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Known Problems and Limitations

Trevor Crawford edited this page Feb 7, 2025 · 19 revisions

Version 24.0.12 and older

Problem/Limitation Workaround
Multi-module projects are not explicitly supported. The following links are for two known issues, but other undiscovered problems might exist:

Some potential workarounds are commented in the linked issues. You can try to work with multi-module projects, but there is no guaranteed support. Please open any newly discovered issues here:

One helpful workaround to run a multi-module project with some support is to use the Liberty Start... action and specify the following parameters: -f <path-to-aggregator-pom.xml> -am -pl <name-of-module-with-Liberty-server-configuration-to-use>

If more than one project open in the VS Code Explorer has the same app name, snippets are not provided by the language servers. Rename at least one of the projects so they do not share the same app name. There are some common ways for defining project names.
  1. For Maven, use the <finalName> property under the <build> section of the pom.xml file or change the <artifactId>. For Gradle, use the property in settings.gradle file.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + P (macOS) to open the Command Palette and run the command Developer: Reload Window.
Depending on where dev mode is in its process of starting up, you might have trouble stopping dev mode by using the Liberty Stop action. Click in the terminal instance in VS Code where dev mode is running and type ctrl + c. This should end the dev mode instance.
You might observe slow performance when editing your server.xml file when invoking completion or hover. If observed, please report your experience on this GitHub issue: No workaround available.

Version 23.0.12

Problem/Limitation Workaround
Jakarta EE diagnostics are not appearing. To enable Jakarta EE diagnostics, you will need to install version 1.26.0 of the Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat extension. You will also need to install pre-release version 0.11.2024012703 of the Tools for MicroProfile extension. For more details on how to install those versions, refer to the Workaround section in

Version 23.0.6

Problem/Limitation Workaround
The Liberty Start in container action is not available when the parent folder of a Liberty project is opened in the VS Code Explorer. Start in container action not available Open the root folder of the Liberty project directly in VS Code. Opening the root folder in VS Code makes the Liberty Start in container action available. Start in container action available
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