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py-coverage: update to 7.2.5.
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Version 7.2.5 — 2023-04-30

- Fix: ``html_report()`` could fail with an AttributeError on ``isatty`` if run
  in an unusual environment where sys.stdout had been replaced.  This is now

Version 7.2.4 — 2023-04-28

PyCon 2023 sprint fixes!

- Fix: with ``relative_files = true``, specifying a specific file to include or
  omit wouldn't work correctly (`issue 1604`_).  This is now fixed, with
  testing help by `Marc Gibbons <pull 1608_>`_.

- Fix: the XML report would have an incorrect ``<source>`` element when using
  relative files and the source option ended with a slash (`issue 1541`_).
  This is now fixed, thanks to `Kevin Brown-Silva <pull 1608_>`_.

- When the HTML report location is printed to the terminal, it's now a
  terminal-compatible URL, so that you can click the location to open the HTML
  file in your browser.  Finishes `issue 1523`_ thanks to `Ricardo Newbery
  <pull 1613_>`_.

- Docs: a new :ref:`Migrating page <migrating>` with details about how to
  migrate between major versions of  It currently covers the
  wildcard changes in 7.x.  Thanks, `Brian Grohe <pull 1610_>`_.

.. _issue 1523: nedbat/coveragepy#1523
.. _issue 1541: nedbat/coveragepy#1541
.. _issue 1604: nedbat/coveragepy#1604
.. _pull 1608: nedbat/coveragepy#1608
.. _pull 1609: nedbat/coveragepy#1609
.. _pull 1610: nedbat/coveragepy#1610
.. _pull 1613: nedbat/coveragepy#1613

Version 7.2.3 — 2023-04-06

- Fix: the :ref:`config_run_sigterm` setting was meant to capture data if a
  process was terminated with a SIGTERM signal, but it didn't always.  This was
  fixed thanks to `Lewis Gaul <pull 1600_>`_, closing `issue 1599`_.

- Performance: HTML reports with context information are now much more compact.
  File sizes are typically as small as one-third the previous size, but can be
  dramatically smaller. This closes `issue 1584`_ thanks to `Oleh Krehel
  <pull 1587_>`_.

- Development dependencies no longer use hashed pins, closing `issue 1592`_.

.. _issue 1584: nedbat/coveragepy#1584
.. _pull 1587: nedbat/coveragepy#1587
.. _issue 1592: nedbat/coveragepy#1592
.. _issue 1599: nedbat/coveragepy#1599
.. _pull 1600: nedbat/coveragepy#1600

Version 7.2.2 — 2023-03-16

- Fix: if a virtualenv was created inside a source directory, and a sourced
  package was installed inside the virtualenv, then all of the third-party
  packages inside the virtualenv would be measured.  This was incorrect, but
  has now been fixed: only the specified packages will be measured, thanks to
  `Manuel Jacob <pull 1560_>`_.

- Fix: the ``coverage lcov`` command could create a .lcov file with incorrect
  LF (lines found) and LH (lines hit) totals.  This is now fixed, thanks to
  `Ian Moore <pull 1583_>`_.

- Fix: the ``coverage xml`` command on Windows could create a .xml file with
  duplicate ``<package>`` elements. This is now fixed, thanks to `Benjamin
  Parzella <pull 1574_>`_, closing `issue 1573`_.

.. _pull 1560: nedbat/coveragepy#1560
.. _issue 1573: nedbat/coveragepy#1573
.. _pull 1574: nedbat/coveragepy#1574
.. _pull 1583: nedbat/coveragepy#1583

Version 7.2.1 — 2023-02-26

- Fix: the PyPI page had broken links to documentation pages, but no longer
  does, closing `issue 1566`_.

- Fix: public members of the coverage module are now properly indicated so that
  mypy will find them, fixing `issue 1564`_.

.. _issue 1564: nedbat/coveragepy#1564
.. _issue 1566: nedbat/coveragepy#1566

Version 7.2.0 — 2023-02-22

- Added a new setting ``[report] exclude_also`` to let you add more exclusions
  without overwriting the defaults.  Thanks, `Alpha Chen <pull 1557_>`_,
  closing `issue 1391`_.

- Added a :meth:`.CoverageData.purge_files` method to remove recorded data for
  a particular file.  Contributed by `Stephan Deibel <pull 1547_>`_.

