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KevinRansom committed Feb 20, 2023
1 parent f3efbdc commit 4d8d59d
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Showing 4 changed files with 59 additions and 89 deletions.
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilsign.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let getResourceString (_, str) = str
[<Struct; StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)>]
type ByteArrayUnion =
val UnderlyingArray: byte array
val UnderlyingArray: byte[]

val ImmutableArray: ImmutableArray<byte>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ let hashAssembly (peReader: PEReader) (hashAlgorithm: IncrementalHash) =
peHeaderOffset + peHeaderSize + int peHeaders.CoffHeader.NumberOfSections * 0x28 // sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)

let allHeaders =
let array = Array.zeroCreate<byte> allHeadersSize
let array: byte[] = Array.zeroCreate<byte> allHeadersSize
peReader.GetEntireImage().GetContent().CopyTo(0, array, 0, allHeadersSize)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,9 +121,9 @@ let hashAssembly (peReader: PEReader) (hashAlgorithm: IncrementalHash) =

type BlobReader =
val mutable _blob: byte array
val mutable _blob: byte[]
val mutable _offset: int
new(blob: byte array) = { _blob = blob; _offset = 0 }
new(blob: byte[]) = { _blob = blob; _offset = 0 }

member x.ReadInt32() : int =
let offset = x._offset
Expand All @@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ type BlobReader =
||| (int x._blob[offset + 2] <<< 16)
||| (int x._blob[offset + 3] <<< 24)

member x.ReadBigInteger(length: int) : byte array =
let arr = Array.zeroCreate<byte> length
member x.ReadBigInteger(length: int) : byte[] =
let arr: byte[] = Array.zeroCreate<byte> length
Array.Copy(x._blob, x._offset, arr, 0, length)
x._offset <- x._offset + length
arr |> Array.rev

let RSAParamatersFromBlob blob keyType =
let RSAParamatersFromBlob (blob: byte[]) keyType =
let mutable reader = BlobReader blob

if reader.ReadInt32() <> 0x00000207 && keyType = KeyType.KeyPair then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,14 +169,14 @@ let RSAParamatersFromBlob blob keyType =
key.D <- reader.ReadBigInteger byteLen

let validateRSAField (field: byte array MaybeNull) expected (name: string) =
let validateRSAField (field: byte[] MaybeNull) expected (name: string) =
match field with
| Null -> ()
| NonNull field ->
if field.Length <> expected then
raise (CryptographicException(String.Format(getResourceString (FSComp.SR.ilSignInvalidRSAParams ()), name)))

let toCLRKeyBlob (rsaParameters: RSAParameters) (algId: int) : byte array =
let toCLRKeyBlob (rsaParameters: RSAParameters) (algId: int) : byte[] =

// The original FCall this helper emulates supports other algId's - however, the only algid we need to support is CALG_RSA_KEYX. We will not port the codepaths dealing with other algid's.
if algId <> CALG_RSA_KEYX then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ let toCLRKeyBlob (rsaParameters: RSAParameters) (algId: int) : byte array =


let createSignature hash keyBlob keyType =
let createSignature (hash: byte[]) (keyBlob: byte[]) keyType =
use rsa = RSA.Create()
rsa.ImportParameters(RSAParamatersFromBlob keyBlob keyType)

Expand All @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ let createSignature hash keyBlob keyType =

signature |> Array.rev

let patchSignature (stream: Stream) (peReader: PEReader) (signature: byte array) =
let patchSignature (stream: Stream) (peReader: PEReader) (signature: byte[]) =
let peHeaders = peReader.PEHeaders
let signatureDirectory = peHeaders.CorHeader.StrongNameSignatureDirectory

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ let signStream stream keyBlob =
let signature = createSignature hash keyBlob KeyType.KeyPair
patchSignature stream peReader signature

let signatureSize (pk: byte array) =
let signatureSize (pk: byte[]) =
if pk.Length < 25 then
raise (CryptographicException(getResourceString (FSComp.SR.ilSignInvalidPKBlob ())))

Expand All @@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ let getPublicKeyForKeyPair keyBlob =

// Key signing
type keyContainerName = string
type keyPair = byte array
type pubkey = byte array
type pubkeyOptions = byte array * bool
type keyPair = byte[]
type pubkey = byte[]
type pubkeyOptions = byte[] * bool

let signerGetPublicKeyForKeyPair (kp: keyPair) : pubkey = getPublicKeyForKeyPair kp

