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deby edited this page Jan 13, 2017 · 4 revisions

School Idol API - Idols endpoint


Name Type Example Note
name String "Ayase Eli"
japanese_name String "絢瀬 絵里"
main Boolean true
age Int 17
school String "Otonokizaka Academy"
birthday Date MM-dd "10-21"
astrological_sign String "Libra"
blood String "B"
height Int 162
measurements String "B88 / W60 / H84"
favorite_food Localized string "Chocolate"
least_favorite_food Localized string "Dried plums, seaweed"
hobbies Localized string "Making Quilts and Accessories"
attribute Attribute choices "Cool"
year Localized string "Third"
main_unit String "μ's"
sub_unit String "Bibi"
cv CV object
summary Localized string "A 17-year-old, third-year high school student and the student council president. She is one-quarter Russian. With a sharp mind and superb athletic abilities, she does everything thrown at her flawlessly. Popular throughout the school and having a strong sense of responsibility, she performs her duties as the student council president well."
website_url URL ""
wiki_url URL ""
wikia_url URL ""
official_url URL ""
chibi URL "" Random.
chibi_small URL "" Random. Might not be the same version than chibi.
CV Object
Name Type Example
name String "Nanjou Yoshino"
nickname String "Nanjolno"
url URL ""
twitter String "nanjolno"
instagram String "nanjolno"


Get the list of idols


Paginated array of Idol object

Optional parameters for filtering
Name Value Note
search Free search term, break terms with spaces. Will search through name, japanese_name, birthday, measurements, favorite_food, least_favorite_food, hobbies, cv, cv_nickname, cv_twitter, cv_instagram, summary
japanese_name Exact value
age Exact value
school Exact value
astrological_sign Exact value
blood Exact value
attribute Exact value
year Exact value
main_unit Exact value
sub_unit Exact value
main True or False
card__is_special True or False Whether or not all the cards of this idol are special

Get an idol by name


English name only. To get an idol by japanese_name, use the filter in Get the list of idols.


Idol object


See Get the list of idols.

school idol tomodachi

List of features

School Idol Tomodachi Cards

School Idol Tomodachi Profile

School Idol Tomodachi Activities

School Idol Tomodachi Events

School Idol Festival, the game

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