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Resize buffers in sparse! to satisfy buffer checks in constructor
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With this patch the output buffers to `sparse!` are resized in order to
satisfy the buffer length checks in the `SparseMatrixCSC` constructor
that were introduced in JuliaLang/julia#40523. Previously `csccolptr`
was never resized, and  `cscrowval` and `cscnzval` were only resized if
the buffers were too short (i.e. never truncated).

The requirement `length(csccolptr) >= n + 1` could be kept, but seems
unnecessary since all buffers need to be resized anyway (to pass the
constructor checks).

In particular this fixes calling `sparse!` with `I`, `J`, `V` as both
input and output buffers: `sparse!(I, J, V, m, n, ..., I, J, V)`.

Fixes #313.
  • Loading branch information
fredrikekre committed Dec 9, 2022
1 parent 57cbb74 commit 40e989c
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Showing 2 changed files with 87 additions and 9 deletions.
18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions src/sparsematrix.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1068,9 +1068,8 @@ intermediate CSR forms and require `length(csrrowptr) >= m + 1`,
`length(csrcolval) >= length(I)`, and `length(csrnzval >= length(I))`. Input
array `klasttouch`, workspace for the second stage, requires `length(klasttouch) >= n`.
Optional input arrays `csccolptr`, `cscrowval`, and `cscnzval` constitute storage for the
returned CSC form `S`. `csccolptr` requires `length(csccolptr) >= n + 1`. If necessary,
`cscrowval` and `cscnzval` are automatically resized to satisfy
`length(cscrowval) >= nnz(S)` and `length(cscnzval) >= nnz(S)`; hence, if `nnz(S)` is
returned CSC form `S`. If necessary, these are resized automatically to satisfy
`length(csccolptr) = n + 1`, `length(cscrowval) = nnz(S)` and `length(cscnzval) = nnz(S)`; hence, if `nnz(S)` is
unknown at the outset, passing in empty vectors of the appropriate type (`Vector{Ti}()`
and `Vector{Tv}()` respectively) suffices, or calling the `sparse!` method
neglecting `cscrowval` and `cscnzval`.
Expand All @@ -1081,6 +1080,7 @@ representation of the result's transpose.
You may reuse the input arrays' storage (`I`, `J`, `V`) for the output arrays
(`csccolptr`, `cscrowval`, `cscnzval`). For example, you may call
`sparse!(I, J, V, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval, I, J, V)`.
Note that they will be resized to satisfy the conditions above.
For the sake of efficiency, this method performs no argument checking beyond
`1 <= I[k] <= m` and `1 <= J[k] <= n`. Use with care. Testing with `--check-bounds=yes`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1140,6 +1140,9 @@ function sparse!(I::AbstractVector{Ti}, J::AbstractVector{Ti}, V::Union{Tv,Abstr
# This completes the unsorted-row, has-repeats CSR form's construction

# The output array csccolptr can now be resized safely even if aliased with I
resize!(csccolptr, n + 1)

# Sweep through the CSR form, simultaneously (1) calculating the CSC form's column
# counts and storing them shifted forward by one in csccolptr; (2) detecting repeated
# entries; and (3) repacking the CSR form with the repeated entries combined.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1188,10 +1191,13 @@ function sparse!(I::AbstractVector{Ti}, J::AbstractVector{Ti}, V::Union{Tv,Abstr
Base.hastypemax(Ti) && (countsum <= typemax(Ti) || throw(ArgumentError("more than typemax(Ti)-1 == $(typemax(Ti)-1) entries")))

# Now knowing the CSC form's entry count, resize cscrowval and cscnzval if necessary
# Now knowing the CSC form's entry count, resize cscrowval and cscnzval
# Note: This is done unconditionally to appease the buffer checks in the SparseMatrixCSC
# constructor. If these checks are lifted this resizing is only needed if the
# buffers are too short. csccolptr is resized above.
cscnnz = countsum - Tj(1)
length(cscrowval) < cscnnz && resize!(cscrowval, cscnnz)
length(cscnzval) < cscnnz && resize!(cscnzval, cscnnz)
resize!(cscrowval, cscnnz)
resize!(cscnzval, cscnnz)