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilsign.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ open System.IO
type ILStrongNameSigner =
member PublicKey: byte array
member PublicKey: byte[]
static member OpenPublicKeyOptions: byte array -> bool -> ILStrongNameSigner
static member OpenPublicKey: byte array -> ILStrongNameSigner
static member OpenKeyPairFile: byte array -> ILStrongNameSigner
static member OpenPublicKey: byte[] -> ILStrongNameSigner
static member OpenKeyPairFile: byte[] -> ILStrongNameSigner
static member OpenKeyContainer: string -> ILStrongNameSigner
member IsFullySigned: bool
member PublicKey: byte array
member PublicKey: byte[]
member SignatureSize: int
member SignStream: Stream -> unit
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilwrite.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3731,6 +3731,7 @@ let writePdb (
stream.WriteTo fs
getInfoForPortablePdb contentId pdbfile pathMap debugDataChunk debugDeterministicPdbChunk debugChecksumPdbChunk algorithmName checkSum embeddedPDB deterministic
| None -> [| |]
reportTime "Generate PDB Info"

// Now we have the debug data we can go back and fill in the debug directory in the image
use fs2 = reopenOutput()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3758,7 +3759,6 @@ let writePdb (
reportTime "Finalize PDB"
signImage ()
reportTime "Generate PDB Info"
with exn ->
failwith ("Error while writing debug directory entry: " + exn.Message)
(try os2.Dispose(); FileSystem.FileDeleteShim outfile with _ -> ())
Expand Down
108 changes: 39 additions & 69 deletions src/Compiler/Interactive/fsi.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1328,36 +1328,6 @@ let internal mkBoundValueTypedImpl tcGlobals m moduleName name ty =
let qname = QualifiedNameOfFile.QualifiedNameOfFile(Ident(moduleName, m))
entity, v, CheckedImplFile.CheckedImplFile(qname, [], mty, contents, false, false, StampMap.Empty, Map.empty)

let scriptingSymbolsPath =
let createDirectory path =
if not (Directory.Exists(path)) then
Directory.CreateDirectory(path) |> ignore

with _ ->

createDirectory (Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"{DateTime.Now:s}-{Guid.NewGuid():n}".Replace(':', '-')))

let deleteScriptingSymbols () =
#if !DEBUG
if scriptingSymbolsPath.IsValueCreated then
if Directory.Exists(scriptingSymbolsPath.Value) then
Directory.Delete(scriptingSymbolsPath.Value, true)
with _ ->

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit |> Event.add (fun _ -> deleteScriptingSymbols ())

let dynamicCcuName = "FSI-ASSEMBLY"

/// Encapsulates the coordination of the typechecking, optimization and code generation
/// components of the F# compiler for interactively executed fragments of code.
Expand All @@ -1380,12 +1350,12 @@ type internal FsiDynamicCompiler(

let outfile = "TMPFSCI.exe"

let dynamicCcuName = "FSI-ASSEMBLY"

let valueBoundEvent = Control.Event<_>()

let mutable fragmentId = 0

static let mutable dynamicAssemblyId = 0

static let maxVersion = int Int16.MaxValue

let mutable prevIt : ValRef option = None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1417,8 +1387,7 @@ type internal FsiDynamicCompiler(
/// Add attributes
let CreateModuleFragment (tcConfigB: TcConfigBuilder, dynamicCcuName, codegenResults) =
if progress then fprintfn fsiConsoleOutput.Out "Creating main module..."
let mainModule =
mkILSimpleModule dynamicCcuName (GetGeneratedILModuleName dynamicCcuName) ( = CompilerTarget.Dll) tcConfigB.subsystemVersion tcConfigB.useHighEntropyVA (mkILTypeDefs codegenResults.ilTypeDefs) None None 0x0 (mkILExportedTypes []) ""
let mainModule = mkILSimpleModule dynamicCcuName (GetGeneratedILModuleName dynamicCcuName) ( = CompilerTarget.Dll) tcConfigB.subsystemVersion tcConfigB.useHighEntropyVA (mkILTypeDefs codegenResults.ilTypeDefs) None None 0x0 (mkILExportedTypes []) ""
{ mainModule
with Manifest =
(let man = mainModule.ManifestOfAssembly
Expand All @@ -1433,7 +1402,7 @@ type internal FsiDynamicCompiler(
let manifest =
let manifest = ilxMainModule.Manifest.Value
let attrs = [
yield! manifest.CustomAttrs.AsList()
{ manifest with
Expand All @@ -1443,7 +1412,7 @@ type internal FsiDynamicCompiler(
CustomAttrsStored = storeILCustomAttrs (mkILCustomAttrs attrs)