- Fix: when reporting commands fail, they will no longer congratulate
  themselves with messages like "Wrote XML report to file.xml" before spewing a
  traceback about their failure.

- Fix: arguments in the public API that name file paths now accept pathlib.Path
  objects.  This includes the ``data_file`` and ``config_file`` arguments to
  the Coverage constructor and the ``basename`` argument to CoverageData.
  Closes `issue 1552`_.

- Fix: In some embedded environments, an IndexError could occur on stop() when
  the originating thread exits before completion.  This is now fixed, thanks to
  `Russell Keith-Magee <pull 1543_>`_, closing `issue 1542`_.

- Added a ``py.typed`` file to announce our type-hintedness.  Thanks,
  `KotlinIsland <pull 1550_>`_.

.. _issue 1391: nedbat/coveragepy#1391
.. _issue 1542: nedbat/coveragepy#1542
.. _pull 1543: nedbat/coveragepy#1543
.. _pull 1547: nedbat/coveragepy#1547
.. _pull 1550: nedbat/coveragepy#1550
.. _issue 1552: nedbat/coveragepy#1552
.. _pull 1557: nedbat/coveragepy#1557

Version 7.1.0 — 2023-01-24

- Added: the debug output file can now be specified with ``[run] debug_file``
  in the configuration file.  Closes `issue 1319`_.

- Performance: fixed a slowdown with dynamic contexts that's been around since
  6.4.3.  The fix closes `issue 1538`_.  Thankfully this doesn't break the
  `Cython change`_ that fixed `issue 972`_.  Thanks to Mathieu Kniewallner for
  the deep investigative work and comprehensive issue report.

- Typing: all product and test code has type annotations.

.. _Cython change: nedbat/coveragepy#1347
.. _issue 972: nedbat/coveragepy#972
.. _issue 1319: nedbat/coveragepy#1319
.. _issue 1538: nedbat/coveragepy#1538

Version 7.0.5 — 2023-01-10

- Fix: On Python 3.7, a file with type annotations but no ``from __future__
  import annotations`` would be missing statements in the coverage report. This
  is now fixed, closing `issue 1524`_.

.. _issue 1524: nedbat/coveragepy#1524

Version 7.0.4 — 2023-01-07

- Performance: an internal cache of file names was accidentally disabled,
  resulting in sometimes drastic reductions in performance.  This is now fixed,
  closing `issue 1527`_.   Thanks to Ivan Ciuvalschii for the reproducible test

.. _issue 1527: nedbat/coveragepy#1527

Version 7.0.3 — 2023-01-03

- Fix: when using pytest-cov or pytest-xdist, or perhaps both, the combining
  step could fail with ``assert row is not None`` using 7.0.2.  This was due to
  a race condition that has always been possible and is still possible. In
  7.0.1 and before, the error was silently swallowed by the combining code.
  Now it will produce a message "Couldn't combine data file" and ignore the
  data file as it used to do before 7.0.2.  Closes `issue 1522`_.

.. _issue 1522: nedbat/coveragepy#1522

Version 7.0.2 — 2023-01-02

- Fix: when using the ``[run] relative_files = True`` setting, a relative
  ``[paths]`` pattern was still being made absolute.  This is now fixed,
  closing `issue 1519`_.

- Fix: if Python doesn't provide tomllib, then TOML configuration files can
  only be read if is installed with the ``[toml]`` extra. will raise an error if TOML support is not installed when it sees
  your settings are in a .toml file. But it didn't understand that
  ``[tools.coverage]`` was a valid section header, so the error wasn't reported
  if you used that header, and settings were silently ignored.  This is now
  fixed, closing `issue 1516`_.

- Fix: adjusted how decorators are traced on PyPy 7.3.10, fixing `issue 1515`_.

- Fix: the ``coverage lcov`` report did not properly implement the
  ``--fail-under=MIN`` option.  This has been fixed.

- Refactor: added many type annotations, including a number of refactorings.
  This should not affect outward behavior, but they were a bit invasive in some
  places, so keep your eyes peeled for oddities.

- Refactor: removed the vestigial and long untested support for Jython and

.. _issue 1515: nedbat/coveragepy#1515
.. _issue 1516: nedbat/coveragepy#1516
.. _issue 1519: nedbat/coveragepy#1519

Version 7.0.1 — 2022-12-23

- When checking if a file mapping resolved to a file that exists, we weren't
  considering files in .whl files.  This is now fixed, closing `issue 1511`_.

