Optimized cerebral cortical surface mapping of neurite properties using diffsion magnetic resonace imaging (dMRI)
- Download NoddiSurfaceMapping.zip and unzip
- Configure variables in the section of Setup in NoddiSUrfaceMapipng.sh depending on your local settings including AMICO. Note that you need to configure default settings of parallel diffusivity value in AMICO. By default, it is set to 1.7E-3 mm2/s but you need to change the value to 1.1E-3 mm2/s for NODDI cortical surface mapping (see Fukutomi et al., Neuroimage 2018).
- Run NoddiSurfaceMapping.sh - inputs should be <StudyFolder> and <Subject directory(s)>, which were used to preprocess with HCP pipeline/DiffusionPreprocessing
Calculate NODDI and do surface-mapping for HCP data
Usage: NoddiSurfaceMapping <StudyFolder> <SubjectID 1> <SubjectID 2> ...
-a <num> : species atlas (0. Human [default], 1. Macaque, 2. Marmoset)
-t <num>,<num>,<num> : b-value upper and lower threshold, and b=0 upper threshold (default: 3100,100,50)
-M : REGNAME=MSMAll (default: MSMSulc)
-s : do not calculate NODDI but only perform surface mapping
AMICO, HCP pipeline, Workbench, FSL
NoddiSurfaceMapping is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
Fukutomi, H., Glasser, M.F., Zhang, H., Autio, J.A., Coalson, T.S., Okada, T., Togashi, K., Van Essen, D.C., Hayashi, T., 2018. Neurite imaging reveals microstructural variations in human cerebral cortical gray matter. Neuroimage. DOI BALSA