// The name of the assembly is "FSI-ASSEMBLY" for all submissions. This number is used for the Version
// The name of the assembly is "FSI-ASSEMBLY" for all submissions. This number is used for the Version
dynamicAssemblyId <- (dynamicAssemblyId + 1) % maxVersion

let ilxMainModule = { ilxMainModule with Manifest = Some manifest }
Expand All @@ -1452,44 +1421,45 @@ type internal FsiDynamicCompiler(
let ilxMainModule =
ilxMainModule |> Morphs.morphILTypeRefsInILModuleMemoized emEnv.MapTypeRef

let opts = {
ilg = tcGlobals.ilg
outfile = multiAssemblyName + ".dll"
pdbfile = Some (Path.Combine(scriptingSymbolsPath.Value, $"{multiAssemblyName}-{dynamicAssemblyId}.pdb"))
emitTailcalls = tcConfig.emitTailcalls
deterministic = tcConfig.deterministic
portablePDB = true
embeddedPDB = false
embedAllSource = false
embedSourceList = []
allGivenSources = []
sourceLink = tcConfig.sourceLink
checksumAlgorithm = tcConfig.checksumAlgorithm
signer = None
dumpDebugInfo = tcConfig.dumpDebugInfo
referenceAssemblyOnly = false
referenceAssemblyAttribOpt = None
pathMap = tcConfig.pathMap

let assemblyBytes, pdbBytes = WriteILBinaryInMemory (opts, ilxMainModule, id)
let opts =
{ ilg = tcGlobals.ilg
// This is not actually written, because we are writing to a stream,
// but needs to be set for some logic of ilwrite to function.
outfile = multiAssemblyName + ".dll"
// This is not actually written, because we embed debug info,
// but needs to be set for some logic of ilwrite to function.
pdbfile = (if tcConfig.debuginfo then Some (multiAssemblyName + ".pdb") else None)
emitTailcalls = tcConfig.emitTailcalls
deterministic = tcConfig.deterministic
// we always use portable for F# Interactive debug emit
portablePDB = true
// we don't use embedded for F# Interactive debug emit
embeddedPDB = false
embedAllSource = tcConfig.embedAllSource
embedSourceList = tcConfig.embedSourceList
// we don't add additional source files to the debug document set
allGivenSources = []
sourceLink = tcConfig.sourceLink
checksumAlgorithm = tcConfig.checksumAlgorithm
signer = None
dumpDebugInfo = tcConfig.dumpDebugInfo
referenceAssemblyOnly = false
referenceAssemblyAttribOpt = None
pathMap = tcConfig.pathMap }

let normalizeAssemblyRefs = id

let assemblyBytes, pdbBytes = WriteILBinaryInMemory (opts, ilxMainModule, normalizeAssemblyRefs)

let asm =
match opts.pdbfile, pdbBytes with
| (Some pdbfile), (Some pdbBytes) ->
File.WriteAllBytes(pdbfile, pdbBytes)
| _ -> ()

match pdbBytes with
| None -> Assembly.Load(assemblyBytes)
| Some pdbBytes -> Assembly.Load(assemblyBytes, pdbBytes)

// Force generated types to load
for t in asm.GetTypes() do ignore t

// remember this assembly

let loadedTypes = [ for t in asm.GetTypes() -> t]
ignore loadedTypes

let ilScopeRef = ILScopeRef.Assembly (ILAssemblyRef.FromAssemblyName(asm.GetName()))

// Collect up the entry points for initialization
Expand All @@ -1505,7 +1475,7 @@ type internal FsiDynamicCompiler(
let execs =
[ for edef in entries do
if edef.ArgCount = 0 then
yield (fun () ->
yield (fun () ->
let typ = asm.GetType(edef.DeclaringTypeRef.BasicQualifiedName)
ignore (typ.InvokeMember (edef.Name, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Static, null, null, [| |], Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2543,7 +2513,7 @@ type internal MagicAssemblyResolution () =
let res = CommitOperationResult overallSearchResult
match res with
| Choice1Of2 assemblyName ->
if simpleAssemName <> "Mono.Posix" && progress then fsiConsoleOutput.uprintfn "%s" (FSIstrings.SR.fsiBindingSessionTo(assemblyName))
if simpleAssemName <> "Mono.Posix" then fsiConsoleOutput.uprintfn "%s" (FSIstrings.SR.fsiBindingSessionTo(assemblyName))
if isRunningOnCoreClr then
assemblyLoadFrom assemblyName
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