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@particularbot particularbot released this 11 Aug 01:16
· 3001 commits to master since this release

As part of this release we had 81 commits which resulted in 12 issues being closed.


#177 Failed messages are now grouped by exception type and failed line of code

When a Failed Message is detected it is bundled into a group based on the type of Exception that was thrown and the method in the source code that it was thrown from.

All of the messages with a Failure Group can be retried or archived at once from the Failure Group screen. To see a list of messages within a Failure Group click the the title of the group.

See Failed Message Monitoring in ServicePulse for more information.

NOTE: This feature requires ServiceControl version 1.6 or higher.

#183 "Endpoints Overview" and "Configuration" screens are now displaying their lists in alphabetically order

When you have more than a few endpoints, this quickly becomes unmanageable.
By sorting these lists by default, it becomes easier to manage and browse the lists.

#180 Failed messages to display UNKNOWN when data is missing instead of blank or minimum date

When an NServiceBus endpoint receives messages from external systems such as BizTalk, TIBCO, etc. directly, the message itself will not contain regular NServiceBus headers. Without them ServiceControl cannot provide all usual information. For example, it won’t be able to determine when message was sent or what is its type.

To ensure that you are able to monitor your endpoints and have valuable metadata from ServiceControl, it becomes important as to how you integrate these messages. If for some reason failed messages will miss some metadata ServicePulse will handle it better by providing more meaningful defaults and descriptions.
Here is an example:

#171 A confirmation is now displayed when clicking the "Retry all messages" button

Confirmation when one clicks the "Retry all messages". This will prevent situations where messages are retried when the button is clicked by accident.

#170 In Failed Messages screen, word-wrap message type and destination address is now on

The failed message details cuts off long message types and destination addresses, this commit addresses this issue.

#22 Notification of a new version available is now displayed in the Dashboard

Added a footer to the dashboard of ServicePulse that displays when a new version is available.


This footer contains a hyperlink that will take you to the download page for the latest release.


  • #172 When a message is missing headers such as TimeSent, display appropriate defaults
  • #169 In Failed Messages screen, when message types are not present in the metadata from ServiceControl, ServicePulse must display proper default values instead of NULL_TYPE
  • #156 When upgrading ServicePulse the "config.js" file is overridden/reset
  • #149 Word-wrap endpointname in endpoints screen
  • #67 White rectangle appears behind notification messages on Failed Messages page

Where to get it

You can download this release from our website