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Redjumpman edited this page May 28, 2017 · 8 revisions

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Command List

Lottery Commands
These commands require the lottery prefix

Commands Description Commands Description
Delete Deletes a lottery loadout Setup Allows you to create custom a lottery loadout
Edit Edits a lottery loadout Signup Signs you up to track lottery stats
End Manually ends a lottery Start Starts a lottery.
Enter Enters you into an active lottery Stats Shows your tracked lottery stats
Reset Force resets the lottery system Status Check if a lottery is active
Version Shows the current installed version of lottery Viewloadout View the parameters set for a loadout

Set Lottery Commands
These commands require the setlottery prefix

Commands Description Commands Description
Default Changes the default loadout when starting a lottery Role Sets the role required to track and view stats.


This cog was originally designed to run simple lotteries on a server. Overtime it has grown to include features such as stat tracking, a loadout system, tons of different requirements, and timers. I wanted to bridge the gap between simplicity and complexity to allow you to run quick and easy lotteries, but also offer customization options.


  • Stat tracking. Track your entries and wins.
  • Loadout system, create up to 5 custom tailored lotteries.
  • Quickly launch any custom lottery with ease.
  • Create optional timers for your lotteries to end.
  • Allow for multiple winners
  • Set a multitude of entry requirements such as days on server, roles, and entry limits.
  • Integrates with economy so you can set a credit prize or just say what your giving away

Lottery Commands


[p]lottery delete <loadout>

Deletes a lottery loadout This command will completely remove a lottery loadout slot. You cannot delete the default lottery slot, 0. This comand cannot delete a loadout being used in an active lottery.


[p]lottery edit <loadout>

Edits a lottery loadout Will allow you to edit any of the parameters attached to a lottery loadout. Editing this loadout while it is being used for an on-going lottery will affect the process.


[p]lottery end

Manually ends a lottery. Use help on end lottery for more info This command must be used on an active lottery that does not have a timer set or you will be unable to start a new lottery. This command may also be used to end a lottery which has a timer, early using this command.


[p]lottery enter

Enters you into an active lottery This command will attempt to add a user to a lottery. It will fail if the there isn't a lottery on-going. If a user enters the lottery and the entry limit is met The lottery will begin to end in the next 10 seconds or sooner based on timer conditions.


[p]lottery reset

Force resets the lottery system. This command does not wipe data, and should only be used if the system is experiencing a hang.


[p]lottery setup

Allows you to create custom a lottery loadout This command allows you create a customized lottery which you can save and launch using the lottery start command. You can have up to five custom lottery loadouts per server. The standard lottery is permenantly saved to slot 0.


[p]lottery signup

Signs you up to track lottery stats. You must have the required role to sign-up for stat tracking. If you lose the role, or it changes your stats will still be tracked and the information can be viewed when you get the role again. By default, anyone can sign up.


[p]lottery start [loadout]

Starts a lottery. Use help on lottery start for more info This command defaults to the standard lottery loadout in slot 0. If you wish to use another loadout, specify it when calling the command. Additionally, you may change the default loadout using the [p]setlottery default command.

Starting the lottery will apply all parameters set in the creation process.


[p]lottery stats

Shows your lottery stats. Displays the number of times you have entered a lottery and the number of times you have won a lottery.


[p]lottery status

Checks to see if a lottery is active and displays information about the current lottery prize and requirements.


[p]lottery version

Shows the currently running version of lottery.

View Loadout

[p]lottery viewloadout <loadout>

View the parameters set for a loadout

Set Lottery Commands


[p]setlottery default <loadout>

Changes the default loadout when starting a lottery This loadout will run when no other loadout has been specified. In addition, this loadout will run if an invalid loadout is chosen.

If you have not setup up a loadout, use the command lottery setup. You cannot set a loadout as a default if it has not been setup. The factory default is 0.


[p]setlottery role <role>

Sets the role required to track and view stats. Must be a role that exists on your server. If you delete this role you will need to update lottery with this command to the new role. Otherwise, no one will be able to view their stats, but it will still track if they were able to signup.

By default this command is set to @everyone, and anyone can join.