Releases: KjellKod/g3log
What's Changed
- Cleanup, Build Number, Docker, and other small improvements.
- Avoid deadlock/pending exit for containerized applications in case of fatal exit by @GergoTot in #481
Build improvements
- Update appveyor.yml by @KjellKod in #487
- trying out codespaces by @KjellKod in #506, #507
- Versioning by @KjellKod in #515
Cleanup & Improvements
- constexpr LEVELS for easier custom level usage by @SzGaa in #483
- Fix found by PVS-Studio issues by @dimhotepus in #490
- Update loglevels.hpp by @CryptoManiac in #496
- adding formatting by @KjellKod in #508
- gitignore by @KjellKod in #510
- refactor fatal call by @KjellKod in #511
- Mostly a refactor of tests by @KjellKod in #513
Doc updates
- update doc for default flush by @KjellKod in #499
- clarify c++ version support by @KjellKod in #502
- Update by @KjellKod in #504
- Update for career or contract opportunities by @KjellKod in #505
- updated docs by @KjellKod in #512
Shoutout to New Contributors
- @GergoTot made their first contribution in #481
- @SzGaa made their first contribution in #483
- @dimhotepus made their first contribution in #490
- @CryptoManiac made their first contribution in #496
Full Changelog: 2.3...2.4
2.3 Bugfix - filesink buffer flush correction
What's Changed
- Fix filesink drop messages improved by @ryanammoury and @KjellKod in #479
Full Changelog: 2.2...2.3
2.2 performance and usability improvements
What's Changed
- cleanup: func doesn't make sense by @KjellKod in #469
- improvement: SIGFUNC no longer default for Windows. __PRETTY__FUNCTION no longer default for gcc/clang by @KjellKod in #470
- improvement: Parse OSX stack dump format in order to demangle it correctly by @gglowacki in #473
New Contributors
- @gglowacki made their first contribution in #473
Full Changelog: 2.1...2.2
Release 2.1 - improved stackdump for complex architectures on multithread systems
What's Changed
New Contributors
- @ablangy made their first contribution in #464
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1
2.0.1 c++17/c++20
This is the first release where c++17/20 is supported. Users of c++14 should use g3log 1.3.4.
What's Changed
C++17 adjustment
- Replace std::result_of with std::invoke_result by @Friendly0Fire in #392
- Avoid copying LOGLEVELS for g3::logLevel call by @lukeocamden in #399
Platform improvements
- Fix ARM compilation for windows. by @englercj in #401
- SOName needs to be less volatile by @Shachar in #402
- Fix soname 2 by @KjellKod in #404
Documentation now available at:
- Create by @KjellKod in #411
- Readme improvement by @KjellKod in #441
- Update by @KjellKod in #440
- Create publish_docs.yml by @KjellKod in #442
- Update by @KjellKod in #446
- Update by @KjellKod in #447 #449
- Update mkdocs.yml by @KjellKod in #448 #450 #451 #452 #453 #455
- Create .ciignore by @KjellKod in #454
- Update by @KjellKod in #456, @SkiddyToast in #458, @mudream4869 in #460
Functionality improvements
- Enable coredump for containerized applications by @hoditohod in #419
- Fix pretty function magic constant overwriting by @landwehrj in #424
- Fixes #428: memory leak in g3::internal::createLogFile by @DlubalSmidJaroslav in #430
CI, test, build, warnings
- update gtest zip URL by @KjellKod in #417
- dummy circle-ci by @KjellKod in #434
- Delete .travis.yml by @KjellKod in #435
- updated doc circle ci by @KjellKod in #436
- Update cmake.yml by @KjellKod in #437
- fix(cmake): fixes #413 by @zjeffer in #457
- Resolve noexcept warnings on lambdas by @bmagistro in #463
New Contributors
- @Friendly0Fire made their first contribution in #392
- @lukeocamden made their first contribution in #399
- @englercj made their first contribution in #401
- @Shachar made their first contribution in #402
- @hoditohod made their first contribution in #419
- @landwehrj made their first contribution in #424
- @DlubalSmidJaroslav made their first contribution in #430
- @zjeffer made their first contribution in #457
- @SkiddyToast made their first contribution in #458
- @mudream4869 made their first contribution in #460
Full Changelog: 1.3.4...2.0.1
Last release (?) with C++14 support. From now on master will be on C++17/20
This is a release to give the latest changes for the C++14 community.
