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Merge pull request #663 from ckoven/fates_harvest_offmaster
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Use HLM-provided land-use time series data to drive FATES harvest
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glemieux authored Jul 29, 2020
2 parents 7ca525d + ffaa76e commit e9f6327
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Showing 12 changed files with 639 additions and 61 deletions.
204 changes: 179 additions & 25 deletions biogeochem/EDLoggingMortalityMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ module EDLoggingMortalityMod
use EDParamsMod , only : logging_export_frac
use EDParamsMod , only : logging_event_code
use EDParamsMod , only : logging_dbhmin
use EDParamsMod , only : logging_dbhmax
use EDParamsMod , only : logging_collateral_frac
use EDParamsMod , only : logging_direct_frac
use EDParamsMod , only : logging_mechanical_frac
Expand All @@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ module EDLoggingMortalityMod
use FatesInterfaceTypesMod , only : hlm_model_day
use FatesInterfaceTypesMod , only : hlm_day_of_year
use FatesInterfaceTypesMod , only : hlm_days_per_year
use FatesInterfaceTypesMod , only : hlm_use_lu_harvest
use FatesInterfaceTypesMod , only : hlm_num_lu_harvest_cats
use FatesInterfaceTypesMod , only : hlm_use_logging
use FatesInterfaceTypesMod , only : hlm_use_planthydro
use FatesConstantsMod , only : itrue,ifalse
Expand All @@ -55,6 +58,12 @@ module EDLoggingMortalityMod
use PRTGenericMod , only : sapw_organ, struct_organ, leaf_organ
use PRTGenericMod , only : fnrt_organ, store_organ, repro_organ
use FatesAllometryMod , only : set_root_fraction
use FatesConstantsMod , only : primaryforest, secondaryforest, secondary_age_threshold
use FatesConstantsMod , only : fates_tiny
use FatesConstantsMod , only : months_per_year
use FatesConstantsMod , only : hlm_harvest_area_fraction
use FatesConstantsMod , only : hlm_harvest_carbon
use FatesConstantsMod, only : fates_check_param_set

implicit none
Expand All @@ -80,6 +89,7 @@ module EDLoggingMortalityMod
public :: logging_litter_fluxes
public :: logging_time
public :: IsItLoggingTime
public :: get_harvest_rate_area


Expand All @@ -104,10 +114,17 @@ subroutine IsItLoggingTime(is_master,currentSite)
logging_time = .false.
icode = int(logging_event_code)

! this is true for either hlm harvest or fates logging
if(hlm_use_logging.eq.ifalse) return

! all of these are valid for hlm harvest
! so adjust annual harvest inputs accordingly in LoggingMortality_frac
! note that the specific event will allow only one hlm harvest, regardless of input
! code 3, every day, may not work properly because of the exclusive mortality selection
! even less fequent low harvest rates may be excluded - may need to give harvest priority

if(icode .eq. 1) then
! Logging is turned off
! Logging is turned off - not sure why we need another switch
logging_time = .false.

else if(icode .eq. 2) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,62 +185,115 @@ end subroutine IsItLoggingTime
! ======================================================================================

subroutine LoggingMortality_frac( pft_i, dbh, canopy_layer, lmort_direct, &
lmort_collateral,lmort_infra, l_degrad )
lmort_collateral,lmort_infra, l_degrad, &
hlm_harvest_rates, hlm_harvest_catnames, &
hlm_harvest_units, &
patch_anthro_disturbance_label, secondary_age, &

! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: pft_i ! pft index
real(r8), intent(in) :: dbh ! diameter at breast height (cm)
integer, intent(in) :: canopy_layer ! canopy layer of this cohort
real(r8), intent(in) :: hlm_harvest_rates(:) ! annual harvest rate per hlm category
character(len=64), intent(in) :: hlm_harvest_catnames(:) ! names of hlm harvest categories
integer, intent(in) :: hlm_harvest_units ! unit type of hlm harvest rates: [area vs. mass]
integer, intent(in) :: patch_anthro_disturbance_label ! patch level anthro_disturbance_label
real(r8), intent(in) :: secondary_age ! patch level age_since_anthro_disturbance
real(r8), intent(out) :: lmort_direct ! direct (harvestable) mortality fraction
real(r8), intent(out) :: lmort_collateral ! collateral damage mortality fraction
real(r8), intent(out) :: lmort_infra ! infrastructure mortality fraction
real(r8), intent(out) :: l_degrad ! fraction of trees that are not killed
! but suffer from forest degradation (i.e. they
! are moved to newly-anthro-disturbed secondary
! forest patch)
real(r8), intent(in) :: frac_site_primary

! Local variables
real(r8) :: harvest_rate ! the final harvest rate to apply to this cohort today

