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SQL 2016 Express Edition Media Preparation

EdVassie edited this page Sep 14, 2021 · 9 revisions
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Before FineBuild can be used, the install media must be prepared. This section explains what needs to be done.


The install media preparation includes downloading the items below. Ensure you comply with your site standards regarding downloading, virus checking and licensing of this software.

SQL Server 2016 can be installed on Windows 8 or Windows 2012 and above.

Item Description
Mandatory Items SQL Server Install Media
Pre-Requisite media
Optional Items Upgrades to SQL Install Media
SQL Service Packs and Cumulative Updates
Microsoft and Community Components
Site-Specific Routines

The install media for SQL Server 2016 supplied by Microsoft is normally downloaded from the internet or supplied on a single ISO file. When the preparation is complete, the install media will contain SQL Media Folder Names shown below, but you can also use SQL Media Alternative Folder Names:

Folder Description
SQL Install Top-level folder containing all SQL Server install media
Site SQL Files Folder Repository for files needed for a large-scale rollout of SQL FineBuild
Additional Components Additional Microsoft and community components used in this build
SQL2016 Folder to contain all SQL Server 2016 install media
FineBuild Install scripts. These are described in FineBuild Components Inventory
Service Packs Service Pack and Hotfix install media
SQL2016_Eval SQL Server install media from Microsoft

SQL 2016 Media Folders

Install Media Preparation Example

The procedure for preparing the install media for Evaluation Edition is described below. A similar process is used to prepare the install media for all other SQL Server Editions except for Express Edition. Please see SQL Media Folder Names for the folder names to use for other SQL Server editions.

The download locations given below were correct as of 19 December 2020, but they may change if new versions of these components are released or non-English versions are downloaded. The file names given in the SQL2016Config.xml configuration file for these components should be updated if the file name of a component has changed. Products that have national language support for at least one non-English language are shown by a NLS value of Y.

Mandatory Items

The following items must be completed before FineBuild can be used.

SQL Server Install Media

This section prepares the SQL install media for use by FineBuild.

  1. Create a folder on a Network Drive

    This can be called SQL Install or any other name you prefer

  2. Create a sub-folder of SQL Install to hold files needed for a large-scale rollout of SQL Server

    This can have any name you prefer. See Site SQL Files Folder for details

  3. Create a sub-folder of SQL Install called SQL2016

  4. Copy the SQL 2016 FineBuild folder into the SQL2016 folder

  5. Create a sub-folder of SQL2016 called SQL2016_Eval

  6. Copy into SQL2016_Eval the contents of install media DVD for SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Evauation Edition

    If your install media is in an ISO file, this can be browsed using Pismo File Mount

Pre-Requisite media

The following items are required in order to allow the SQL Server install to run

  1. Create a sub-folder of SQL Install called Additional Components

    • This folder is used to hold all additional install media. For some components, you will be told to put the media into a sub-folder of Additional Components
    • The same Additional Components folder can be used for all versions of SQL FineBuild
  2. It is recommended that the version of NTRIGHTS.EXE and REG.EXE supplied with FineBuild are replaced by versions from a trusted source

    See Setup Utilities for details

  3. Download the following mandatory routines into the Additional Components folder

    Component Download Location NLS
    .Net 3.5 See Install .Net 3.5 Y
    .Net 4.x See Install .Net 4.x Y
    R Services See Setup Machine Learning Install Media Y
  4. If you want to use PolyBase then you must also Install JRE.

  5. If you are planning to install SQL 2016 on Windows 2012 R2 or Windows 8.1:

    You must also install the following components:

    Component Download Location NLS
    KB2919442 See Install Windows 2012 R2 KB2919442 N
    KB2919355 See Install Windows 2012 R2 KB2919355 N
    KB3090973 See Install Windows 2012 R2 KB3090973 N
  6. If you are planning to install SQL 2016 on Windows 2012:

    You must install the latest Service Pack for the operating system before you run SQL FineBuild

Optional Items

The following items are optional. If you do not want a given component then do not download it.

Upgrades to SQL Install Media

FineBuild can optionally upgrade various components supplied in the SQL install media to more recent versions. If you want to take advantage of this, then download the components listed below.

