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Adding keyboard shortcuts for spawning Flow Nodes

Krzysiek Justyński edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 4 revisions
  1. Create DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini in your project's Config folder, if you don't have this .ini yet.
  2. Add this section the .ini
; Flow
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_OnNotifyFromActor Key=A Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_Finish Key=F Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_SubGraph Key=G Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_CustomInput Key=I Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_Log Key=L Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_ExecutionMultiGate Key=M Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_NotifyActor Key=N Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_CustomOutput Key=O Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_Reroute Key=R Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_ExecutionSequence Key=S Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=FlowNode_Timer Key=T Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
; Comment
+Node=(Name=Comment Key=C Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
  1. Restart the editor. Now you should see assigned shortcut letters in the Palette.
