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Knowledge Base

Amos edited this page Dec 25, 2022 · 15 revisions

This page encapsulates a set of questions and answers in no particular order that users of IW4MAdmin may find useful.

What is "" and should I modify it? is a string symbol used to represent a set of IP Addresses.
This is not a real IP Address. I.E. you cannot go to and expect something to show up.
1624 is a port. This is the default IW4MAdmin port, but can be changed.
In computing, a network socket is an "endpoint" (typically represented by an IP Address and Port combination). represents all bindable sockets (using the specified port) on a given machine.
A single machine may have multiple NIC (network interface cards) that have multiple assigned IP Addresses.
As such will attempt to bind to each NIC and each IP Address on port 1624 by default.
This is also covered in the IW4MAdmin Setup video.
Unless you are experienced with networking or running IW4MAdmin behind a reverse proxy, it is recommended to leave this value as is.

How do I access the webfront from a different machine?

All you need to do is allow TCP port 1624 (or whatever port you've set on WebfrontBindUrl) through your firewall (if applicable).
Then navigate to http://<machine_ip_here>:<bound_port_here> where the machine IP is either then WAN (external) or LAN (local) IP address.

What format should I use for WebfrontPrimaryColor and WebfrontSecondaryColor?

These options support hex color codes and web color names


  • "#ff00ff"
  • "DeepSkyBlue"

What is JSON/How do I change my configuration?

JSON is a text format that allows structured data storage in a plain-text format.
IW4MAdmin uses this format to store configuration data.
Because the format is very specific, it is recommended to run any configuration changes through a JSON validator/formatter before starting IW4MAdmin.
If you receive a message like below when starting IW4MAdmin, it is likely you made a change that resulted in an invalid JSON format image This error message displays the file as well as the line number the format error occurred on.
This will need to be addressed before IW4MAdmin can start.

I'm running an IW4x server and I see duplicated messages from IW4MAdmin, why?

This is an IW4x bug that causes out of band packets to be dropped or processed multiple times.
There is an open PR to resolve this, but until that is merged there is no work around short of compiling IW4x yourself.

How do I know what was changed in each update? / Should I update every time a new release is published?

Although there is no explicit change log due to the nature of rolling releases, the Github Releases includes a commit changes section which outline the high level changes for a given release.
View the versions definition to see which release cadence works best for you.

My Plutonium IW5 servers are showing as Private Match in the webfront after some time. How do I fix?

IW4MAdmin reads the hostname (server name) from the sv_hostname DVar and also when it's printed in the game log.
Plutonium has a system the server key controls the hostname.
IW4MAdmin cannot access that information as it's stored on their system.
You need to set the sv_hostname DVar in the server configuration to match the server name specified in the Plutonium key management interface.
Alternatively, you can use the CustomHostname configuration option to manually set the hostname for the server.

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