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Command Box
These Box Types defines what bots/characters are effected when command is triggered:

  - Self: When running this command the character running it is consider the source/target.
  - Group: When running this command all the characters in the group are considered source/target. Parameters can be leveraged to expand or limit.
  - Me: When command cannot auto detect self and you want yourself as target/source.
  - CHAR1 When you want your command to run at or as a certain target/source.
This allow for alteration, to box type calls. Providing Global examples of parameters for slash commands.

/backoff /all
Overrides Group Calls and Tells all bots even those not in group to backoff. Good if you are running more then 6 characters(Raid).
/assistme /ignoreme
Tell all other characters to attack target except me(Driver)
/backoff "/not|MNK BRD"
Tells all characters to back off, except Monk and Bard.
/assistme /only|PAL
Tells just the PAL (in your 6 man group) to Attack target
/assistme /all /only|PAL
Tells the Paladin outside your 6 man group but in your bot network to attack the target.

- NOTE: All multi word params must be enclosed by a double quote

Combat Based Commands

Command Box
/assistme Group /all
Tells your characters to assist on your current target - cast spells, use abilities, etc. use /all flag for out of group
/assisttype Self
Change assisttype=(in ini) to whatever is specified, until e3 is reloaded or restarted

/assisttype Shenbzr melee - changes Shenbzr to melee assis
/cleartargets Group /all
Tells your characters to kill all aggressive targets within 60 units
Three Additonal Options noface, stick, and off

/cleartargets noface
will stop the /face fast command issued every time an assist call is made
/cleartargets stick
Will issue a stick command based on your Character MeleeStickPoint and MeleeDistance ini settings
/cleartargets off
will cancel the current cleartargets command
/buffme Self Tells your bot network to buff you. This is based on what you setup in group buff= in your ini's
/buffit Self Tells your bot network to buff what you have targeted. This is based on what you setup in group buff= in your ini's
Group /all
Tells your characters to cast their configured dots on your target.

/dot is treated as toggle.
/dotson, /dotsoff are static set of on or off
Group /all
Tells your characters to cast their configured debuff on your target.

/debuff is treated as toggle.
/debuffon, /debuffoff are static set of on or off
Group /all
Tells your characters to cast their configured pbae on your target.

/pbaeon, /pbaeoff are static set of on or off
/nowcast me
Tells yourself or character to cast a spell, possibly at a target, NOW!
Slash events such as Ifs, AfterSpell, BeforeEvents can be leverage with this command.
- Note: Make sure to put spell in double qoutes.

/nowcast CHAR1 "spell name" ${Target.ID}

/nowcast me "spell name" ${Target.ID}
You(Driver) cast the spell on Target
/nowcast all "spell name" ${Target.ID}
Everyone in your bot Network cast specified spell at target
/nowcast CHAR1 "spell name" ${Target.ID}
Tells character to cast specified spell
/nowcast Clerah "Turn Undead/Ifs|IsUndead/AfterEvent|Cheer" ${Target.ID}
Tells Clerah character to cast specified spell on BOTNAME
/nowcast Clerah "Ethereal Remedy" ${Spawn[BOTNAME].ID}
Leveraging If and AfterEvenets from ini
/queuecast me
Tells yourself or character to queue up a spell to be cast. They will finish what they are currently casting first.
/queuecast CHAR1 "spell name" ${Target.ID}

/queuecast me "spell name" ${Target.ID}
You(Driver) Queue up spell to cast on Target
/queuecast all "spell name" ${Target.ID}
Everyone in your bot Network to queue up specified spell at target
Group /all
Tells your characters to cast spells in the Off Assist Spells in their ini on all current targets (default is on)
/offassistignore Group /all
Ignore SpawnID's from having off assist debuff/dots from landing on the target. Cleared after combat.
/rezit Self
Uses rez Rez Spells= in INI to rez your current target.

Examples: /rezit CHAR1 Tells CHAR1 to Rez your target with it defined rez spell.
Self These are all forms of Area Check Rez. Will leverage what is defined in Rez Spells=. These are run from the character ressurecting in order to sent the command to another character /e3bct command will need to be leverage.

