Monitoring system legal compliance (GDPR & all) of software systems
MonitoraPA is composed of several components.
A command line interface (in Python3) to run various automatic GDPR compliance checks on several systems (websites, email, cms...) and to automate some statistics and notifications to proper authorities in cli/, as specified in and documented in
Some datasets to further extend the reach and impact of the project in datasets/
Further details are described in (Italian).
MonitoraPA has been created by several AUTHORS.
It's brought to you under the Hacking License that, as an explicit shrink wrap contract between you and the authors, must also be applied to all dependant and derivative works (including the outputs you produce running the system), recursively.
You cannot mix (A)GPL code with hacks covered by the Hacking License.
See the in new repository
Code like if your hack should be maintained by a child who just learned how to code.
Do NOT try to solve problems that you haven't measured before.
Do NOT apply any "enterprise best practice". We are not a company.
Do NOT try to show us how smart you are. We don't care.
Avoid dependencies.
Use good sense... but remember: it's not common.