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Releases: MATPOWER/most

MOST 1.3

15 May 22:02
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What's New in MOST 1.3

Released May 10, 2024

Below is a summary of the changes since version 1.2 of MOST. See the file for all the gory details. For release notes for
previous versions, see Appendix B of the MOST User's Manual.

New Features:


  • Reduce memory requirements for long horizon cases with storage by
    forming/storing transposes of matrices for storage constraints.
    Requires MP-Opt-Model 4.2 or later.
  • Speed up building unit commitment (min up/down time) constraints.
    Improvement can be quite substantial on large problems.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fix issue #37 which caused a fatal error in storage input
    checks with multiple storage units under some circumstances.
    Thanks to Keir Steegstra.
  • Fix issue #39 in which the value of mdi.Delta_T, the number
    of hours represented by each period, was not being accounted for in
    most of the terms in the objective function.
    Thanks to Stefano Nicolin.

Incompatible Changes:

  • Remove extra column in mdo.results.ExpectedRampCost and ignore for
    single period.

MOST 1.2

13 Dec 22:26
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What's New in MOST 1.2

Released Dec 13, 2022

Below is a summary of the changes since version 1.1 of MOST. See the file for all the gory details. For release notes for
previous versions, see Appendix B of the MOST User's Manual.


  • Ramping reserves and constraints are now included for the
    transition from the initial state into period 1, except for
    single-period problems.
  • Added calculation of expected TLMP (temporal locational marginal
    price) based on work by Guo, Chen, Tong in [1,
    2, 3]. For generators, these are
    returned in mdo.results.GenTLMP and mdo.results.CondGenTLMP.
    For storage units they are returned in mdo.results.StorageTLMPc,
    mdo.results.StorageTLMPd, mdo.results.CondStorageTLMPc, and
    mdo.results.CondStorageTLMPd. See Table 5-13 in the
    MOST User's Manual.
  • For deterministic cases with storage where ForceCyclicStorage is 0,
    ensure that initial storage bounds are equal to initial storage and
    output a warning if they are modified. Fix deterministic UC tests
    where this was causing results to change depending on value of rho.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Plotting of commitment schedule using plot_uc() did not work
    properly in a subplot, such as in t_most_uc(). Thanks to Lim Han.
  • Fix tests that were failing under Octave 7.x.
  • Fix issue #29 where a typo caused a check on md.UC.MinDown > 1
    to be skipped. Thanks to Talha Iqbal.

Incompatible Changes:

  • Modified definition of ramping reserves for period t (and all
    corresponding input and output parameters) to refer to the transition
    from t-1 to t, not t to t+1. This means that the ramping
    reserves for the transition into the first period are now optimization
    variables and the corresponding constraints are explicit. This is for
    multiperiod problems only. Ramping reserves and contraints are explicitly
    excluded for single-period problems.
    Note: This change also corrects an error in (4.11), where \gamma^t
    is now correct. Previously it should have been \gamma^{t+1}, as it was
    in the code.


  1. Y. Guo, C. Chen and L. Tong, “Pricing Multi-Interval Dispatch Under
    Uncertainty Part I: Dispatch-Following Incentives,”
    IEEE Transactions
    on Power Systems
    , vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 3865–3877, Sept. 2021,
    doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3055730.

  2. C. Chen, Y. Guo and L. Tong, “Pricing Multi-Interval Dispatch Under
    Uncertainty Part II: Generalization and Performance,”
    IEEE Transactions
    on Power Systems
    , vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 3878–3886, Sept. 2021,
    doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3045162.

  3. C. Chen and L. Tong, “Pricing Real-time Stochastic Storage Operations,”
    2022 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), June 27–July 1, 2022,
    doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2204.08140.

MOST 1.1

08 Oct 21:25
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What's New in MOST 1.1

Released Oct 8, 2020

Below is a summary of the changes since version 1.0.2 of MOST. See the file for all the gory details. For release notes for
previous versions, see Appendix B of the MOST User's Manual.


  • Requires MATPOWER 7.1 or later.
  • Output of most_summary() includes sections for fixed loads and for
    expected stored energy for storage units.
  • Relies on MP-Opt-Model 3.0, which can be found at and is included in
    MATPOWER 7.1.
    • Significant performance improvement for some problems when constructing
      sparse matrices for linear constraints or quadratic costs (e.g. during
      problem setup).
      Thanks to Daniel Muldrew.
    • Uses the @opt_model/solve() method rather than calling
      miqps_matpower() or qps_matpower() directly.
    • Uses the @opt_model/get_soln() method to extract variable and shadow
      price results, rather than doing the indexing manually.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fix bug #6 where building a model without solving it, or solving a
    previously built model resulted in a fatal error.
    Thanks to Baraa Mohandes.
  • Fix bug #11 where storage constraints were not correct for
    t=1 and rho not equal to 1. Thanks to Baraa Mohandes.
  • Fix issue #16, where the om field of the output MOST data struct
    (mdo) was a handle to the same object as as the om field of the
    input MOST data struct (mdi), meaning that changing one would modify
    the other. Thanks to Baraa Mohandes.

Incompatible Changes:

  • Objective function value returned in mdo.QP.f updated to include the
    previously missing constant term.

MOST 1.0.2

20 Jun 19:03
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What's New in MOST 1.0.2

Released Jun 20, 2019

Below is a summary of the changes since version 1.0.1 of MOST. See the file for all the gory details. For release notes for
previous versions, see Appendix B of the MOST User's Manual.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fix default solver selection issue in t_most_w_ds test.

Other Changes:

  • Add CITATION file.
  • Other miscellaneous documentation updates, e.g. MATPOWER website
    links updated to, separate references for
    MATPOWER software and User's Manual, with DOIs.

MOST 1.0.1

29 Oct 21:16
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What's New in MOST 1.0.1

Released Oct 30, 2018

Below is a summary of the changes since version 1.0 of MOST. See the file for all the gory details. For release notes for
previous versions, see Appendix B of the MOST User's Manual.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fix bugs in plot_uc_data() resulting in incorrect legends.
  • Fix dimension of RampWear cost indexing if mdi.OpenEnded is true.
  • Add missing constant term to objective function value reported by

Other Changes:

  • LaTeX source code for MOST User's Manual included in docs/src.
  • Updated to use OOP notation for opt_model object, and avoid calls
    to deprecated methods, using init_indexed_name() and
    add_lin_constraint() instead.
  • Updated to use MATPOWER's new quadratic costs in opt_model in
    place of the legacy cost model.

Incompatible Changes:

  • Failure of the optimization no longer halts execution and jumps to
    the debugger.
  • Requires MATPOWER 7.x or later.