/aerez - Will try and rez everyone around you.
/grez - Will try and rez all group members around you
/rrez Will try and rez all raid members around you.
/wipe group Temporarily turns off auto rez - turns back on automatically the next time you zone
/gathercorpse Self Summons all corpses within 100 units to you, and sends out a chat event for others to grant you permission to drag their corpse
/swarmpets Group Uses the following swarm pet spells:
"Servant of Ro","Host of the Elements","Swarm of Decay","Rise of Bones","Graverobber's Icon","Soulwhisper","Deathwhisper","Wake the Dead","Spirit Call", "Shattered Gnoll Slayer", "Call of Xuzl","Song of Stone","Tarnished Skeleton Key","Celestial Hammer","Graverobber's Icon","Battered Smuggler's Barrel","Phantasmal Opponent","Projection of Piety","Spirits of Nature", "Nature's Guardian"

Note: At this time PARAM do not work for this command. Will only send the command to characters in group.
/epicburns Group Uses the following anguish BP clicks and epic weapon clicks:
+ Anguish BP's
"Bladewhisper Chain Vest of Journeys", "Farseeker's Plate Chestguard of Harmony", "Wrathbringer's Chain Chestguard of the Vindicator", "Savagesoul Jerkin of the Wilds", "Glyphwielder's Tunic of the Summoner", "Whispering Tunic of Shadows", "Ritualchanter's Tunic of the Ancestors"
+ Epic Clicks
"Prismatic Dragon Blade", "Blade of Vesagran", "Raging Taelosian Alloy Axe", "Vengeful Taelosian Blood Axe", "Staff of Living Brambles", "Staff of Everliving Brambles", "Fistwraps of Celestial Discipline", "Transcended Fistwraps of Immortality", "Redemption", "Nightbane, Sword of the Valiant", "Heartwood Blade", "Heartwood Infused Bow", "Aurora, the Heartwood Blade", "Aurora, the Heartwood Bow", "Fatestealer". "Nightshade, Blade of Entropy". "Innoruuk's Voice", "Innoruuk's Dark Blessing", "Crafted Talisman of Fates", "Blessed Spiritstaff of the Heyokah", "Staff of Prismatic Power", "Staff of Phenomenal Power", "Soulwhisper", "Deathwhisper"
Group /all
These are all forms of burns capable:
/quickburns - uses all burns defined in the Quick Burns= in your character ini
/longburns - uses all burns defined in the Long Burns= in your character ini
/fullburns uses all burns defined in the Full Burns= in your character ini

Additonal Option: timeout=seconds

`/quickburns timeout=60 /only
/assistme Group /all
Tells your characters to assist on your current target - cast spells, use abilities, etc. use /all flag for out of group

Movement Based Commands

Command Box
/mtm Group /all
Move to Me(MtM);Tells all Characters in your group to come to you
/scatter Group /all
Moves Characters in a random direction from yours, 10 units by default.
/clickit Group /all
Click the nearest Door/Teleport Device
Group /all
Statically sets your characters to follow or stop following based on afollow
/chaseme off
Group /all
Statically sets your characters to chase or stop chasing based on with mq2nav(navmesh).
min/max distance and nav stop distance set in general settings.ini
Group /all
With yourself targeted or NO target - will anchor to your current XYZ location, With another spawn targeted, will set anchor to that spawn ID
/evac Group /all
Tells your druid or wizard to evac (coward). Leverage /all if outside your group
/bark Group /all
Tells all your characters to target your current target and say "phrase" to it.
WARNING: Will not uninvis or unhide your chracter!

