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Embed Interop Types with PackageReference

Ashish Jain edited this page Dec 6, 2018 · 2 revisions


2365 - Some assemblies in NuGet packages should be linked, not referenced


Currently Project system has no say which assembly should be referenced vs linked when NuGet packages are consumed as PackageReference. This breaks important scenarios like when a Visual Studio SDK extension use a NuGet package such as Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.Interop.14.0.DesignTime since the types from this package won't be embedded into the extension. Although the extension might work on that developer's machine (who has the VS SDK installed), the extension will fail at runtime on the end user's machine because that assembly isn't present. It was supposed to be embedded into the extension author's assembly.

Who are the Customers

All NuGet users who uses PackageReference to manage their NuGet dependencies and wants to consume or produce Interop packages.


NuGet will introduce a new folder structure called /embed very much similar to existing folder /lib. Package authors will keep all their embed interop types assemblies inside this new folder as well inside /lib folder (to support packages.config based projects) and non-embed assemblies will continue to go into existing folders. This way NuGet knows which assemblies to be referenced vs linked.

Next, NuGet will have a new section called embed in it's restore output file obj/project.assets.json for each embed type dependency apart from existing sections like compile, runtime, build etc.. This new section will let project system understand that assemblies inside it should be linked and not referenced in the consuming project. Since interop assemblies are duplicated in /lib folder as well so the same assemblies will also appear in compile: and runtime: section of project.assets.json file but those will be ignored.

Sample nupkg structure for interop package

 - sample.interop.nuspec
 - embed/
  - netstandard2.0/
   - sample.interop.dll
 - lib/
  - netstandard2.0/
   - sample.interop.dll

Sample relevant portion of project.assets.json file

"targets": {
    ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0": {
      "sample.interop/1.0.0": {
        "type": "package",
        "embed": {
          "embed/netstandard2.0/sample.interop.dll": {}
        "compile": {
          "lib/netstandard2.0/sample.interop.dll": {}
        "runtime": {
          "lib/netstandard2.0/sample.interop.dll": {}

Change in Pack Command

Only change for Pack command will be to extend existing MSBuild property BuildOutputTargetFolder to define one or more target folders to copy build output assemblies. Currently this property only allows single value but to author an interop package which works for both packages.config as well as PackageReference based projects, output assemblies must be copied in /lib (for packages.config) as well as /embed (for PackageReference).

No change in IncludeTypes Enum

There is an existing include assets types called compile which signifies which assmeblies from the package will be available for compilation and write code against. Embed types are no different and at no point in time, consumer needs to differentiate between what gets linked vs referenced in the consuming project. So these new embed assets will also be controled through compile flag. If a package consumer exclude compile assets then it will exlude any assets from /lib or /embed folders.

No change for existing packages

There is no change for existing packages so the existing interop packages will continue to run with the current workaround to defining a target to set <EmbedInteropTypes>true</EmbedInteropTypes> for interop types assemblies. NuGet sample which depict how to do this. So the new proposal will always be backward compatible and old NuGet clients will just ignore this new folder structure.

Other solutions considered

There were few other proposals considered before finalizing this current solution of /embed folder. Here is the summary of those solutions:

1. New metadata in .nuspec file

This solution was to introduce a new metadata in nuspec file something like Embed which would be a boolean (similar to current developmentDependency metadata). So package author could set this to true to make a package as interop type. Unlike current solution, this proposal would not have required to duplicate assemblies in two folders (/lib and /embed), instead it would have continue to work with /lib folder.

Only reason, we didn't choose this proposal, was that it would not have allowed to create a package with both interop assemblies as well as non-interop assemblies unlike current proposal where you can have interop assemblies in /embed folder and non-interop assemblies in /lib folder.

2. Enhance PackageTypes metadata in .nuspec file

This solution was similar to the previous one, except instead of coming up with a new metadata, this proposal was to enhance existing PackageTypes metadata to introduce a new packageType (something like InteropPackage) which would have allowed the package authors to define a interop package. This proposal also had the same advantages/ disadvantages as the previous one.

3. BuildAction for assembly files tag in .nuspec file

Another proposal was to define a buildAcion (similar to the buildAction for ContentFiles) for assembly files which would allow individual assembly file element to define a buildAction as link. This was a little complex solution of all the others besides the fact that there was no way to configure such elements through proejct file. All other proposals can easily work from project file without having an explicit .nuspec file, which is why we didn't pursue this one.


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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