- File pattern rules were too strict, forbidding plus signs and curly braces in
  directory and file names.  This is now fixed, closing `issue 1513`_.

- Unusual Unicode or control characters in source files could prevent
  reporting.  This is now fixed, closing `issue 1512`_.

- The PyPy wheel now installs on PyPy 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9, closing `issue 1510`_.

.. _issue 1510: nedbat/coveragepy#1510
.. _issue 1511: nedbat/coveragepy#1511
.. _issue 1512: nedbat/coveragepy#1512
.. _issue 1513: nedbat/coveragepy#1513

Version 7.0.0 — 2022-12-18

Nothing new beyond 7.0.0b1.

Version 7.0.0b1 — 2022-12-03

A number of changes have been made to file path handling, including pattern
matching and path remapping with the ``[paths]`` setting (see
:ref:`config_paths`).  These changes might affect you, and require you to
update your settings.

(This release includes the changes from `6.6.0b1 <changes_6-6-0b1_>`_, since
6.6.0 was never released.)

- Changes to file pattern matching, which might require updating your

  - Previously, ``*`` would incorrectly match directory separators, making
    precise matching difficult.  This is now fixed, closing `issue 1407`_.

  - Now ``**`` matches any number of nested directories, including none.

- Improvements to combining data files when using the
  :ref:`config_run_relative_files` setting, which might require updating your

  - During ``coverage combine``, relative file paths are implicitly combined
    without needing a ``[paths]`` configuration setting.  This also fixed
    `issue 991`_.

  - A ``[paths]`` setting like ``*/foo`` will now match ``foo/`` so that
    relative file paths can be combined more easily.

  - The :ref:`config_run_relative_files` setting is properly interpreted in
    more places, fixing `issue 1280`_.

- When remapping file paths with ``[paths]``, a path will be remapped only if
  the resulting path exists.  The documentation has long said the prefix had to
  exist, but it was never enforced.  This fixes `issue 608`_, improves `issue
  649`_, and closes `issue 757`_.

- Reporting operations now implicitly use the ``[paths]`` setting to remap file
  paths within a single data file.  Combining multiple files still requires the
  ``coverage combine`` step, but this simplifies some single-file situations.
  Closes `issue 1212`_ and `issue 713`_.

- The ``coverage report`` command now has a ``--format=`` option.  The original
  style is now ``--format=text``, and is the default.

  - Using ``--format=markdown`` will write the table in Markdown format, thanks
    to `Steve Oswald <pull 1479_>`_, closing `issue 1418`_.

  - Using ``--format=total`` will write a single total number to the
    output.  This can be useful for making badges or writing status updates.

- Combining data files with ``coverage combine`` now hashes the data files to
  skip files that add no new information.  This can reduce the time needed.
  Many details affect the speed-up, but for's own test suite,
  combining is about 40% faster. Closes `issue 1483`_.

- When searching for completely un-executed files, uses the
  presence of ```` files to determine which directories have source
  that could have been imported.  However, `implicit namespace packages`_ don't
  require ````.  A new setting ``[report]
  include_namespace_packages`` tells to consider these directories
  during reporting.  Thanks to `Felix Horvat <pull 1387_>`_ for the
  contribution.  Closes `issue 1383`_ and `issue 1024`_.

- Fixed environment variable expansion in pyproject.toml files.  It was overly
  broad, causing errors outside of settings, as described in `issue
  1481`_ and `issue 1345`_.  This is now fixed, but in rare cases will require
  changing your pyproject.toml to quote non-string values that use environment

- An empty file has a coverage total of 100%, but used to fail with
  ``--fail-under``.  This has been fixed, closing `issue 1470`_.

- The text report table no longer writes out two separator lines if there are
  no files listed in the table.  One is plenty.

- Fixed a mis-measurement of a strange use of wildcard alternatives in
  match/case statements, closing `issue 1421`_.

- Fixed internal logic that prevented from running on
  implementations other than CPython or PyPy (`issue 1474`_).

- The deprecated ``[run] note`` setting has been completely removed.

