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Disk and Memory Requirements

datendelphin edited this page Nov 24, 2021 · 6 revisions

Note: the following rough numbers are as of v5.26 and on OpenStreetMap planets from November 2021.


11/2021, 61GiB .pbf extract partition (mld) customize (mld) contract (ch)
car 415 GiB 220 GiB 174 GiB 230 GiB
foot 476 GiB 228 GiB 184 GiB

you'll also need about 300 GB disk space for the generated datafiles.

The sizes scale roughly linear with input data size.

The profile has a big impact on size - the foot profile includes a lot more ways/roads/paths than the car profile, so it needs more resources. The cycling profile sits somewhere in between.


For the car profile you will need

  • around 123 GiB of RAM

We basically just load all the files into memory, so whatever the output file size from pre-processing - that's roughly how much RAM you'll need (minus the size of the .fileIndex file, which is mmap()-ed and read on-demand, and a few files which are left after the build, but which are not needed during run time).