Releases: ParabolInc/parabol
Releases · ParabolInc/parabol
v0.17.0 - 27-Mar-2017
v0.16.12 - 22-Mar-2017
v0.16.11 - 22-Mar-2017
- Hotfix #850 r.createdAt.getTime is not a function
v0.16.10 - 22-Mar-2017
v0.16.9 - 20-Mar-2017
- #404 add automated error reporting if meeting state gets stuck
- #762 spinner component
- #820 Trial and payment segment events
- Added raven message to meeting infiniteLoop watchdog
- Patch for rejoin button styles
- Ensure graphql gets a promise back from newly non-awaited calls
- Refactored calls to only pass identity traits on login and change
- #442 action disappears when creator reassigns to different owner
- #444, #663 LeftNav view glitch in Chrome
- #487 skipping updates to agenda via progress bar causes router loop
- #553, #773 DnD acts strangly when user filter active on team dashboard
- #592 facilitator abandons meeting; allow others to end it
- #660 new team member invite bug
- #714 Can't delete team members
- #718 Notification for leaving a team
- #738 Navigate to Team Settings, error ensues
- #780 Team settings invite validation allows multiple emails
- #808 Hey, I wanna pay!
- #818 highlighted team no worky
- #821 actions list not showing in my dashboard
- #824 Editing/cursor bug workaround, root cause still unknown
v0.16.8 - 14-Mar-2017
- #811 Rejoin facilitator button cursor is pointer
- fix orgName update
- Dependency bumps & linting
v0.16.7 - 13-Mar-2017
- #808 hey I want to pay!
v0.16.5 - 11-Mar-2017
v0.16.3 - 8-Mar-2017
- Unit tests for Action mutations
- #462 source maps added to minified production builds
- Individual team and user project drag-and-drop sort orders now combined
into one, universal sorting order used across the system - Dashboard notification bar is now implemented as a "DashAlert" modal
- #736 permutations on invoice
- #780 email regex allowed multiple emails
- #782 regression on Project index used by archived projects
- #783 ensured CC always exists on org, no longer using pagination for invoiceList
- #784 invoice icon styling bug in production
- #553 fine tune DnD
- #714 can't delete team members
- #724 top notification bar & dash modal overlap
- #733 team project columns (filtered by team member) cache/redux error on DnD