunner.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ function UserNSRunner(workspace_root::String;
verbose::Bool = false,
compiler_wrapper_path::String = mktempdir(),
src_name::AbstractString = "",
shards = nothing,
global use_ccache, use_squashfs, runner_override

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,8 +56,10 @@ function UserNSRunner(workspace_root::String;
push!(workspaces, ccache_dir() => "/root/.ccache")

# Choose the shards we're going to mount
shards = choose_shards(platform; extract_kwargs(kwargs, (:preferred_gcc_version,:preferred_llvm_version,:bootstrap_list,:compilers))...)
if isnothing(shards)
# Choose the shards we're going to mount
shards = choose_shards(platform; extract_kwargs(kwargs, (:preferred_gcc_version,:preferred_llvm_version,:bootstrap_list,:compilers))...)

# Construct sandbox command to look at the location it'll be mounted under
mpath = mount_path(shards[1], workspace_root)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/wizard/deploy.jl
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Expand Up @@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ function print_build_tarballs(io::IO, state::WizardState)
push!(kwargs_vec, "compilers = [$(join(map(x -> ":$(x)", state.compilers), ", "))]")
# Default GCC version is the oldest one
if state.preferred_gcc_version != available_gcc_builds[1]
if state.preferred_gcc_version != getversion(available_gcc_builds[1])
push!(kwargs_vec, "preferred_gcc_version = v\"$(state.preferred_gcc_version)\"")
# Default LLVM version is the latest one
if state.preferred_llvm_version != available_llvm_builds[end]
if state.preferred_llvm_version != getversion(available_llvm_builds[end])
push!(kwargs_vec, "preferred_llvm_version = v\"$(state.preferred_llvm_version)\"")
kwargs = ""
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/wizard/obtain_source.jl
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Expand Up @@ -404,13 +404,13 @@ function step2(state::WizardState)
if yn_prompt(state, "Do you want to customize the set of compilers?", :n) == :y
get_preferred_version(state, "GCC", available_gcc_builds)
get_preferred_version(state, "LLVM", available_llvm_builds)
get_preferred_version(state, "GCC", getversion.(available_gcc_builds))
get_preferred_version(state, "LLVM", getversion.(available_llvm_builds))
state.compilers = [:c]
# Default GCC version is the oldest one
state.preferred_gcc_version = available_gcc_builds[1]
state.preferred_gcc_version = getversion(available_gcc_builds[1])
# Default LLVM version is the latest one
state.preferred_llvm_version = available_llvm_builds[end]
state.preferred_llvm_version = getversion(available_llvm_builds[end])

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