Beta 1.3: Data driven
179 commits
to main
since this release
This beta switched all of the block definitions to data driven definitions similar to the way that entities are defined in Resource packs.
- created lookups\block_definition.json to "group" blocks with the same physical shapes
- created lookups\block_shapes.json This allows for some control over the variants.
- I have an open task to make it so the editor can see the variant names come across.
- modified lookups\block_rotation.json so it uses the names in lookups\block_definition.json, If a block is not rotating properly either add it here or change it here.
- I use this tool to look at block data, not all data is properly ported through, that is an open task i wanted to get done but had to slip
- created lookups\block_uv.json this contains the information about the textures file that is use. This can be used to override textures in the default texture pack if they are looking funny.
- stopped using lookups\hacks.json