Releases: Lord448/SeriousGamesForRehabilitation
Releases · Lord448/SeriousGamesForRehabilitation
Release v1.2.1
Patch notes:
Hungry Hamster
- Logger for the unhandled exceptions, saving stack trace on file
- Fixing the label error of higher step
- Improvment on ConfigUI
- Fixing the arrow control on Extra fruit select
- Fix extrafruit counting bug
- Ortographic errors solved
- Update to timer class
- Updated patient max age to 99
- Limit timer logic implementation
- Repetition limit disabled for future releases
- None
The setting up tutorials of each component and program will be in the local README file.
At the moment we haven't done that documentation.
Release v1.1.0
Patch notes:
Hungry Hamster
- Added new error logger feature with .log file custom format
- New date format on the GameHandler class for the csv file save
- Fixed food prints on the ladder
- Adjustment on ladder numbers
- Added Logo to the game app
- Added logo to the game app
The setting up tutorials of each component and program will be in the local README file.
At the moment we haven't done that documentation.
Release v1.0.1
Patch notes:
- Changes on the positions of the buttons for treasure hunter
- Changes for the hardware instalation
The setting up tutorials of each component and program will be in the local README file.
At the moment we haven't done that documentation.
Demo version v0.1.0
Demo Version for Essex Evaluation
To do:
- Bug fix on complex data acquisition (time per step touched)
- Memory allocation issues when trying to use list to storage the time per touched step on Android devices
- Implement FIFO algorithm in order to get mutual exclusion with the flag processing of the touch pins
(When a lot of keys or touch sensors are pressed some flags are processed before the other one is finished) - Fruit bug when reseting the repetition under specific and not yet detected conditions
- Implement game reseting (when finish a session) and object destroying to avoid memory leaks
- Implement JavaDB database to store the patients data
- Get the date
- Make the patients profile UI (for handling the database)
- Implement the deploying of the patient performance into a CSV file
- Adjust position of the "Tu puedes más" animated text
- Bug Fix on the abstract MenuScreen class when trying to print in the screen the animated text
- (Only if needed) Make the parseTime method compatible on the TimeMillis class
- (Only if needed) Complete the implementations of the Time arithmetics
- (Only if needed) Profile the time between compound calculation between Time attributes and the merge of the units in base 60
- Construct the name of the CSV file (if the user don't want to write a name)
- Register in the database the last upper step of each patient
Treasure Hunter
To do
- Game crash when using the angle mode
#Patch notes:
First release of the project!
The setting up tutorials of each component and program will be in the local README file.
At the moment we haven't done that documentation.