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User Guide

Martin Eisengardt edited this page Dec 31, 2016 · 7 revisions


This guide assumes that there are arenas created by an administrator. If you want to learn how to create your own arenas you will have to read our Admin-Guide.

How to Play

This chapter describes how to join a game. It does not cover game rules for a specific minigame.

There are multiple ways to join your favorite minigame.

Click a minigame sign

Your Administrator can create signs that are connected to the minigames.

Join signs This image shows some join signs. However this is the default layout. Administrators can customize the layout. If you do not find the join icons please ask the server administrator/ support and do not open an issue.

  • green color means: you can join the game
  • red color means: there is already a game in progress
  • yellow color means: the current game was finished and the arena is restarting

Right clicking one of the join sign lets you join the waiting lobby of this game arena.

Use the join command

A second way to join is to use the join command. In chat console simply type (example is for MGSnake):

/sc join

It will automatically let you join the next free waiting lobby.

If you add the name of the arena as an argument you can choose your favorite arena:

/sc join snake1

Party invites

The third way is specialized to play with your friends.

One player (called "leader1") has to create a party with following chat command by inviting the first friend (called "myfriend1"):

/party invite myfriend1

Thus the player inviting the others becomes the party leader. The Player "myfriend1" can accept the invitation by entering the following chat command:

/party accept leader1

Sub-Command Description
invite Creates a new party and invites new players to existing party.
accept Accepts an Invitation. This will leave the current party and disband your own party.
kick Expulses a party member out of your party.
list Lists the party members.
disband Disband your party and expulse all invited party members.
leave Leave the party you are member of.
help Display some description/ help page.

The commands do not have an effect if you are already within a game waiting lobby. Changes on your party will only be respected for the next join.

The party leader can now use either the join command or right click the join sign to let your whole party join the same arena game.

Inside the waiting Lobby

The first location you are ported to is the waiting lobby.

Here you will have to wait for other players to join the game. Each arena has a minimum amount of players that need to join before starting the game. The reason is simple: Playing alone is not that funny and in some arenas it does not make any sense because you cannot win or loose.

Waiting lobby You will find a custom inventory within the waiting lobby. The first icon (nether star) lets you choose the "game class" (more about classes later). The second icon (emerald) lets you buy items in a custom shop. The last icon (redstone block) lets you leave the game and arena.

As soon as there are enough players the server will start the lobby count down (per default 30 seconds). You will find chat messages and you experience bar will show up the remaining seconds.

Waiting lobby After the lobby count down finished all players will be ported to their spawn points but they are now able to move. The game count down starts (per default 10 seconds) and the game will start as soon as this count down finished.

Winning the game

Hey, did you expect any secret command how to win the game? Sorry.

Waiting lobby That is me playing snake for me alone.

To win the game follow the game rules. Be the force with you.

Leaving the game

To leave the game before the regular finish you can right click the leave signs. Administrators may have created them for you. Or type the chat command:

/sc leave

Or simply disconnect.

Spectating the game

The spectating mode is explained on another Wiki-Page.

Back to the main Lobby

As soon as the game was finished all players will be ported to the main lobby. This may be the same room you found the join signs or it maybe a different place.

Join signs Within the main lobby you will gain the awards for participating in the game or for winning the game.

Game classes

Above you read something about game classes.

The minigames api allows games to create something called "classes". This are special setups for players. A class may be something that gives you benefit to other. Maybe for snake you can run faster. But it may give you a disadvantage too. For example for benefit "faster run" you get the disadvantage "no more jumping".

It is up to the game and up to the server administrator which classes are available. Some of the classes require privileges or they cost (virtual) money.