After this change master will be on C++17/20.
Minor cleanups
1.3.3: Summary of changes since 1.3.2 -- C++14/17 support, Platform improvements, Stability and Usability
Documentation changes
- Numerous changes to API, code examples @KjellKod
- Cleanup and improvement (#328, #353) @jecaro, @mkilivan
#Feature improvement
Cleanup Help
Debug levels (#259) @DerekJuba-NIST
Ambiguous constructor error. (#262) @DigitalInBlue
Warning about whitespace (#265) @codekrafter
Code Cleanup (#336) @JoelStienlet
Bug fixing
- Macro safe calling (#320) @madscientist
- Windows stacktrace (#334 @lederernc
Platform support and Build Improvements
- MinGW / Windows fixes (#260) @tkhyn
- VS2013, VS2015 improvements (#266, #273, #277, #275, #278, #291, #292, #293 ) @AndreasSchoenle, @outkontroll, @ccvca, @AlexP11223, @cstamatopoulos, @ctapmex
- CMake improvements (#190, #267, #272, #268, #299, #294, #312, #321 ) @julien-lecomte, @AndreasSchoenle, @mobileben, @MaxSavenkov, @michaelbgratton, @BenjaminBeichler, @myd7349
- Clang build improvements (#283) @ngladitz
- CI improvements (#300, #301, #340 ) @KjellKod
- arm64 support (#307) @mobileben
- iOS fatal signal handling (#309) @mobileben
Installation and Project integration
- project integration (#333,) @bmagistro
1.3.2 - C++11 compatibility fix.
UPDATE: New High-Value Functionality will in the future be ported into this C++11 branch.
Changes with 1.3.2.
g3log v.1.3.1 had a CMake error that stopped c++11 only compiler from building.
g3log v1.3.2 contains the corrected CMake files.
Thanks to @esdevcr for providing this patch correction.
As g3log goes forward the branch 1.3.x will be the "c++11 master branch" in case of future changes.
c++11 version support (after this version g3log will require c++14)
UPDATE: New High-Value Functionality will in the future be ported into this C++11 branch.
Summary of changes since version 1.3
Thanks to the following coders for both major and minor contributions
- @jkhoogland
- @AndreasSchoenle
- @maj-tom
- @pshurgal
- @ttencate
- @mobileben
- @Melion
- @Jawan81
- @AndreasSchoenle
- @ctapmex
- @spinorx
- @ze897c
- @PeasantCodeFarmer
- @jcfr
Major changes mentioned below, smaller changes not mentioned.
Major Improvements
- Significantly improved CMake options for install options on multiple platforms
- support for full filenames in logs 226(thanks @spinorx)
- huge improvements for low granularity of log timestamps on both Windows and Linux 200
- iOS support 198
- CMake support for arbitrary, compile time decided max value for the "printf" like logs [208] (#208)
Major Bugfix:
- LOG macros and if-statements without curly brances (231
- doc updates for API and internal code comments
Thanks to @AndreasSchoenle 191 there is now a branch with WCHAR support. See branch: wchar_support
g3log 1.3 nanosecond fractions in time log, plattform and build improvements, logging levels improvements.
Summary of changes since 1.2
- Greatly improved logging format with nanoseconds support.
- Added ARM support as well as improved OSX and Windows support
- Build and API improvements
- Build and API document improvements
Thanks to the community for feedback, usage, code and review contributions.
The following deserves an extra thank you :)
Chronological Summary
March 2017
- cpackage improvements : make install and make package
- improved API and README
- bugfix nanosecond fractions on 32 bit Windows systems
February 2017
- mingw improvements
January 2017
- bugfix nanosecond fractions for - OS speifics
- Visual studio build improvements
December 2016
- added support for ARM
- build and continuous integration updates
- logging levels improvement
- unit test corrections for fatal signal handling on Windows
- cleanup
October 2016
- bugfixes
- logging for Windows improved
- added unit tests missing for Windows logging levels
August 2016
- added nanosecond timestamps to log and improved the logging formatting
- API and README updated
- bugfixes
July 2016
- cleanup
June 2016
- cross compiler linking improvements
May 2016
- bugfix for potential deadlock during shutdown
March 2016
- log formatting bug corrected.