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deby edited this page May 11, 2016 · 31 revisions

Our project is open-source and open for contributions. We would be more than happy to accept your pull-requests on GitHub.

The website has been made using Django, the facemash has been made using Pyramid, and the public API has been made using Django-Rest-Framework, so in Python 2. We also use LESS CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery and Bower for the front-end of the website.

If you wish to contribute but you don't know what to do, feel free to browse tasks that are ready to be implemented: Stories in Ready

Main contributors are db0 and Lamagicien.

School Idol Tomodachi Website & API

and contest



Contributors Guide

Install the 1st time

# Install pre-requirements
# Debian, Ubuntu, and variants
apt-get install libpython-dev libffi-dev python-virtualenv libmysqlclient-dev nodejs
# Arch
pacman -S libffi python-virtualenv libmysqlclient nodejs

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd SchoolIdolAPI

# Create a virtualenv to isolate the package dependencies locally
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

# Install packages, no need to be root
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Create tables, initialize database
python migrate

# Fill database with cards
python importcards noimages
# The `noimages` option will prevent downloading all the images, which may take hours.
# You can omit this option if what you're doing requires images.

# Compile localized messages
python compilemessages

# Download front-end dependencies
npm install -g bower less
bower install

# Compile LESS to CSS
lessc -x web/static/less/style.less web/static/css/style.css

# Launch the server
python runserver

# Then open your browser to http://localhost:8000 to see the website


Reactivate the environment
source env/bin/activate
Launch the server
python runserver

If you want it to be externally visible, add an extra argument

No need to restart it to see your modifications, the server reloads itself automatically.

Whenever you change the models
python makemigrations
python migrate
Whenever you add messages that should be translated

Generate terms:

python makemessages -l ja --ignore=env/* --ignore=schoolidolapi/ --ignore=api/ --ignore=web/templates/registration/*

Then go to POEditor and import the tems. When the new terms are translated in all languages, generate the new files and put them in the repo. Either manually or using the POEditor integration.

Compile all languages

python compilemessages

Go further

School Idol Trivia



Contributors Guide

See School Idol Trivia repo README

school idol tomodachi

List of features

School Idol Tomodachi Cards

School Idol Tomodachi Profile

School Idol Tomodachi Activities

School Idol Tomodachi Events

School Idol Festival, the game

Help us!


Clone this wiki locally