Lots of things are happening at PTB. Check it out!
- Tailored non-selective respiration specific and robust kT-points pTx pulses in the human heart
- Tailored and universal pulses in the human heart based on a B1+ library
- Frequency robust tailored and universal kT-points pTx pulses in the human heart
- Universal RF shims
- Comparison of open-source reconstruction frameworks
- Evaluation of different Bloch-McConnell simulation methods
- Learning Regularization Parameter-Maps for Variational Image Reconstruction
- End-To-End Iterative Network for Radial Multi-Coil 2D Cine MR
- Spatial-temporal Networks for dynamic MRI
- Convolutional Sparsity-based Methods for Dynamic Cardiac MRI
- Patch-based Dictionary Learning with Neural Networks
- NoSENSE: Learned unrolled cardiac MRI reconstruction without explicit sensitivity maps
- Nonlinear Optimisation as a Network Layer
- Semi-Supervised Learning for Spatially Regularized qMRI Reconstruction
- A collection of MRI/Pytorch-related code fragments
- MRpro @ "Quantitative Multi-parametric MRI as an Inversion Problem", Utrecht, 2024
- Repositories related to the Thematic Einstein Semester 21/22 on MATHEMATICS OF IMAGING IN REAL-WORLD CHALLENGES
- M4AIM public outreach: Intro to Machine Learning for MRI Reconstruction
- MRpro - MR image reconstruction and processing package
- Bloch-McConnell Simulation Software (BMCTool)
- Pytorch EPG MRI Simulation
XNAT support for MR raw data format (ISMR)MRD and PET raw data format Interfile.