/bark hail /all tells all your bots to hail your current(driver's) target
Great for flagging or chat based teleport
/dropinvis Group /all
Drops invisibility spells on all characters in your group
/droplev Group /all
Drops levitate spells on all characters in your group
/coth Self Will summon your target to you if they're in your group and you have a LDON aug or the COTH spell/AA

/coth group
will cycle through all members of your group and summon them if they're more than 50 units away or not in LOS. Does not currently implement the mage group coth ability in any capacity

Class Based Commands

Command Box
/playmelody BARD Example
/playmelody Base
Plays the song that matches in your ini; define by MelodyIf=Base. Plays the Melody named Base.
/playmelody stop
Stops playing Melody
/e3bct bard01 /playmelody stop
Directly tells the bard in your group to stop playing any melody
/e3bard-automez (on/off) BARD Example
/e3bct bard01 /e3bard-automez on
Sends e3bc to your bard to toggle Auto-Mez on.
/e3bct bard01 /e3bard-automez off
Sends e3bc to your bard to toggle Auto-Mez off.
/e3bct bard01 /e3bard-automez
Sends e3bc to your bard to toggle Auto-Mez between on/off based on current setting.
/charmon ENCHANTER Example
/e3bct enchanter01 /charmon ${Target.ID}
Sends e3bc to your enchanceter to charm based on your setting defined in the [Charm] Section of your enchancters INI.
/e3autocanni (on/off) SHAMAN Example
/e3bct shaman01 /e3autocanni on
Sends e3bc to your shaman to toggle Auto-Canni on.
/e3bct shaman01 /e3autocanni off
Sends e3bc to your shaman to toggle Auto-Canni off.
/e3bct shaman01 /e3autocanni
Sends e3bc to your shaman to toggle Auto-Canni between on/off based on current setting.

Inventory/Loot Based Commands

Command Box
/giveme Self
Gives a specified quantity of an item to you or another toon

/giveme char1 item # char2
Tells character1 to give #(quanity) items to character2
/giveme char1 item
Tells character1 to give all (stackable) items to me
/giveme char1 dc/diamond coin/diamond coins
Tells character1 to give all dc to me
/giveme char1 pp/plat/platinum #
Tells character1 to give # plat to me
/giveme char1 pp/plat/platinum
Tells character1 to give all plat to me
/destroynorent Self Destroys the item on your cursor if it is a NO RENT item
/fds SlotName Group /all
links all your grouped characters' items in SlotName in group chat. /say /rsay etc. for other text output
valid slots:
charm, leftear, head, face, rightear, neck, shoulder, arms, back, leftwrist, rightwrist, ranged, hands, mainhand, offhand, leftfinger, rightfinger, chest, legs, feet, waist, powersource, ammo, fingers, wrists, ears
Group /all
Finds instances of ItemName on all your characters
/finditem ItemName

/fic Water
Askes your Group who has water and they will report back.
Self Retrieves Item from your bank/inventory. Specify optional param # to retreive quantity of the item
/getfrombank ItemName [#]

/getfrombankJade 10
Retrieves 10 jade from your bank
/upgrade Self Unequips your old item from SlotName, removes augs, puts the augs in ItemName and equips it.
/upgrade SlotName ItemName

NOTE: this is dependant on having enough Perfected Augmentation Distillers in your inventory to de-aug your old item
valid slots:
charm, leftear, head, face, rightear, neck, shoulder, arms, back, leftwrist, rightwrist, ranged, hands, mainhand, offhand, leftfinger, rightfinger, chest, legs, feet, waist, powersource, ammo
Statically turns autolooting on or off for you. Reseting E3 will default to what ever you have configurd in you ini.

/looton char1
turns autolooting on for character
/looton char1 force
turns on autlooting for character and forces a full reset
Self idintifies how the Items on your cursor should be treated
/lootkeep - adds current item on cursor to loot settings.ini marked as Keep and auto-inventories the item
/lootsell - adds current item on cursor to loot settings.ini marked as Sell and auto-inventories the item
/lootskip - adds current item on cursor to loot settings.ini marked as Skip, leaves item on cursor
/autosell Self Sell items to the currently targeted vendor that are marked as sell in your loot settings.
/autostack Self Stacks stackable items in your bank
/restock Self Buys food and drink

Chat Based Commands

Command Box
/e3bc Broadcast message/command to all not including yourself.
Was EQBC: /bc , /bca