! Parameters
real(r8), parameter :: adjustment = 1.0 ! adjustment for mortality rates

! todo: probably lower the dbhmin default value to 30 cm
! todo: change the default logging_event_code to 1 september (-244)
! todo: change the default logging_direct_frac to 1.0 for cmip inputs
! todo: check outputs against the LUH2 carbon data
! todo: eventually set up distinct harvest practices, each with a set of input paramaeters
! todo: implement harvested carbon inputs

if (logging_time) then
! Pass logging rates to cohort level

if (hlm_use_lu_harvest == ifalse) then
! 0=use fates logging parameters directly when logging_time == .true.
! this means harvest the whole cohort area
harvest_rate = 1._r8

else if (hlm_use_lu_harvest == itrue .and. hlm_harvest_units == hlm_harvest_area_fraction) then
! We are harvesting based on areal fraction, not carbon/biomass terms.
! 1=use area fraction from hlm
! combine forest and non-forest fracs and then apply:
! primary and secondary area fractions to the logging rates, which are fates parameters

! Definitions of the underlying harvest land category variables
! these are hardcoded to match the LUH input data via landuse.timseries file (see dynHarvestMod)
! these are fractions of vegetated area harvested, split into five land category variables
! HARVEST_VH1 = harvest from primary forest
! HARVEST_VH2 = harvest from primary non-forest
! HARVEST_SH1 = harvest from secondary mature forest
! HARVEST_SH2 = harvest from secondary young forest
! HARVEST_SH3 = harvest from secondary non-forest (assume this is young for biomass)

! Get the area-based harvest rates based on info passed to FATES from the boundary condition
call get_harvest_rate_area (patch_anthro_disturbance_label, hlm_harvest_catnames, &
hlm_harvest_rates, frac_site_primary, secondary_age, harvest_rate)

else if (hlm_use_lu_harvest == itrue .and. hlm_harvest_units == hlm_harvest_carbon) then
! 2=use carbon from hlm
! not implemented yet
write(fates_log(),*) 'HLM harvest carbon data not implemented yet. Exiting.'
call endrun(msg=errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__))

! transfer of area to secondary land is based on overall area affected, not just logged crown area
! l_degrad accounts for the affected area between logged crowns
if(EDPftvarcon_inst%woody(pft_i) == 1)then ! only set logging rates for trees

! direct logging rates, based on dbh min and max criteria
if (dbh >= logging_dbhmin .and. .not. &
((logging_dbhmax < fates_check_param_set) .and. (dbh < logging_dbhmax )) ) then
lmort_direct = harvest_rate * logging_direct_frac

! Pass logging rates to cohort level

if (dbh >= logging_dbhmin ) then
lmort_direct = logging_direct_frac * adjustment
l_degrad = 0._r8
lmort_direct = 0.0_r8
l_degrad = logging_direct_frac * adjustment
lmort_direct = 0.0_r8
end if

! infrastructure (roads, skid trails, etc) mortality rates
if (dbh >= logging_dbhmax_infra) then
lmort_infra = 0.0_r8
l_degrad = l_degrad + logging_mechanical_frac * adjustment
lmort_infra = logging_mechanical_frac * adjustment
lmort_infra = harvest_rate * logging_mechanical_frac
end if
!damage rates for size class < & > threshold_size need to be specified seperately

! Collateral damage to smaller plants below the direct logging size threshold
! will be applied via "understory_death" via the disturbance algorithm
! Important: Degredation rates really only have an impact when
! applied to the canopy layer. So we don't add to degredation
! for collateral damage, even understory collateral damage.

if (canopy_layer .eq. 1) then
lmort_collateral = logging_collateral_frac * adjustment
lmort_collateral = harvest_rate * logging_collateral_frac
lmort_collateral = 0._r8
lmort_collateral = 0._r8

else ! non-woody plants still killed by infrastructure
lmort_direct = 0.0_r8
lmort_collateral = 0.0_r8
lmort_infra = 0.0_r8
l_degrad = 0.0_r8
lmort_infra = harvest_rate * logging_mechanical_frac
end if

! the area occupied by all plants in the canopy that aren't killed is still disturbed at the harvest rate
if (canopy_layer .eq. 1) then
l_degrad = harvest_rate - (lmort_direct + lmort_infra + lmort_collateral) ! fraction passed to 'degraded' forest.
l_degrad = 0._r8

lmort_direct = 0.0_r8
lmort_collateral = 0.0_r8
Expand All @@ -235,6 +305,90 @@ end subroutine LoggingMortality_frac

! ============================================================================

subroutine get_harvest_rate_area (patch_anthro_disturbance_label, hlm_harvest_catnames, hlm_harvest_rates, &
frac_site_primary, secondary_age, harvest_rate)

! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! get the area-based harvest rates based on info passed to FATES from the bioundary conditions in.
! assumes logging_time == true

! Arguments
real(r8), intent(in) :: hlm_harvest_rates(:) ! annual harvest rate per hlm category
character(len=64), intent(in) :: hlm_harvest_catnames(:) ! names of hlm harvest categories
integer, intent(in) :: patch_anthro_disturbance_label ! patch level anthro_disturbance_label
real(r8), intent(in) :: secondary_age ! patch level age_since_anthro_disturbance
real(r8), intent(in) :: frac_site_primary
real(r8), intent(out) :: harvest_rate

! Local Variables
integer :: h_index ! for looping over harvest categories
integer :: icode ! Integer equivalent of the event code (parameter file only allows reals)

! Loop around harvest categories to determine the annual hlm harvest rate for the current cohort based on patch history info
harvest_rate = 0._r8
do h_index = 1,hlm_num_lu_harvest_cats
if (patch_anthro_disturbance_label .eq. primaryforest) then
if(hlm_harvest_catnames(h_index) .eq. "HARVEST_VH1" .or. &
hlm_harvest_catnames(h_index) .eq. "HARVEST_VH2") then
harvest_rate = harvest_rate + hlm_harvest_rates(h_index)
else if (patch_anthro_disturbance_label .eq. secondaryforest .and. &
secondary_age >= secondary_age_threshold) then
if(hlm_harvest_catnames(h_index) .eq. "HARVEST_SH1") then
harvest_rate = harvest_rate + hlm_harvest_rates(h_index)
else if (patch_anthro_disturbance_label .eq. secondaryforest .and. &
secondary_age < secondary_age_threshold) then
if(hlm_harvest_catnames(h_index) .eq. "HARVEST_SH2" .or. &
hlm_harvest_catnames(h_index) .eq. "HARVEST_SH3") then
harvest_rate = harvest_rate + hlm_harvest_rates(h_index)
end do

! Normalize by site-level primary or secondary forest fraction
! since harvest_rate is specified as a fraction of the gridcell
! also need to put a cap so as not to harvest more primary or secondary area than there is in a gridcell
if (patch_anthro_disturbance_label .eq. primaryforest) then
if (frac_site_primary .gt. fates_tiny) then
harvest_rate = min((harvest_rate / frac_site_primary),frac_site_primary)
harvest_rate = 0._r8
if ((1._r8-frac_site_primary) .gt. fates_tiny) then
harvest_rate = min((harvest_rate / (1._r8-frac_site_primary)),&
harvest_rate = 0._r8

! calculate today's harvest rate
! whether to harvest today has already been determined by IsItLoggingTime
! for icode == 2, icode < 0, and icode > 10000 apply the annual rate one time (no calc)
! Bad logging event flag is caught in IsItLoggingTime, so don't check it here
icode = int(logging_event_code)
if(icode .eq. 1) then
! Logging is turned off - not sure why we need another switch
harvest_rate = 0._r8
else if(icode .eq. 3) then
! Logging event every day - this may not work due to the mortality exclusivity
harvest_rate = harvest_rate / hlm_days_per_year
else if(icode .eq. 4) then
! logging event once a month
if(hlm_current_day.eq.1 ) then
harvest_rate = harvest_rate / months_per_year
end if
end if

end subroutine get_harvest_rate_area

! ============================================================================

subroutine logging_litter_fluxes(currentSite, currentPatch, newPatch, patch_site_areadis)

! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions biogeochem/EDMortalityFunctionsMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ end subroutine mortality_rates

! ============================================================================

subroutine Mortality_Derivative( currentSite, currentCohort, bc_in)
subroutine Mortality_Derivative( currentSite, currentCohort, bc_in, frac_site_primary)

Expand All @@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ subroutine Mortality_Derivative( currentSite, currentCohort, bc_in)
type(ed_site_type), intent(inout), target :: currentSite
type(ed_cohort_type),intent(inout), target :: currentCohort
type(bc_in_type), intent(in) :: bc_in
real(r8), intent(in) :: frac_site_primary
real(r8) :: cmort ! starvation mortality rate (fraction per year)
Expand All @@ -245,7 +246,13 @@ subroutine Mortality_Derivative( currentSite, currentCohort, bc_in)
currentCohort%lmort_direct, &
currentCohort%lmort_collateral, &
currentCohort%lmort_infra, &
currentCohort%l_degrad, &
bc_in%hlm_harvest_rates, &
bc_in%hlm_harvest_catnames, &
bc_in%hlm_harvest_units, &
currentCohort%patchptr%anthro_disturbance_label, &
currentCohort%patchptr%age_since_anthro_disturbance, &

Expand Down

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