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Getting Started

Krzysiek Justyński edited this page Aug 17, 2022 · 9 revisions

Sample projects

There's a separate repository including a sample single-player project called FlowSolo, so you can easily check how this plug-in works. It includes

  • Flow plugin
  • Additional C++ Flow nodes, as FlowQuest plugin.
  • Simple map with a few Flow Graphs.

Adding Flow Graph to your project

  1. Unpack the plugin to the Plugins folder in your project folder. If you don't have such a folder yet, simply create it.
  2. First of all, open Project Settings in the editor. Change World Settings to the Flow World Settings class. Restart the editor. That class starts the Flow assigned to the map, just when starting the game. So it serves as a replacement for BeginPlay in the level blueprint.
  3. You can assign Flow Asset to the map via the Flow toolbar above the main viewport. Assigning it directly via the World Settings editor window also works.

It's crucial to perform Step 3 after Step 2. Otherwise, a reference to the Flow Asset might be improperly saved in the map and wouldn't work. If that happens, just try to revert your map. And assign the Flow Asset again.

Including GitHub repository in your repository

You can include this plugin repository as a dependency. It can be done by using Git submodules.

git submodule add -b 5.0 Plugins/Flow

Useful tools

  • Subsystem Browser plugin works really well with Flow Graph, as it displays runtime data of subsystems i.e. Flow Subsystem.