# Finally counting-sort the row and nonzero values from the CSR form into cscrowval and
# cscnzval. Tracking write positions in csccolptr corrects the column pointers.
Expand Down
78 changes: 75 additions & 3 deletions test/sparsematrix_constructors_indexing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ using Dates

function same_structure(A, B)
return all(getfield(A, f) == getfield(B, f) for f in (:m, :n, :colptr, :rowval))

@testset "uniform scaling should not change type #103" begin
A = spzeros(Float32, Int8, 5, 5)
B = I - A
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,9 +63,6 @@ end

@testset "spzeros for pattern creation (structural zeros)" begin
function same_structure(A, B)
return all(getfield(A, f) == getfield(B, f) for f in (:m, :n, :colptr, :rowval))
I = [1, 2, 3]
J = [1, 3, 4]
V = zeros(length(I))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1625,4 +1626,75 @@ end
@test_throws ArgumentError SparseArrays.expandptr([2; 3])

@testset "sparse!" begin
using SparseArrays: sparse!, getcolptr, getrowval, nonzeros

function allocate_arrays(m, n)
N = round(Int, 0.5 * m * n)
Tv, Ti = Float64, Int
I = Ti[rand(1:m) for _ in 1:N]; I = Ti[I; I]
J = Ti[rand(1:n) for _ in 1:N]; J = Ti[J; J]
V = Tv.(I)
csrrowptr = Vector{Ti}(undef, m + 1)
csrcolval = Vector{Ti}(undef, length(I))
csrnzval = Vector{Tv}(undef, length(I))
klasttouch = Vector{Ti}(undef, n)
csccolptr = Vector{Ti}(undef, n + 1)
cscrowval = Vector{Ti}()
cscnzval = Vector{Tv}()
return I, J, V, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval, csccolptr, cscrowval, cscnzval

for (m, n) in ((10, 5), (5, 10), (10, 10))
# Passing csr vectors
I, J, V, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval = allocate_arrays(m, n)
S = sparse(I, J, V, m, n)
S! = sparse!(I, J, V, m, n, +, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval)
@test S == S!
@test same_structure(S, S!)

# Passing csr vectors + csccolptr
I, J, V, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval, csccolptr = allocate_arrays(m, n)
S = sparse(I, J, V, m, n)
S! = sparse!(I, J, V, m, n, +, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval, csccolptr)
@test S == S!
@test same_structure(S, S!)
@test getcolptr(S!) === csccolptr

# Passing csr vectors, and csc vectors
I, J, V, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval, csccolptr, cscrowval, cscnzval =
allocate_arrays(m, n)
S = sparse(I, J, V, m, n)
S! = sparse!(I, J, V, m, n, +, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval,
csccolptr, cscrowval, cscnzval)
@test S == S!
@test same_structure(S, S!)
@test getcolptr(S!) === csccolptr
@test getrowval(S!) === cscrowval
@test nonzeros(S!) === cscnzval

# Passing csr vectors, and csc vectors of insufficient lengths
I, J, V, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval, csccolptr, cscrowval, cscnzval =
allocate_arrays(m, n)
S = sparse(I, J, V, m, n)
S! = sparse!(I, J, V, m, n, +, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval,
resize!(csccolptr, 0), resize!(cscrowval, 0), resize!(cscnzval, 0))
@test S == S!
@test same_structure(S, S!)
@test getcolptr(S!) === csccolptr
@test getrowval(S!) === cscrowval
@test nonzeros(S!) === cscnzval

# Passing csr vectors, and csc vectors aliased with I, J, V
I, J, V, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval = allocate_arrays(m, n)
S = sparse(I, J, V, m, n)
S! = sparse!(I, J, V, m, n, +, klasttouch, csrrowptr, csrcolval, csrnzval, I, J, V)
@test S == S!
@test same_structure(S, S!)
@test getcolptr(S!) === I
@test getrowval(S!) === J
@test nonzeros(S!) === V


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