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Package Sources Diagnostics

Karan Nandwani edited this page Jul 10, 2019 · 6 revisions

NuGet Package Sources Diagnostics

Status: Incubating


The work for this feature and the discussion around the spec is tracked here - Add ability to ignore failed sources in VS #5643


Customers often complain of performance issues with retrieving packages in search, installing and updating packages. Often when we analyze these individual issues, we find that in a large percentage of cases the issues users are seeing are due to the following. Package Sources here refer to:- File shares, NuGet.Server's, 3rd party repositories and

  • NuGet package sources response times are slow
  • Nuget package sources are behind a corporate firewall
  • User is offline
  • The backing file shares of are either not optimized or very large.

We want to proactively inform the users of these issues, so they can take corrective action and/or give them an option to temporarily disable certain sources for a period of time of the session.

Who is the customer?

Any customer who has a slow network, works offline and online, has NuGet.Server installations and have package sources behind corporate firewalls.




Scenarios that hit a file share/ server (ordered in terms of priority)

  • Update: Checking for updates. Fetching and installing packages.
  • Package restore
  • Browse/Search; Search in package manager UI and list in PMC
  • Install
  • Detailed metadata fetch (Click on package)
  • PowerShell autocomplete
  • Consolidate

Diagnostics Scenarios (Ordered in terms of priority)

  • Server is not accessible: Server is not available or server can't be reached. ** Consider the case when searching in all sources finds the package in one source and not in a disabled source, the customer expects that package assuming it has no dependencies to install fine **
  • Server is slow: Package has a large number of versions (1000+ CI feeds). Server implementation is not optimal for large version set
  • FileShare is not efficient
  • vNext (Requires proxy rules): Semantic understanding of what packages are being downloaded per source
  • Duplicate URLs and equivalent URLs
  • Server URL points to an invalid server - the endpoint is not a server
  • when a misbheaving source is an intermittent issue that resolves itself

Priority of experiences

  • VS
  • PMC
  • NuGet.xplat
  • Nuget.exe


  • User opens Visual Studio
  • User open package manager UI
  • Sees an update and hits install
  • We detected 1-N issues
  • We bring up a UI that shows what the issues are
  • This UI will have single disable for duration command, disable for all time command
  • On clicking this package manager enters into temp disable mode, we show some indicator that you are this in this mode.
  • You can either get out of the temp disable mode by using some command in VS or restart VS
  • If the user clicks permanently disable, then there is no highlight forever and goes through normal flow.


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

Common Problems

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