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EvilKitten1 edited this page Aug 20, 2014 · 11 revisions

You begin the game in an area, known as the "CSF headquarters" (Celestial Special Forces).

Kitty Note: generate "base" starting stats and CSF uniform (with full helmet) for non class player

You receive an order, to assemble a team and prepare for an emergency mission. The team of 3 is automatically chosen for you and a ship is provided.

Kitty Note: The first quest, is to repair a broken ship piece. There should be multiple methods of doing this, player choice.

"Negotiate" an order on the global market for the ship part. +1 Reputation

"Hire" yourself out in trade for the ship part. +0.5 Skill-Edge, +0.5 Skill-Blunt

"Mine" enough material to create the piece. +1 Mining Experience

"Loot" until you have stolen the piece. +1 Scavenging Experience

After acquiring the piece, it's installed, and your flight begins to the moon to plant a building which will automatically gather Helium-3.

As you are returning to earth, massive explosions can be seen.

A huge black hole is opened, in close proximity to earth and thousands of alien ships fly through, and begin firing their weapons at earth.

The captain orders the ship to change course.

Alien ships can be seen penetrating Earths atmosphere, firing lasers in all directions.

Some ships fly back through the hole, and others remain on earth.

At this point you choose your name. Some time passes; Your food is running out, and your water supply is low. The captain makes the decision to return to earth.

Earth is a wasteland. Upon landing you are captured by aliens, your ship destroyed.

Over production and mining of earths resources by the aliens and crowding of the remaining humans in to camps have turned it into a foul, garbage-strewn dystopia. You only hope of survival is escape. With the knowledge you have at your disposal, you could scrounge together enough resources to build a ship and find help.

But first, you have to escape the camp you have been placed in. Choose a profession (the other 3 in your group are auto generated base on your choice), Mine/Gather/Scavenge enough resources to break out of your camp, and begin your journey to the stars... and beyond.

Armed with only a trusty pickaxe, your journey begins.

Kitty Note: Escaping said camp opens up additional earth locations to gather resources from. Also per storyline, player discovers that the camps are held with auto defenses (you have to fight them to escape) but the aliens have vanished...