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A2 Lack of Password Complexity

Ken Johnson edited this page Aug 18, 2015 · 2 revisions


Password complexity is incredibly important and highly debated subject. Other factors play a part in the stringency of the enforcement policy applied. If a username can be enumerated, a CAPTCHA on the login form is not present or other methods to deter a brute-force password guessing campaign are not in place, at least password complexity enforcement policy can make it a that much more difficult for an attacker to guess users passwords.


Within app/models/user.rb

validates :password, :presence => true,
                     :confirmation => true,
                     :length => {:within => 6..40},
                     :on => :create,
                     :if => :password

The application validates only the password length and nothing else. Developers can leverage the format option to apply a regular expression that checks the password has sufficient complexity.


Lack of Password Complexity - ATTACK

Leverage a tool such as BurpSuite's intruder to brute-force the passwords of the users. The highest privileged account that you an attacker can compromise is the admin. The password is very simple ("admin1234"), username is ("").

Lack of Password Complexity - SOLUTION

This regular expression validates the password has the following requirements:

  • 1 digit
  • 1 lowercase alphabet
  • 1 uppercase alphabet
  • 1 special character
validates :password, :presence => true,
                      :confirmation => true,
                      :if => :password,
                      :format => {:with => /\A.*(?=.{10,})(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[\@\#\$\%\^\&\+\=]).*\z/}


I wonder how strong the administrator's password is?

Sections are divided by their OWASP Top Ten label (A1-A10) and marked as R4 and R5 for Rails 4 and 5.

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