1.5.0 for Advanced Edition
Rebalance weapon costs for advanced edition
Diagonal movement skills now grant +2 diagonal move per upgrade instead of +1. King gains +1 orthogonal, +1 diagonal each level
Fix diagonal move showing teleport images
Rook Mech
Replace rook push upgrade with diagonal upgrade
Rook upgrades now grant diagonal movement, so turning the rook into a queen is achievable
Movement numbers tweaked, rook now shows as defaulting to 4 move instead of 7 (for better compat with Kai)
Pawn explosions are now included in damage preview to help with the achievement
Knight Mech
Knight mech when boosted now cracks the starting tile
Knight mech is now marked as a jumper, so it gets proper target area for control mech
Can no longer target frozen enemies
Bishop Mech
Now a science mech instead of a second brute
Weapon changed to do no damage but to start with push
Upgrade allows orthogonal attacking
You can’t perform that action at this time.