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Benchmark Network II

Garibaldi Pineda-Garcia edited this page May 11, 2016 · 3 revisions

Input type: Poisson spikes (NE15-Poissonian)


  • Spiking Deep Belief Network (DBN)

  • One input layer network

  • Two hidden layers (500 neurons each)

  • Fully connected decision layer (10 neurons)

  • Current based LIF-exp neurons:

    Parameter Values Units
    Tau_m 5 s
    Tau_refrac 2 ms
    V_reset 0 mV
    V_rest 0 mV
    V_thresh 1 mV


  • Off-line training
  • Unsupervised standard Contrastive Divergence for first layers
  • Decision layer is trained with supervision
  • Siegert approximation as the activation function


  • 1.5 kHz input rate
  • Weights are just transferred to the spiking network


  • 94.94% accuracy
  • 16ms latency
  • 1.88M Sopbs
Hardware Platform Accuracy (%) Sim Time (s) Enery (KJ) Ref
SpiNNaker 94.94 10, 000 2.97
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