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Neuromorphic Hardware

Garibaldi Pineda-Garcia edited this page May 11, 2016 · 4 revisions

We categorize systems with the following criteria:

  • Digital, Analogue or Mixed-mode. How are models for neurons or synapses implemented? How are spikes sent from one neuron to another?
  • Scalability. Is it possible to interconnect instances of a platform to make a larger system?
  • Neuron and synapse models. Which models have been implemented?
  • Synaptic plasticity. Does the system support it?
  • Precision. How many values can a weight have? What's the precision of the update rule in plasticity?
  • Simulation time. Biological real time, faster than real time?
  • Energy consumption.

The systems we reviewed are (in order of appearance):

  1. HI-CANN:
  • Mixed-mode (analogue neurons and digital communications)
  • Scalable
  • Configurable parameters of neuron models
  • Fixed plasticity rule
  • 16 different values for synapses
  • Faster than real time
  • 7.41 nJ/SE
  1. HiAER-IFAT:
  • Mixed-mode
  • Scalable
  • Configurable parameters of neuron models
  • No plasticity
  • Analogue neurons and synapses
  • Real time
  • 22 pJ/SE
  1. Spinnaker:
  • Digital (software neuron and synapse models, digital communications)
  • Scalable
  • Programmable neuron, synapse and axonal delays.
  • Programmable plasticity rule
  • 11- to 14-bit synapses
  • Real time
  • 8 nJ/SE
  1. Neurogrid:
  • Mixed-mode
  • Scalable
  • Configurable parameters of neuron models
  • Fixed plasticity rule
  • 13-bit shared synapses
  • Real time
  • 941 pJ/SE
  1. TrueNorth:
  • Digital (ASIC implemented neuron models, digital communications)
  • Scalable
  • Configurable parameters of neuron models
  • No plasticity
  • 122 bits for parameters and states. Synapses can have one of four possible signed integers and an ON-OFF switch (we consider this 4-bit precision)
  • Real time
  • 26 pJ/SE
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