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Deno Wrapper to communicate with Steam Web API


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Deno steam api

Deno Wrapper to communicate with Steam Web API

SteamID64 Finder

Please refer to or to find the user steam id.

API key

You can get your api key on


import Steam from "";

const steam = new Steam("your api key");


  • GetAppList

    It takes an optional parameter of type Options, and returns a Promise of type App[].

    • @param {Options?} - Options
    • @returns An array of App objects.
    const apps = await steam.GetAppList().catch(console.error);
      { appid: 2016512, name: "" },
      { appid: 2025850, name: "X Wars Deluxe - Line Effect DLC" },
      { appid: 2026000, name: "Our Adventurer Guild" },
      { appid: 2026020, name: "The Alchemist" },
      { appid: 2026030, name: "twenty, in total" },
      { appid: 2026070, name: "Tank Commander" },
      ...more items
  • GetServersAtAddress

    This function returns a list of servers that are running on the specified IPaddress.

    const servers = await steam.GetServersAtAddress("").catch(console.error);
        addr: "",
        gmsindex: -1,
        steamid: "85568392924437989",
        appid: 730,
        gamedir: "csgo",
        region: 0,
        secure: true,
        lan: false,
        gameport: 27015,
        specport: 0
  • GetNewsForApp

    This function returns an array of News, which are the news items for the specifiedappid.

    • @param {number!} - The appid of the game you want to get news for.
    • @param {GetNewsForAppOptions?} [options] - GetNewsForAppOptions
    • @returns An array of News.
    const news = await steam.GetNewsForApp(440, { count: 1 }).catch(console.error);
        gid: "4474904295729829044",
        title: "CS:GO fans want to change the meta by making the M4A1-S pricier",
        url: " Loadout/4474904295729829044",
        is_external_url: true,
        author: "",
        contents: '<img width="900" height="507" src="',
        feedlabel: "The Loadout",
        date: 1655990548,
        feedname: "The Loadout",
        feed_type: 0,
        appid: 730
  • GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp

    It gets the global achievement percentages for a specific game.

    • @param {number!} - The game's appid.
    • @param {Options?} - Options
    • @returns An array of Achievement.
    const GlobalAchievementPercentages = await steam.GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp(440).catch(console.error);
      { name: "GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW", percent: 67 },
      { name: "KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING", percent: 66.5 },
      { name: "UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE", percent: 66.19999694824219 },
      { name: "KILL_ENEMY_LOW", percent: 64.69999694824219 },
      { name: "WIN_ROUNDS_LOW", percent: 63.900001525878906 },
      { name: "IMMOVABLE_OBJECT", percent: 62 },
      { name: "EARN_MONEY_LOW", percent: 61.400001525878906 },
      { name: "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER", percent: 60.5 },
      ... 67 more items
  • GetPlayerSummaries

    GetPlayerSummaries returns a list of player summaries for the given steamids.

    • @param {string[] | string!} - Steam ID or array of steam ID's
    • @param {Options?} - Options
    • @returns a promise that resolves to an array of Player objects or a single Player object.
    const player = await steam.GetPlayerSummaries("steam ID").catc(console.error);
      steamid: "steam ID",
      communityvisibilitystate: 3,
      profilestate: 1,
      personaname: "Name",
    const players = await steam.GetPlayerSummaries(["steam ID1", "steam ID2"]).catc(console.error);
        steamid: "steam ID1",
        communityvisibilitystate: 3,
        profilestate: 1,
        personaname: "Name1",
        steamid: "steam ID2",
        communityvisibilitystate: 3,
        profilestate: 1,
        personaname: "Name2",
  • GetFriends

    It takes a steamid, a relationship, and an optional options object, and returns a promise that resolves to an array of Friend.

    • @param {string!} - The SteamID of the user you want to get the friend list of.

    • @param {RelationShip!} - RelationShip

    • @param {Options?} - Options

    • @returns An array of Friend.

      const friends = await steam.GetFriendList("steam ID", "all" }).catch(console.error);
        { steamid: "steam ID", relationship: "friend", friend_since: 1562700502 },
        ... more items
  • GetPlayerAchievements

    This function returns an array of PlayerAchievement objects, which contain the achievement name, achievement description, and whether or not the player has unlocked the achievement.

    • @param {string!} - The SteamID of the user you want to get the achievements for.

    • @param {number!} - The appid of the game you want to get the achievements for.

    • @param {PlayerAchievementsOptions?} - PlayerAchievementsOptions

    • @returns An array of PlayerAchievement.

      const PlayerAchievements = await steam.GetPlayerAchievements("steam ID", 730).catch(console.error);
        { apiname: "WIN_BOMB_PLANT", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1390843147 },
        { apiname: "BOMB_PLANT_LOW", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1412790573 },
        { apiname: "WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1405868543 },
        { apiname: "KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1355877421 },
        { apiname: "KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1357241363 },
        { apiname: "KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR", achieved: 0, unlocktime: 0 },
        ... 67 more items
  • GetUserStatsForGame

    GetUserStatsForGame() is a function that takes in a steamid and an appid and returns a PlayerStats.

    • @param {string} steamid - The SteamID of the user.

    • @param {number} appid - The appid of the game you want to get the stats for.

    • @param {UserStatsForGameOptions} [options] - UserStatsForGameOptions

    • @returns The response is a JSON object that contains a PlayerStats.

      const UserStats = await steam.GetUserStatsForGame("steam ID", 730).catch(console.error);
        steamID: "Steam ID",
        gameName: "Game Name",
        stats: [
          { name: "total_kills", value: 60158 },
          { name: "total_deaths", value: 61406 },
          { name: "total_time_played", value: 4902023 },
          ... more items
        achievements: [
          { name: "WIN_BOMB_PLANT", achieved: 1 },
          { name: "BOMB_PLANT_LOW", achieved: 1 },
          ... more items
  • GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers

    This function returns the number of players currently playing the game with the specified appid.

