point_reg.py purely works on Python3 envirenment. You may need to install the following packages py pip
- optparse
- numpy
- commands
Point registration Usage: point_reg.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pet=PET PET file (assume input)
--mri=MRI MRI file (assume reference)
--save=SAVE Save reoriented file from PET to MRI
--psize=PSIZE point size(mm)
--mricoord=MRICOORD Saved MRI Coordinate file. Default mri.coord
--mricfile=MRICFILE MRI Coordinate file. Read from file instead of manual type
--petcoord=PETCOORD Saved PET Coordinate file. Default pet.coord
--petcfile=PETCFILE PET Coordinate file. Read from file instead of manual type
--inmat=INMAT Input Transformation matrix from PET to MRI. If you give it, we apply without anything
--outmat=OUTMAT Transformation matrix from PET to MRI. Default out.mat
--noview No FSLView
--nodel Not delete temp files
--checkorient Check Orientation Neurological/Radiological
--norevx Not Reverse X direction
--tpet=TPET Threshold Value for PET. Defalut is no threshold
--tmri=TMRI Threshold Value for MRI. Defalut is no threshold
--kabsch Use Kabsch algorithm instead of pointflirt