  1. There are no optional upgrades to the SQL Install Media for SQL 2016 currently available

SQL Service Packs and Cumulative Updates

FineBuild can optionally include SQL Server Service Packs and Cumulative Updates in the SQL install process.

  1. Create a sub-folder of SQL2016 called Service Packs

  2. Download the required Service Pack for SQL Server 2016

    The Service Pack must be placed in a sub-folder of the \Service Packs folder, as shown in the table below. All Service Packs are cumulative, so if you want to install Service Pack 2 you do not need to also install the previous Service Packs.

    Component Sub Folder Download Location NLS
    SQL 2016 SP2 SP2 KB4052908 Y
    SQL 2016 SP1 SP1 KB3182545 Y

    For more details see Install SQL Service Pack

  3. Download the required Cumulative Update for the Service Pack

    The Cumulative Update must be placed in the same folder as the Service Pack (eg \Service Packs\SP2). All Cumulative Updates for a Service Pack are cumulative, so if you install Cumulative Update 5 you do not need to also install the previous Cumulative Updates.

    SQL FineBuild uses the standard Microsoft CU discovery during an install to find the latest available CU. Even though the SQL2016Config.xml file only holds details of Cumulative Updates up to SP2 CU14, additional CU files do not need to be added unless you also intend to use the FineFix process to apply future CUs, in which case the SQL2016Config.xml file should be updated to hold details of the new CUs.

    KB3177312 provides a list of all Cumulative Updates for SQL Server 2016. For more details see Install SQL Cumulative Update.

    IMPORTANT If you are installing RTM without any CUs,you must include KB3164398 with your SQL 2016 install media as this fixes a critical problem with the original RTM install media. If you install SQL 2016 RTM CU1 or higher you do not need to download KB3164398 as this is part of CU1.

Microsoft and Community Components

FineBuild can optionally include various Microsoft and Community components in the SQL install process.

  1. The following Microsoft and Community components can be downloaded into the Additional Components folder

    If you do not want a given component then do not download it. It is suggested that where any of the Community components are used, a donation is made to the author of the component

    Component Download Location NLS
    BOL Local Install See Install SQL Books Online Update Y
    Java DBC Driver See Install Java DBC Driver Y
    MDX Studio See Install MDX Studio N
    OLE Provider for DB2 See Install OLE Provider for DB2 N
    Plan Explorer See Install Plan Explorer N
    RML Utilities See Install RML Utilities N
    RS Linked Report Generator See Install Linked Report Generator N
    RS Scripter See Install Reporting Services Scripter N
    SQL Nexus See Install SQL Nexus N
    SQL Performance Dashboard See Install SQL Performance Dashboard N
    SSMS See Install SSMS N
    Sumatra PDF viewer See Install PDF Reader Y
    Taskpad View custom report See Install Taskpad View Report N
    Windows Process Explorer See Install Process Explorer N
    Windows Process Monitor See Install Process Monitor N
    XML Notepad 2007 See Install XML Notepad N
    Zoomit See Install Zoomit N

Site-Specific Routines

  1. SQL FineBuild will use AutoConfig Processing to install site-specific components and process site-specific scripts

    The following components are recommended to be included in AutoConfig Processing \SQLTools sub-folder:

    Item Description
    Business Intelligence Tools
    BI Developer Extensions Toolkit for assisting BI Developers
    Download from Visual Studio Marketplace
    PowerBI Desktop Design tool for non-paginated PowerBI reporta
    Download must match version of PowerBI Server
    PowerBI Report Builder Design tool for paginated PowerBI reports
    Tabular Editor The best design tool for SSAS Tabular Models
    Miscellaneous Tools
    Notepad++ Very good plain text editor
  2. The SQL 2016 Evaluation Edition install media is now ready for use

Copyright FineBuild Team © 2015 - 2021. License and Acknowledgements

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Key SQL FineBuild Links:

SQL FineBuild supports:

  • All SQL Server versions from SQL 2019 through to SQL 2005
  • Clustered, Non-Clustered and Core implementations of server operating systems
  • Availability and Distributed Availability Groups
  • 64-bit and (where relevant) 32-bit versions of Windows

The following Windows versions are supported:

  • Windows 2022
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 2019
  • Windows 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 2012 R2
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 2012
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 2008 R2
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 2008
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows XP
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