Demo version v0.1.0
Demo Version for Essex Evaluation
To do:
- Bug fix on complex data acquisition (time per step touched)
- Memory allocation issues when trying to use list to storage the time per touched step on Android devices
- Implement FIFO algorithm in order to get mutual exclusion with the flag processing of the touch pins
(When a lot of keys or touch sensors are pressed some flags are processed before the other one is finished) - Fruit bug when reseting the repetition under specific and not yet detected conditions
- Implement game reseting (when finish a session) and object destroying to avoid memory leaks
- Implement JavaDB database to store the patients data
- Get the date
- Make the patients profile UI (for handling the database)
- Implement the deploying of the patient performance into a CSV file
- Adjust position of the "Tu puedes más" animated text
- Bug Fix on the abstract MenuScreen class when trying to print in the screen the animated text
- (Only if needed) Make the parseTime method compatible on the TimeMillis class
- (Only if needed) Complete the implementations of the Time arithmetics
- (Only if needed) Profile the time between compound calculation between Time attributes and the merge of the units in base 60
- Construct the name of the CSV file (if the user don't want to write a name)
- Register in the database the last upper step of each patient
Treasure Hunter
To do
- Game crash when using the angle mode
#Patch notes:
First release of the project!
The setting up tutorials of each component and program will be in the local README file.
At the moment we haven't done that documentation.