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A5 Security Misconfig JSON Escaping

cktricky edited this page Jul 10, 2015 · 1 revision


Another one of the Rails security configurations relates to escaping HTML entities in JSON.


When the following setting is set to false, HTML entities in JSON response will not be encoded.

ActiveSupport::escape_html_entities_in_json = false


Edit the html_entities file at config/initializers/html_entities.rb and set the following to true.

ActiveSupport::escape_html_entities_in_json = true

Once the initializer is edited and the application is restarted, any HTML entities in JSON responses will be encoded.


Think HTML entities, escaping and initializers.

Sections are divided by their OWASP Top Ten label (A1-A10) and marked as R4 and R5 for Rails 4 and 5.

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