    • @param {number} appid - number - The appid of the game you want to get the number of current

    • players for.

    • @param {Options} - Options

    • @returns The number of players currently playing the game.

      const NumberOfCurrentPlayers = await steam.GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers(730).catch(console.error);
  • GetOwnedGames

    This function takes a steamid and an optional OwnedGamesOptions object and returns a promise that resolves to an OwnedGames object.

    • @param {string} - string - The SteamID of the user to retrieve the owned games for.

    • @param {OwnedGamesOptions} - OwnedGamesOptions

    • @returns The response is a OwnedGames.

      const Games = await steam.GetOwnedGames("steam ID").catch(console.error);
        game_count: 1,
        games: [
            appid: 10,
            playtime_forever: 39,
            playtime_windows_forever: 0,
            playtime_mac_forever: 0,
            playtime_linux_forever: 0
  • GetRecentlyPlayedGames

    It takes a steamid and an optional object of options and returns a promise of a RecentlyPlayedGames object.

    • @param {string} - The SteamID of the user to get recently played games for.

    • @param {RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions} - RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions

    • @returns An object RecentlyPlayedGames

      const Games = await steam.GetRecentlyPlayedGames("steam ID").catch(console.error);
        total_count: 1,
        games: [
            appid: game ID,
            name: "Game name",
            playtime_2weeks: 875,
            playtime_forever: 135059,
            img_icon_url: "9ad6dd3d173523355438595g5sb5fb2af87639c4163",
            playtime_windows_forever: 60292,
            playtime_mac_forever: 0,
            playtime_linux_forever: 49

TypeDef Options

  • BaseOptions

      key?: string; // Steam API Key
       * init for fetch @see */
      requestInit?: RequestInit;
  • RelationShip

    "all" | "friend"
  • GetServersAtAddressOptions

    BaseOptions & {
      gmsindex?: number;  // Gives the gmsindex.
      appid?: number;     // Gives the steam game appid.
      gamedir?: string;   // Tells which directory the game is from.
      region?: number;    // Gives the region of the server.
      secure?: boolean;   // Boolean, if server is secure or not.
      lan?: boolean;      // Boolean, if server is a lan game.
      gameport?: number;  // Gives the port number for the server.
      specport?: number;  // Gives the specport.
  • GetNewsForAppOptions

    BaseOptions & {
      count?: number;     // How many news enties you want to get returned.
      maxlength?: number; // Maximum length of each news entry.
  • PlayerAchievementsOptions

    BaseOptions & {
      L?: string; // Language. If specified, it will return language data for the requested language.
  • UserStatsForGameOptions

    Same as PlayerAchievementsOptions

  • OwnedGamesOptions

    BaseOptions & {
      include_appinfo?: boolean;
      include_played_free_games?: boolean;
      appids_filter?: number[];
  • RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions

    BaseOptions & {
      count?: number;
  • Options

    depends on:

    GetServersAtAddressOptions & GetNewsForAppOptions & UserStatsForGameOptions & OwnedGamesOptions & RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions & {
      addr?: string;
      appid?: number;
      gameid?: number;
      steamids?: string[];
      steamid?: string;
      relationship?: RelationShip;
      lang?: string;

TypeDef Result

  • App

      appid: number;
      name: string;
  • Server

      addr: string;
      gmsindex: number;
      steamid: string
      appid: number;
      gamedir: string;
      region: number;
      secure: boolean;
      lan: boolean;
      gameport: number;
      specport: number;
  • News

      gid: string;
      title: string;
      url: string;
      is_external_url: boolean;
      author: string;
      contents: string;
      feedlabel: string;
      date: number;
      feedname: string;
      feed_type: number;
      appid: number;
  • Achievement

      name: string;
      percent: number;
  • Player

      steamid: string;
      communityvisibilitystate: number;
      profilestate: number;
      personaname: string;
      profileurl: string;
      avatar: string;
      avatarmedium: string;
      avatarfull: string;
      avatarhash: string;
      lastlogoff: number;
      personastate: 1;
      realname: string;
      primaryclanid: string;
      timecreated: number;
      personastateflags: 0;
      loccountrycode: string;
  • Friend

      steamid: string;
      relationship: string;
      friend_since: number;
  • PlayerAchievement

      apiname: string;
      achieved: number;
      unlocktime: number;
  • Stat

      name: string;
      value: number;
  • PlayerStat

    depends on Stat

      steamID: string;
      gameName: string;
      stats: Stat[];
      achievements: {
        name: string;
        achieved: number;
  • OwnedGame

      appid: number;
      playtime_forever: number;
      playtime_windows_forever: number;
      playtime_mac_forever: number;
      playtime_linux_forever: number;
  • OwnedGames

    depends on OwnedGame

      game_count: number;
      game: OwnedGame[];
  • RecentlyPlayedGame

      appid: number;
      name: string;
      playtime_2weeks: number;
      playtime_forever: number;
      img_icon_url: string;
      playtime_windows_forever: number;
      playtime_mac_forever: number;
      playtime_linux_forever: number;
  • RecentlyPlayedGames

    depends on RecentlyPlayedGame

      total_count: number;
      games: RecentlyPlayedGame[];


Deno Wrapper to communicate with Steam Web API








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