.. _implicit namespace packages:
.. _issue 608: nedbat/coveragepy#608
.. _issue 649: nedbat/coveragepy#649
.. _issue 713: nedbat/coveragepy#713
.. _issue 757: nedbat/coveragepy#757
.. _issue 991: nedbat/coveragepy#991
.. _issue 1024: nedbat/coveragepy#1024
.. _issue 1212: nedbat/coveragepy#1212
.. _issue 1280: nedbat/coveragepy#1280
.. _issue 1345: nedbat/coveragepy#1345
.. _issue 1383: nedbat/coveragepy#1383
.. _issue 1407: nedbat/coveragepy#1407
.. _issue 1418: nedbat/coveragepy#1418
.. _issue 1421: nedbat/coveragepy#1421
.. _issue 1470: nedbat/coveragepy#1470
.. _issue 1474: nedbat/coveragepy#1474
.. _issue 1481: nedbat/coveragepy#1481
.. _issue 1483: nedbat/coveragepy#1483
.. _pull 1387: nedbat/coveragepy#1387
.. _pull 1479: nedbat/coveragepy#1479

Version 6.6.0b1 — 2022-10-31

(Note: 6.6.0 final was never released. These changes are part of `7.0.0b1

- Changes to file pattern matching, which might require updating your

  - Previously, ``*`` would incorrectly match directory separators, making
    precise matching difficult.  This is now fixed, closing `issue 1407`_.

  - Now ``**`` matches any number of nested directories, including none.

- Improvements to combining data files when using the
  :ref:`config_run_relative_files` setting:

  - During ``coverage combine``, relative file paths are implicitly combined
    without needing a ``[paths]`` configuration setting.  This also fixed
    `issue 991`_.

  - A ``[paths]`` setting like ``*/foo`` will now match ``foo/`` so that
    relative file paths can be combined more easily.

  - The setting is properly interpreted in more places, fixing `issue 1280`_.

- Fixed environment variable expansion in pyproject.toml files.  It was overly
  broad, causing errors outside of settings, as described in `issue
  1481`_ and `issue 1345`_.  This is now fixed, but in rare cases will require
  changing your pyproject.toml to quote non-string values that use environment

- Fixed internal logic that prevented from running on
  implementations other than CPython or PyPy (`issue 1474`_).

.. _issue 991: nedbat/coveragepy#991
.. _issue 1280: nedbat/coveragepy#1280
.. _issue 1345: nedbat/coveragepy#1345
.. _issue 1407: nedbat/coveragepy#1407
.. _issue 1474: nedbat/coveragepy#1474
.. _issue 1481: nedbat/coveragepy#1481
  • Loading branch information
0-wiz-0 committed May 5, 2023
1 parent 09db9e2 commit 62458b8
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 3 changed files with 13 additions and 8 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions devel/py-coverage/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.35 2023/03/29 09:34:06 wiz Exp $
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.36 2023/05/05 10:34:25 wiz Exp $

DISTNAME= coverage-6.5.0
DISTNAME= coverage-7.2.5
CATEGORIES= devel python
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-tomli-[0-9]*:../../textproc/py-tomli
${RM} -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/coverage ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/coverage3

# INTERNALERROR> AssertionError: assert None
# AssertionError: assert None
# 'fixed' by running as root, needs to find a writeable directory

Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion devel/py-coverage/PLIST
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.11 2022/08/24 09:36:50 wiz Exp $
@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.12 2023/05/05 10:34:25 wiz Exp $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/coverage/plugin.pyo
Expand All @@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/coverage/
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions devel/py-coverage/distinfo
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.27 2022/11/08 13:39:17 adam Exp $
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.28 2023/05/05 10:34:25 wiz Exp $

BLAKE2s (coverage-6.5.0.tar.gz) = c33473cffdaf39ea546eba626cf65fe63169145f7b03237f1b0cd8dd86980614
SHA512 (coverage-6.5.0.tar.gz) = 4f2ec0bf69a83471a2b5a73b6a2212372ee6e32ccc4c72e0d33eef915939152f3213ab60e1a22ce2b72791e706c2223b0c81c87b95bbfadd1e828fa1a9fff120
Size (coverage-6.5.0.tar.gz) = 775224 bytes
BLAKE2s (coverage-7.2.5.tar.gz) = eec47dc2fefacb303a53e91c420c5b6d138e3eeeca43b62f2fb057db2df26239
SHA512 (coverage-7.2.5.tar.gz) = 3c4ec5aaba06170c860baa23ba61fe6f19b95a433430f045272839c13cc5bf4fb12a2a030d987ad5713202c75273646639da1257c0a618658f090c8a9fee41a7
Size (coverage-7.2.5.tar.gz) = 759465 bytes

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