/e3bc Hi there!
Broadcast "Hi There!" to all characters in your network
/e3bc /sit
Broadcast to all character in your network to Sit
/e3bct Broadcast message/command to individual Character.
Was EQBC: /bct
Was DNet: /dt , /dex

/e3bct Clerah Hi there!
Tell Clerah "Hi There!"
/e3bct Clerah /sit
Tel Clerah to Sit
/e3bca Broadcast to all but yourself. (left this way for compatibility reasons)
Was EQBC: /bca
Was DNet: /dge
/e3bcaa Broadcast to all including yourself.
Was EQBC: /bcaa
Was DNet: /dgaa
/e3bcg Broadcast to group, excluding yourself
Was EQBC: /bcg
Was DNet: /dgge
/e3bcga Broadcast to group, including yourself
Was EQBC: /bcga
Was DNet: /dgga
/e3bcgz Broadcast to group, in zone only
Was EQBC: /bcz
Was DNet: /dgze
/e3bcgza Broadcast to group, in zone only, including yourself
Was EQBC: /bcza
Was DNet: /dgza
/e3bcza Broadcast to all in the zone only, including yourself
Was EQBC: /bcza
Was DNet: /dgza

System Based Commands

Command Box
/shutdown Self Stops all E3 processing threads

For Debugging:
  /shutdown pubserver
  /shutdown pubclient
  /shutdown shareddata
  /shutdown routerserver
/e3reload Self Reloads character settings, general settings, and advanced settings files

Additional Info:
/e3reload (template)
You can now create templates/setups for different type of events. example: /e3reload aoe. This will create (if they don't exist) and swap to
    > <character>_ServerName_AOE.ini
    > General Settings_AOE.ini
    > Advanced Settings_AOE.ini
/e3settings Self createdefault This will create a new file called `General Settings_default.ini`` This will have all new options for you to copy over to your current General settings.ini
/debug Self Turns on logging messages to the macroquest window
/e3p on
/e3p off
Self Pause your E3.
/e3p is treated as toggle.
/e3p on , /e3p off are static set of on or off
/savegroup Self Saves your current group configuration to the Saved Groups file

/savegroup Main
Saves your current group with the name Main
/group Self Disbands your current group and raid, and recalls the group named GroupName
/group GroupName
/listgroups Self Gives you a list of all your saved groups
/dropbuff Self Drops BuffName on all your characters.
/dropbuff BuffName
/blockbuff Self Adds BuffName to the blocked buff list on all your toons - NOT the same as the everquest client spell block list.
/e3varset Sets an in memory variable that you can access via [Ifs] statements in your characters ini file.
/e3varset key value

/e3varset foo bar
Makes a Variable called foo with the value of bar
/e3varclear Clears an in memory variable, use "all" to empty collection

/e3varclear foo
&Would delete the varialbe foo that we made in the above example
/e3varlist List all in memory variables.
/e3cpudelay Process Loop Delay in Milliseconds(MS) this is the delay after a full E3N process loop.
/e3cpudelay #

/e3cpudelay 50
Control it as you wish.

Misc Based Commands

Command Box
/wiki [Laz] - launches this wiki page. launches the Lazarus server wiki if the Laz parameter is used
/baz [Laz] - launches the Lazarus server's bazaar page.
/pizza ??
/e3yes Self Tells all your characters to click yes on any open dialog window
/e3no Self Tells all your characters to click no on any open dialog window
/reportaa Flexes all your characters' aa totals to your guildmates
/e3camp Group desktop "/only|CLR" Camps Group
/e3popturnin [Laz] - Navs to Klorg in PoK and turns in any PoT p4+ items that are marked as Trade (See /config/e3 Macro Inis/Lazarus_SymbolItems.ini) for Planar Symbols
/e3godturnin [Laz] - Navs to Zenma in PoK and turns in any Txevu/Tacvi items that are marked as Trade (See /config/e3 Macro Inis/Lazarus_SymbolItems.ini) for Taelosian Symbols