Why waste your valuable development time formatting code manually when we are trying to build amazing robots?
The repo contains an auto formatting script for the ROS C++ Style Guidelines.
Updated June 2020 to support Ubuntu 18.04 / ROS Melodic.
Install clang_format:
sudo apt-get install -y clang-format-3.9
Then symlink or copy in the root of your catkin workspace the file
, located in this repo. You can save this file from this link. For example, place it on your computer here:~/catkin_ws/.clang-format
If you are interested in improving this configuration file, we recommend you checkout the git repo and symlink, e.g.:
ln -s ~/roscpp_code_format/.clang-format ~/catkin_ws/.clang-format
Now any file inside your catkin workspace will be formatted with the ROS style guidelines described in this config file
You can run clang_format in several ways:
Format single file:
clang-format-3.9 -i -style=file MY_ROS_NODE.cpp
Format entire directory recursively including subfolders:
find . -name '*.h' -or -name '*.hpp' -or -name '*.cpp' | xargs clang-format-3.9 -i -style=file $1
In your ~/.emacs
config file, add the following:
Format your source code if its in some directory such as the catkin_ws
(feel free to change keywords catkin_ws):
(defun run-ros-clang-format ()
"Runs clang-format on cpp,h files in catkin_ws/ and reverts buffer."
(string-match "/catkin_ws/.*\\.\\(h\\|cpp\\)$" buffer-file-name)
(save-some-buffers 'no-confirm)
(shell-command (concat "clang-format-3.9 -style=file -i " buffer-file-name))
(message (concat "Saved and ran clang-format on " buffer-file-name))
(revert-buffer t t t)
Set a keyboard shortcut to run, such as F12
(global-set-key [f12] 'run-ros-clang-format)
Install the clang-format package via the Atom package manager or apm install clang-format
In the package settings set clang-format-3.9
as your executable and point 'Style' to your .clang_format
To set up Qt Creator to use this clang formatting follow the instructions here.
On the Clang Format Panel change the Clang Format command to 'clang-format-4.0'. After this, choose Use predefined style: File, and then create a soft link on the root of your files workspace (where all your code is) pointing to this file and with the same name (.clang-format).
It is recomended to deactivate the Enable auto format on file save option and create a keyboard shortcut
Installation Package Control in Sublime:
Configuration Clang format in Sublime:
Install the C/C++ extension.
Put the .clang-format
file in your workspace.
Select Format Document
in the right-click context menu, or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I
This explanation and more here.
Occationally the auto formatting used by clang-format might not make sense e.g. for lists of items that are easier to read on separate lines. It can be overwritten with the commands:
// clang-format off
... some untouched code
// clang-format on
Use this sparingly though.