All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
6.0.1 (2023-05-25)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.18.0 to ^0.18.1
- devDependencies
6.0.0 (2023-01-11)
- update multiformats to v11.x.x and related depenendcies (#4277)
- update multiformats to v11.x.x and related depenendcies (#4277) (521c84a)
- use aegir to publish RCs (#4284) (6d90cbf)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.17.0 to ^0.18.0
- devDependencies
5.0.0 (2022-10-24)
- ipfs is now bundled with libp2p@0.40.x which has different config
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.16.1 to ^0.17.0
- devDependencies
4.0.1 (2022-09-21)
- update @multiformats/multiadd to 11.0.0 (2a830bf)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.16.0 to ^0.16.1
- devDependencies
4.0.0 (2022-09-06)
- update to libp2p@0.38.x (#4151)
- update to libp2p@0.38.x (#4151) (39dbf70)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.15.0 to ^0.16.0
- devDependencies
3.0.4 (2022-06-24)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.15.3 to ^0.15.4
- devDependencies
3.0.3 (2022-06-22)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.15.2 to ^0.15.3
- devDependencies
3.0.2 (2022-06-13)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.15.1 to ^0.15.2
- devDependencies
3.0.1 (2022-06-01)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.15.0 to ^0.15.1
- devDependencies
3.0.0 (2022-05-27)
- This module is now ESM only and there return types of some methods have changed
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.14.3 to ^0.15.0
- devDependencies
2.0.3 (2022-04-20)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.14.2 to ^0.14.3
- devDependencies
2.0.2 (2022-03-01)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.14.1 to ^0.14.2
- devDependencies
2.0.1 (2022-02-06)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.14.0 to ^0.14.1
- devDependencies
2.0.0 (2022-01-27)
- peerstore methods are now all async, the repo is migrated to v12
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- devDependencies
- ipfs-core bumped from ^0.13.0 to ^0.14.0
- devDependencies
1.0.6 (2021-12-15)
Note: Version bump only for package ipfs-http-response
1.0.5 (2021-11-24)
Note: Version bump only for package ipfs-http-response
1.0.4 (2021-11-19)
Note: Version bump only for package ipfs-http-response
1.0.3 (2021-11-12)
Note: Version bump only for package ipfs-http-response
- add types versions to http-response (f8cc058)
1.0.1 (2021-09-08)
1.0.0 (2021-09-07)
0.7.0 (2021-07-12)
- pulls in new multiformats modules
0.6.4 (2021-04-16)
0.6.3 (2021-04-12)
0.6.2 (2021-03-17)
0.6.1 (2020-12-22)
0.6.0 (2020-08-14)
- All deps of this module use Uint8Arrays instead of node Buffers
chore: remove browser build steps
0.5.1 (2020-06-30)
- ci: add empty commit to fix lint checks on master (1db03b0)
0.5.0 (2020-01-07)
- Switch to using async/await and async iterators.
0.4.0 (2019-10-14)
- All places in the API that used callbacks are now replaced with async/await
Co-authored-by: PedroMiguelSS
0.3.1 (2019-06-06)
- v1 CIDs created by this module now default to base32 encoding when stringified
Not a direct dependency of this module but ipld-dag-pb changed the case of some property names that are used by this module.
License: MIT Signed-off-by: Alan Shaw
0.3.0 (2019-05-21)
BREAKING CHANGE: v1 CIDs created by this module now default to base32 encoding when stringified
Not a direct dependency of this module but ipld-dag-pb changed the case of some property names that are used by this module.
0.2.2 (2019-01-19)
0.2.1 (2018-11-09)
0.2.0 (2018-09-28)
0.1.4 (2018-08-02)
0.1.3 (2018-07-28)
- update package name (91b99b3)