Releases: MatthiasLienhard/isotools
Releases · MatthiasLienhard/isotools
Version 0.3.4
- fixing #8: AssertationError when unifying TSS/PAS between transcript
- improved domain plots: ORF start and end do not appear like exon exon boundaries.
- API change: separated ORF prediction from QC metrics calculation.
- new feature: count number of upstream start codons in Gene.add_orfs() (called by default when adding QC metrics to transcriptome)
- new feature: calculate Fickett testcode and hexamer score for longest ORFs, to separate coding and noncoding genes.
Version 0.3.3
- fixed bug in filter_ref_transcripts with no query
- export gtf with long read transcripts as well uncovered as reference transcripts
- fix warning in plot_diff_results
- changed export to rMATS: events report complete flanking exons of top covered isoform
- fixed bug with transcript_id_col parameter in add_sample_from_csv
- fixed handling of interpro protein domains
- improved documentation: syntax highlighing, code style, additional explanations on filtering
Version 0.3.2
- restructured tutorials
- new feature: add domains to differential splicing result tables.
- new feature: min_coverage and max_coverage for iter_genes function.
Version 0.3.1
- new feature: add protein domains from 3 different sources and depict them with Gene.plot_domains()
- new feature: restrict gene and transcript iterators on list of genes of interest
- new feature: filter_transcripts function for genes
- changed SUBSTANTIAL filter to 1% of the genes total (was 5%)
- coordination test:
- changed argument and column naming, to make it consistent with other test results
- added conditional delta PSI effect size measure
- order of events is now according to gene strand: A upstream of B
Version 0.3.0
- new feature: find longest ORF and infer NMD of lr transcripts (and annotation)
- new feature: allow for several TSS/PAS per intron chain and unify them accross intron chains
- changed default parameter of filter_query in run_isotools script to "FSM or not (INTERNAL_PRIMING or RTTS)"
- bugfix: KeyError during transcriptome reconstruction in _add_chimeric.
- bugfix: default colors in plot_diff_results.
Version 0.2.11
- added function to import samples from csv/gtf to import transcriptome reconstructions / quantifications from other tools.
- dropped requirement for gtf files to be tabix indexed.
Version 0.2.10
- fixed get_overlap - important for correct assignment of mono exonic genes to reference
- added parameter to control for minimal mapping quality in add_sample_from_bam. This allows for filtering out ambiguous reads, which have mapping quality of 0
- fixed plot_diff_result (Key error due to incorrect parsing of group names)
- New function estimate_tpm_threshold, to estimate the minimal abundance level of observable transcripts, given a sequencing depth.
- New function coordination_test, to test coordination of splicing events within a gene.
- Optional log or linear scale for the coverage axis in sashimi plots.
Version 0.2.9
- added DIE test
- adjusted classification of novel exonic TSS/PAS to ISM
- improved assignment of reference genes in case of equal number of matching splice sites to several reference genes.
- added parameter to control for minimal exonic overlap to reference genes in add_sample_from_bam.
- changed computation of direct repeats. Added wobble and max_mm parameters.
- exposed parameters to end user in the add_qc_metrics function.
- added options for additional fields in gtf output
- improved options for graphical output with the command line script
- fixed plot_bar default color scheme
Version 0.2.8
- fix: version information lost when pickeling reference.
- fix missing genen name
- added pt_size parameter to plot_embedding and plot_diff_results function
- added colors parameter to plotting functions
- various fixes of command line script