OpenOCD clone for porting RoaLogic Debuggers
Build instruction:
to build roalogic OpenOCD, use the following sequence of commands:
./bootstrap ./configure [options] make sudo make install
optional to clean the directory: make distclean
The 'configure' step generates the Makefiles required to build OpenOCD, usually with one or more options provided to it. The first 'make' step will build OpenOCD and place the final executable in './src/'. The final (optional) step, ``make install'', places all of the files in the required location.
To see the list of all the supported options, run
./configure --help
This option sets the installation directory
This option enables the vpi client for simulatie debugging
Run roalogic OpenOCD:
To be added (*.cfg to be created)
GDB connection over terminal
Sets the command timeout to 30 seconds (for simulation)
set remotetimeout 30
Select the riscv RV32 architecture
set arch riscv:rv32
Run from GDB terminal to connect:
target extended remote:3333 Command to connect GDB with roalogic OpenOCD
After this all standard GDB commands can be executed use help for all commands
Telnet connection over terminal
telnet localhost 4444
use help for all commands or look at: