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How to Use

Justin Reynolds edited this page Oct 12, 2017 · 5 revisions


  1. Overview
  2. Graph Data Format
    1. Notices
  3. Filters
  4. Definitions
  5. API
  6. Events


Most of the features of vizceral are enabled by having the appropriate data in the supplied graph data to updateData.

Graph Data Format

The graph format is essentially a root node that contains nodes and connections. Any node can also contain nodes and connections. This is how we allow the drill-down functionality.

An example data format to be supplied to updatedData. More details about specific sections follow.

  // Which graph renderer to use for this graph (currently only 'global' and 'region')
  renderer: 'global',
  // since the root object is a node, it has a name too.
  name: 'edge',
  // OPTIONAL: The maximum volume seen recently to relatively measure particle density. This 'global' maxVolume is optional because it can be calculated by using all of the required sub-node maxVolumes.
  maxVolume: 100000,
  // OPTIONAL: The name of the entry node to the global graph. If omitted, will assume an 'INTERNET' node
  entryNode: 'INTERNET',
  // list of nodes for this graph
  nodes: [
      renderer: 'region',
      layout: 'ltrTree',
      // OPTIONAL Override the default layout used for the renderer.
      name: 'us-west-2',
      // Unix timestamp. Only checked at this level of nodes. Last time the data was updated (Needed because the client could be passed stale data when loaded)
      updated: 1462471847,
      // The maximum volume seen recently to relatively measure particle density
      maxVolume: 100000,
      nodes: [
          name: 'INTERNET' // Required... this is the entry node
          name: 'apiproxy-prod',
          // OPTIONAL Override the name on the label
          displayName: 'proxy',
          // OPTIONAL Any notices that you want to show up in the sidebar, for more details check the section on notices.
          notices: [
              // The title to display on the notice
              title: 'Notice about something',
              // OPTIONAL link to send the user when click on the notice
              link: 'http://link/to/relevant/thing',
              // OPTIONAL 0(default) for info level, 1 for warning level, 2 for error level (applies CSS styling)
              severity: 1
          //  The class of the node. will default to 'normal' if not provided. The coloring of the UI is based on 'normal', 'warning', and 'danger', so if you want to match the UI coloring, use those class names. Any class you provide will expect to have a style 'colorClassName' available, e.g. if the class is 'fuzzy', you should also call 'vizceral.updateStyles({ colorTraffic: { fuzzy: '#aaaaaa' } })'
          class: 'normal',
          // OPTIONAL Any data that may be handled by a plugin or other data that isn't important to vizceral itself (if you want to show stuff on the page that contains vizceral, for example). Since it is completely optional and not handled by vizceral, you technically could use any index, but this is the convention we use.
          metadata: {}
      connections: [
          // The source node of the connection, will log a warning if the node does not exist.
          source: 'INTERNET',
          // The target node of the connection, will log a warning if the node does not exist.
          target: 'apiproxy-prod',
          // These are the three default types/colors available in the component and the colors that are used for the nodes themselves. You are welcme to add others, or use other names instead knowing tha they may not match the UI coloring appropriately.
          metrics: {
            normal: 5000,
            danger: 5,
            warning: 0
          // OPTIONAL Any notices that you want to show up in the sidebar
          notices: [],
          // OPTIONAL Any data that may be handled by a plugin or other data that isn't important to vizceral itself (if you want to show stuff on the page that contains vizceral, for example). Since it is completely optional and not handled by vizceral, you technically could use any index, but this is the convention we use.
          metadata: {}

As described in the graph format above, Vizceral supports notices on connections and nodes. The data format and concept is the same, the difference is how they are displayed in the UI.

Notices will display in the UI, but to support a popup to show the list of notices, you need to configure your app appropriately.


Node Normal Notice Node Warning Notice Node Danger Notice


Connection Normal Notice Connection Warning Notice Connection Danger Notice


Check the Filters section of Configuration for more information on how to configure and update the filters.


Check the Definitions section of Configuration.


Check the generated usage document for the API.


Check the generated usage document for the events.